Document Type

Working Paper

Publication Title

Neutrino’s non-zero electric potential as an origin of gravitation, domain structure and expansion of the Universe.


The axial electric potentials of neutrinos as neutral composite structures, while being very small at large distances, do not vanish, and the same can be said about the neutrino “asymmetric dipoles” (paired neutrinos of not the same kind). Depending on the orientation of the “asymmetric dipole”, its far-field electric potential in some direction can be positive or negative, interacting with other “dipoles” at that large distance attractively or repulsively depending on their mutual orientation. The mutual orientation of the dipoles locally (inside a galaxy) might be such that they are aligned and experience the attractive force toward the local center of the system of “dipoles”, and this can be the source of attractive interaction called gravitation. The dipoles near some other local center (in some other galaxy) will be aligned in such a way that they are attracted to that local center (a galaxy) and repelled from other local centers (other galaxies). That can cause the Universe to expand. The Universe can be considered as having a domain structure where the neutral “asymmetric dipoles” are oriented toward the centers of the local domains (resulting in the attraction) while that “local alignments” in different galaxies causes a repulsion between the domains (galaxies).

We think that such EM mechanism of attraction and repulsion of neutral matter can for the first logically explain the coexistence of the attractive local gravitation inside the galaxies and the repulsive interaction between the remote galaxies leading to the expansion of the Universe.

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