Ford Hall Forum Recordings

Lee Carl Bromberg, Dr. Robert Klitzman, and Dominic Ianno discuss, "Brand-Name Genes" at Ford Hall Forum, video recording, 4/19/2012
Collection Number
Ford Hall Forum Collection, 1908-2013 (MS113)
Biotechnology in genetics is reaching heights that the average person can barely imagine. But what are the effects of this unstoppable science on individuals, the economy, and our society as a whole? If we cannot abate the speed of innovation, how can we better control it or at least mitigate the negative consequences? Attorney Lee Carl Bromberg reveals the tactic of companies patenting genetic code, while Dr. Robert Klitzman, author of "Am I My Genes?" shares the stories of real people whose lives were forever changed by genetic testing. Dominick Ianno, Ford Hall Forum President and Pfizer's Director of Public Affairs, US Northeast, leads us through a discussion of the revolutionary and sometimes frightening future of genetics.
Subject Heading
Forums (Discussion and debate); Ford Hall Forum; Genetics
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.
Recommended Citation
Bromberg, Lee Carl; Klitzman, Robert; and Ianno, Dominic, "Lee Carl Bromberg, Dr. Robert Klitzman, and Dominic Ianno discuss, "Brand-Name Genes" at Ford Hall Forum, video recording, 4/19/2012" (2012). Ford Hall Forum Recordings. 120.

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