Ford Hall Forum Recordings

Nicco Mele, Kevin Banksto, and Dharmishta Rood discuss, "Rise of the Individual" at Ford Hall Forum, audio recording, 5/30/2013
Collection Number
Ford Hall Forum Collection, 1908-2013 (MS113)
The invention of the internet has opened an entirely new world of communication and, therefore, organization. With so much power now in the hands of the individual, one questions whether we need institutions anymore. As this technology progresses, we face an inevitable need to restructure our government systems, safety measures, and concept of ownership, as well as their attached legal implications. But while the world touts the internet as the prime conveyor of a bold, new democracy, we consider how it also ushers in sharper methods of surveillance and control. Moderator Dharmishta Rood (Fellow, Harvard University Psychology Department) leads Nicco Mele (Founder, EchoDitto and author, The End of Big) and Kevin Bankston (Director, Free Expression Project, Center for Democracy & Technology) in a bold discussion on how the internet is giving rise to the individual.
Subject Heading
Forums (Discussion and debate); Ford Hall Forum
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.
Recommended Citation
Mele, Nicco; Rood, Dharmishta; and Bankston, Kevin, "Nicco Mele, Kevin Banksto, and Dharmishta Rood discuss, "Rise of the Individual" at Ford Hall Forum, audio recording, 5/30/2013" (2013). Ford Hall Forum Recordings. 133.

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