Collection Number
Suffolk University Oral History Project (SOH-045)
Running TIme
Margaret Collins Weitz, professor emerita and former chair of Suffolk University’s Humanities and Modern Languages Department, discusses her non-traditional path into academia, her research, and her career at Suffolk. She begins with a description of her experiences growing up as child during the Great Depression and her Fulbright experiences in France which inspired her seminal research into women in the French Resistance. Dr. Weitz describes her campus involvement which ranged from reshaping her department and its educational offerings, supporting students from all backgrounds, to convening international conferences at Suffolk. She discusses the university’s dramatic growth, demographic changes, and the creation of international campuses in Madrid, Spain and Dakar, Senegal. The interview concludes with a discussion of Weitz’s post-retirement career, including several notable recognitions she received from the French government for her scholarship related to France and French women.
Subject Heading
Suffolk University—History; World War, 1939-1945--Women
Interview Date
Suffolk University
Suffolk History
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.
Recommended Citation
Weitz, Margaret Collins; White, Tessa; and Riordan, Patrick, "Oral History Interview with Margaret Collins Weitz (SOH-045)" (2018). Suffolk University Oral History Project. 34.