Ford Hall Forum Recordings

"Cutting-Edge Corporate Giving" discussion at Ford Hall Forum, audio recording, 9/22/2011
Collection Number
Ford Hall Forum Collection, 1908-2013 (MS113)
In a lagging economy, corporations get creative to achieve the most bang for their charitable buck, and the result is a variety of unique methods to lend a helping hand. Stacy Palmer, Editor of the Chronicle of Philanthropy, reveals which giving is most helpful to grantees and which is obsolete. Dr. Len Schlesinger, President of Babson University, tells us how businesses find causes that resonate with stakeholders, while Jim Koch, Founder of The Boston Beer Company, provides a prime example of innovative corporate philanthropy through his Samuel Adams Brewing the American Dream program. With moderator George Donnelly, Editor of the Boston Business Journal, they discuss fascinating new corporate giving trends.
Subject Heading
Forums (Discussion and debate); Ford Hall Forum; Corporations--Charitable contributions--United States
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.
Recommended Citation
Koch, Jim; Palmer, Stacy; Schlesinger, Leonard; and Donnelly, George, ""Cutting-Edge Corporate Giving" discussion at Ford Hall Forum, audio recording, 9/22/2011" (2011). Ford Hall Forum Recordings. 114.

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