Ford Hall Forum Recordings

"The Politics of Handsome" discussion at Ford Hall Forum, video recording, 10/25/2012
Collection Number
Ford Hall Forum Collection, 1908-2013 (MS113)
Mitt Romney, Scott Brown, Senator Rob Portman, and many other self-described conservatives are the Mad Men of politics, evoking the age of Don Draper with retro style. In the shadow of our first African-American president, is this trend a return to a simpler age of the Cold War and domestic abundance? What sparked the trend to run these slicked-back, chiseled-jawed politicians? Two wars, the horrible economy, the need for a Dad in the driver's seat to see the USA in a Chevrolet? This all-female panel of Boston personalities, Paula Lyons, Joyce Kulhawik, Lauren Beckham Falcone, Jan Saragoni, and moderator Margery Eagan will explore some voters' need to hearken back to when kids respected adults and neighbors knew each other. These days, when our government seem to be turning back the clock on women's issues, can style rescue us from weighty substance? This forum is held memory of Nora Ephron, a writer of remarkable style and substance
Subject Heading
Forums (Discussion and debate); Ford Hall Forum
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.
Recommended Citation
Lyons, Paul; Kulhawik, Joyce; Falcone, Lauren Beckham; and Saragoni, Jan, ""The Politics of Handsome" discussion at Ford Hall Forum, video recording, 10/25/2012" (2012). Ford Hall Forum Recordings. 125.

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