Collection Number
Moakley Oral History Project OH-043
Running Time
Brian P. Wallace, a Massachusetts state representative and resident of South Boston, discusses the impact of the 1974 Garrity decision, which required students to be bused between Boston neighborhoods with the intention of creating racial balance in the public schools. As an aide to then-state representative Ray Flynn, Representative Wallace witnessed firsthand the feelings of local politicians in the aftermath of the decision. In this interview he reflects on the reactions of the city’s residents to the decision; the impact of media reports; Congressman John Joseph Moakley’s position on the issue; and the negative effects of the decision on the city of Boston and its schools.
Subject Heading
Busing for school integration; South Boston (Mass.); Moakley, John Joseph, 1927-2001; Flynn, Raymond L., 1939-
Interview Date
Suffolk University
Busing for school integration, South Boston (Mass.), Congressman Joe Moakley, Raymond L. Flynn
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.
Recommended Citation
Wallace, Brian P. and Wilding, Matthew, "Oral history interview with Brian Wallace (OH-043), audio recording and transcript, 2005" (2005). Moakley Archive Oral History Project. 41.