The Boston Chronicle Newspaper
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The January 30th, 1943 issue of the Boston Chronicle showcases attitudes to World War II. The newspaper achieves this through publishing pro war advertisements, political cartoons in support of the war, and highlighting the achievements as well as pastimes of servicemen. There is also discussion regarding Africa's involvement in the war through highlighting F.D.R.'s visit to Liberia and his meeting with Winston Churchill in Casablanca. As the paper concludes it disuses set backs for minorities in attaining rights as the Fair Employment Practices Committee (FEOC) hearing had been canceled. This issue's headlines include: Page 1: F.D.R. VISITS LIBERIA Meets Pres. Barclay; Review Troops; WOBURN FIRE ROUTS FIFTEEN; Coordinating Council Meets; Award Sought For Navy Hero Barbecue King Obtains Divorce; REV. MYRICK LAID TO REST; Negro History Week Broadcast; Award Sought Navy Hero; Shaw House Plans Mass Meeting; Atta. NICHOLS Goes to Virgin Islands; Dean Lanier Heads Hampton Proem; Chaplain Reynolds At 12th Baptist; Page 2: FREE PRICES NOT FOR FREEDOM; Candidate For City Council Page 3: CAMBRIDGE Page 4: To The Ladies; AS WE GO ON; HOUSEHOLD; An Opportunity And A Challenge; Miss Lois Harmon Weds Mr. Reeves Page 5: SOCIAL PERSONAL CLUBS Page 6:New England Events Page 7: SPORTS Page 8: PITHY PERSONALS Advertisements: BUY WAR BONDS AND STAMPS; AMERICAN & NEGRO HISTORY MONTH; What is it wave got that Hitler hasn't?
Collection Number
Clark Collection of African American Literature
Publication Date
Subject Heading
African Americans -- Massachusetts – Newspapers; Boston (Mass.)—Newspapers; African Americans; United States -- Massachusetts -- Suffolk -- Boston
Square Deal-Boston Chronicle Publishing Co.
African American Studies, Politics and Social Change, Race and Ethnicity, United States History
African American Studies
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Recommended Citation
The Boston Chronicle, "Boston Chronicle January 30, 1943" (1943). The Boston Chronicle Newspaper. 50.
WWII political cartoons & comics other cartoons with social commentary page 2 Dr. J Leslie Jones named as black candidate from city council page 7 contains picture of FORT DIX. Basketball teams (Sports section) Page 8 contains picture of Edgewood Arsenal, men of color who graduated with the Fourteenth Class Chemical Warfare Service Officer Candidate page 4 highlights educator Mary McLeod and child prodigy Philippa duke Schuyler Page 6 "What is it we've got that Hitler hasn't" is a pro USA war mobilization ad by Colonial Beacon oil company & Esso petroleum researchers