The Boston Chronicle Newspaper
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This edition of the Boston Chronicle discusses political updates. It discusses state politics as well as political ideologies such as equality for Black Americans and workers rights. The paper details race relations, Jim Crow and efforts by workers to unionize. The paper also discussion progressions in women participation in the work force and the armed forces. This issue's headlines include: Page 1: COUNCIL YIELDS TO GOVERNOR; Mitchell Finally Gets Confirmation; Race Relations Institute Coming; Mordecai Johnson At Ford Hall; NAACP Regional Parley Thronged; Porters Confer On Wage Increase; Fisk Professor On Raytheon Staff; Bahamans To Be Used On Farms; Harvard College Men Ask President For Mixed Unit; Hastie Named For Spingarn Medal; Johnson Pledges Burrows' Safety; Last Rites Held For Mr. Beaubien; Officer McLean K.O's Himself; Reed Estate Is Valued at 25,100; Three Youths on Trial For Murder; MIAMI JIM CROW IRKS LATINS; MOMW Congress To Be Nationwide Page 2: This page reports on religious news and news with in the Cambridge community. Page 3: New England; HOW TO GET A WAR JOB Page 4: To The Ladies; WHAT ARE WE LIVING FOR; Newton Girl Is Dana Hall Guest; Woman Excels As Ship Welder; Dorms For Women Workers To Open Page 5: Porters Organize Car Cleaners Page 6: I TAKE THE PEOPLE'S SIDE Page 7: Sports Page 8: Race Relations; NAACP Regional Parley Thronged
Collection Number
Clark Collection of African American Literature
Publication Date
Subject Heading
African Americans -- Massachusetts – Newspapers; Boston (Mass.)—Newspapers; African Americans; United States -- Massachusetts -- Suffolk -- Boston
Square Deal-Boston Chronicle Publishing Co.
African American Studies, Politics and Social Change, Race and Ethnicity, United States History
African American Studies
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.
Recommended Citation
The Boston Chronicle, "Boston Chronicle March 20, 1943" (1943). The Boston Chronicle Newspaper. 34.
6 ways to protect your eyesight info graphic 6 PAGE 8: picture of Roxbury unit for Red Cross advertisement Arrangements Committee of Eastern Seaboard Conference on the problems of WWII and black the community Page 5: picture of MME CHIANG KAI SHEK and poem dedicated to her picture of Senator Maurice M. Goldman & musician Roland Hayes