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Practical Insight Series (The Center for Innovation and Change Leadership)
Suffolkate (Suffolk University Student Newspapers)
Suffolkate was a limited-run alternative student newspaper funded by the Student Bar Association and created by Suffolk University Law School students from 1970-1972, with the goal of highlighting issues important to the legal educational community and advocating for broader legal, social, and curricular changes. The Suffolkate evolved ostensibly to fill a communications gap existing within the Law School. From their editorial statement: "The students involved wanted the paper to be more than a source of school information, more than a school newspaper. Just exactly what the Suffolkate was to be, in precise terms, was not clear; yet all the people working for the newspaper agreed on an overall goal. Everyone involved felt strongly that the Suffolkate was to be a medium for political change. Implied in this was the further idea that the paper would serve as a medium to encourage political change on a much higher level than simply in our law school environment." -Suffolkate Editorial Staff, Volume 2, Issue 1, November 1970Suffolk Journal of Trial and Appellate Advocacy
ISSN 1535-3419
The Suffolk Journal of Trial and Appellate Advocacy is published twice a year by the Moot Court Honor Board. It provides practical and in-depth analyses of current legal issues relating to trial and appellate practice. It is comprised of lead articles submitted by outside authors with expertise in their respective fields, and student-written Notes and Case Comments submitted by MCHB staff members. Journal members select a unique topic, research primary and secondary legal sources, analyze the legal issues facing the trial and appellate advocacy community, and write an original piece for publication.
For more information please visit the Journal of Trial and Appellate Advocacy's main page.