The Boston Chronicle Newspaper
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The edition of the Boston Chronicle discusses various aspects of the lived experiences of Black Americans. The paper begins with a description of the discrimination Black servicemen faced and the "To The Ladies" portion of the paper depicts discourse between southern and Bostonian Black Americans. The paper informs the public about ongoing WWII war efforts through providing visuals such as a map of the two major war fronts and provides a guide on how to best ration supplies to further support war efforts. This issue's headlines include: Page 1: DORCH MAY BE NAMED; Hastie Explains His Resignation; NAACP Annual Banquet Thursday; Governor Considers Him For Judgeship; Mitchell Accepts New Stamp Issue; Senator Goldman Keeps Promises; Hampton Prey Here Tomorrow; Gray SEEKS NEW TRIAL; Boys Town Honor Major Chase; New FEPC Reported Chosen; Oliver Instructs At Harvard U.; Rev. R.M Owens Converts Scores; N.Y. Council Raps Sirs Jim Crow; DR. W.A COX MAKES STRONG PLEA FOR RED CROSS Page 2: Carry Draft And Classification Card Page 3: New England Events; Haiti Exchange Students Leaves; HASTIE OBJECTING TO ARMY; BLUE CROSS HAS GOOD YEAR Page 4: To The Ladies; AKA OBSERVES FOUNDERS' DAY; HIGHLIGHTS OF THE USO; We All Come Up From Slavery; MWDC COMPANY HOLD DINNER; Ipswich WAACA Fort Sheridan; A LADY COMMENTS; PULL UP A CHAIR AND LISTEN; Mo0ther's Got A War Job Page 5:SOCIAL PERWSONAL CLUBS; SHAW HOUSE HOLDS NEGRO HISTORY WEEK CELEBRAATION Page 6: The President's Visit To Our Soldiers Page 7: COLORED BOYS STAR AT TRACK MEET; Page 8: A REPORT TO THE PUBLIC; PITHY PERSONALS
Collection Number
Clark Collection of African American Literature
Publication Date
Subject Heading
African Americans -- Massachusetts – Newspapers; Boston (Mass.)—Newspapers; African Americans; United States -- Massachusetts -- Suffolk -- Boston
Square Deal-Boston Chronicle Publishing Co.
African American Studies, Politics and Social Change, Race and Ethnicity, United States History
African American Studies
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.
Recommended Citation
The Boston Chronicle, "Boston Chronicle February 6, 1943" (1943). The Boston Chronicle Newspaper. 9.
PICTURE OF Tuskegee Alabama airmen on page 7 war and political carton through out \map of major fronts of the war on 2nd page