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Flyer for Ford Hall Youth Forum lecture with Montana Congressman Jerry J. O'Connell, held at Ashburton Place at Bowdoin Street, on Sunday, April 24th, likely in 1938. Noted that it is the annual senior-junior night, and all Ford Hall members are invited. Transcription: "If war breaks out, can the United States stay out of it? If the United States goes to war what will I do? These questions are uppermost in the minds of the youth of the country today. Rearmament, collective action or isolation, battle ships or coastal fortifications, are topics to be heard every day. The Youth Forum is proud to present Congressman Jerry O'Connell speaking on this vital topic. Elected to the Montana Legislature when only 21, he is today, at the age of 29, a national figure. His resolute progressive views, and the capacity to fight for these views, places him in the forefront as a leader of the progressive youth of the country. The timeliness and importance of the topic, the appropriateness of the speaker, and the interest of the audience, marks this meeting as an outstanding event of the Youth Forum season."
Collection Number
Ford Hall Forum Collection,1908-2013 (MS113)
Document Type
Subject Heading
Ford Hall Forum; Forums (Discussion and debate); World War, 1939-1945; O'Connell, Jerry Joseph, 1909-1956; Political participation--United States--History
Recommended Citation
Ford Hall Forum, "Ford Hall Youth Forum program advertising "I Hate War!"" (2023). Ford Hall Forum Documents and Photographs. 1.