The Boston Chronicle Newspaper
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This edition of the Chronicle includes visual aids and tips for civilians during warfare, detailing various ways to utilize old and new ration books. There is also an infographic describing the new air raid system to readers. The Chronicle draws parallels between the fight for racial equality in the United States-particularly Southern states-and the World War II war effort. This issue's headlines include: Page 1: NYA NEEDS MORE YOUTHS; Atty, Mitchell To Succeed Reed; Two AME Zion Conferences Meet; Head Official Has Hub Interview; Anti-Jim Crow Bills Hearing At Hub State House; NAACP Holds Annual Banquet; McNutt Summons FEPC Conference; TAKE PEOPLE'S SIDE FOR VICTORY AND FREEDOM NOW; CAMBRIDGE RED CROSS; New Columnist On Current Events; Page 2: Morehouse Plans 76th Anniversary Page 3: Use Your OLD Ration Books for SUGAR and COFFEE Page 4: Negro Women Get Skilled Jobs; Shoes-Pro Bono Public; Industry Women Parley Next Week Page 5: SOCIAL PERSONALS CLUBS; SNYC Asks For Action on Lynch's Page 6: NEW AIR RAID WARNING SYSTEM; WE FIGHT TWO ENEMIES THE AXIS AND DIXIE; Page 7: Sports Page 8: Robeson Gets Lincoln Award
Collection Number
Clark Collection of African American Literature
Publication Date
Subject Heading
African Americans -- Massachusetts – Newspapers; Boston (Mass.)—Newspapers; African Americans; United States -- Massachusetts -- Suffolk -- Boston
Square Deal-Boston Chronicle Publishing Co.
African American Studies, Politics and Social Change, Race and Ethnicity, United States History
African American Studies
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.
Recommended Citation
The Boston Chronicle, "Boston Chronicle February 20, 1943" (1943). The Boston Chronicle Newspaper. 33.