Content Posted in 2025
1914 Charter establishing Suffolk University Law School, photograph, 1914, Unknown
1920 Suffolk University Law School class on the steps of a building, photograph, 1920, J.E. Purdy & Co. (Boston, Mass.)
1921 Suffolk University Law School class, photograph, 1921, J.E. Purdy & Co. (Boston, Mass.)
1922 Suffolk University Law School class, photograph, 1922, J.E. Purdy & Co. (Boston, Mass.)
1925 Suffolk University Law School class photograph, 1925, Vantine and Vantine
1925 Suffolk University Law School Class, photograph, 1925, Vantine and Vantine
1926 Suffolk University Law School class photograph, 1926, Fairfield (Boston, Mass.)
1928 Suffolk University Law School class photograph, 1928, J.E. Purdy & Co. (Boston, Mass.)
1930 Suffolk University Law School class, photograph, June 1930, Unknown
1931 Suffolk University Law School class, photograph, 6/16/1931, Unknown
1931 Suffolk University Law School class, photograph, June 1931, J.E. Purdy & Co. (Boston, Mass.)
1938 Suffolk University Law School class, photograph, 1938, J.E. Purdy & Co. (Boston, Mass.)
1950-1970 Non-White Population by Planning District in the City of Boston, Mary Tompkins
1954 Suffolk University Law School class, photograph, 1954, Unknown
1958 Suffolk University cheerleading team, Suffolk University
1961 Suffolk University cheerleading team, photograph, 1961, Suffolk University
1962 Suffolk University commencement ceremony at the Boston Hatch Shell, photographs, 6/17/1962, Duette Photographers
1966-1967 Suffolk University Men's basketball team, photograph, 1967, Unknown
1970 Negro Population by Household Relationship from 1970 Census of Population and Housing, First Count Summary Tape, 1970s, Mary Tompkins
1970 Number of Persons of Spanish Descent, Persons of Puerto Rican Birth or Parentage and Number of Persons of Spanish Language, 1970s, Mary Tompkins
1989-1990 Suffolk University Men's Hockey team, photograph, John Gillooly
1996 Moakley campaign financial documents, 19 January 1996, Moakley Campaign Committee
Abdulas Barrie of Suffolk University's International Studies Association, photograph, 1978, National Photograph Studio
ACCESS Central Artery/Third Harbor Tunnel newsletter, volume 1, number 3, summer 1987, Central Artery/Third Harbor Tunnel Project
A child plays in a rural village in El Salvador, unknown
Actor and alumnus Paul Benedict (AB 1960) in the C. Walsh Theatre during a visit to Suffolk University, photograph, 1980, John Gillooly
Actors onstage for a Suffolk University Drama Club production, photograph, 1953, Herbert Goodman
Actors onstage for a Suffolk University Drama Club production, photograph, circa 1950s, Herbert Goodman
Actors on the stage during a production of a play at Suffolk University's C. Walsh Theatre (55 Temple Street), photograph, 1953, Herbert Goodman
Address of C.O. Ruggles, "The Social Sciences in American Education," delivered at the 1938 Suffolk University commencement, C. O. Ruggles
Address of US Representative Joseph P. Kennedy III delivered at the 2019 Suffolk University Law School commencement, Joseph P. Kennedy
Address of US Senator Edward W. Brooke, "A Context for Change," delivered at the 1969 Suffolk University commencement, Edward W. Brooke
Address of Winfield Scott Downs, "Some Historical Aspects of the Constitution," delivered at the 1936 Suffolk University Law School commencement, Winfield Scott Downs
A deejay for Suffolk University's radio station (WFSR) in the studio, photograph, 1980, Frank Siteman
Advance copy of the Lawyer Committee for Human Rights and The Americas report entitled "The Jesuit Case: The Jury Trial (La Vista Publica)," September 1991, Lawyers Committee for Human Rights (U.S.)
African Extravaganza fashion show at Suffolk University, photograph, February 19, 1983, Unknown
A graduate poses with his family at the 1962 Suffolk University commencement, photographs, 6/17/1962, Duette Photographers
A graduate poses with President Dennis C. Haley, photograph, his family and faculty at the 1961 Suffolk University commencement, photographs, 6/18/1961, Duette Photographers
A group from Suffolk University Law School visits the United States Supreme Court (Washington D.C), photograph, May 1980, Central Photograph Company.
A group of evening school freshmen from Suffolk University Law School, Unknown
A group of Suffolk University students celebrate at a holiday party, photograph, 1990, Unknown
A group of Suffolk University students hang out on campus, photograph, circa 1960s, Unknown
A group of women stand outside a house in a village in El Salvador, unknown
Alice Gresham Bullock and event organizers at the Donahue Lecture, photograph, 1999, John Gillooly
Allan Rohan Crite donating a print of his work, "Summer Madonna", to the Sawyer Library, photograph, 1979, Suffolk University
Alumni and administrators at the Suffolk University Alumni Luncheon, photographs, 4/20/1971, Unknown
Alumni award ceremony at Suffolk University, photograph, July 21, 1983, Unknown
Alumnus Charles Niles, Margaret Niles and Jim Peterson at Suffolk University event, photograph, 1974, Duette Photographers
Alumnus Charles Niles, US Senator Edward M. Kennedy and students at a Suffolk University event, photograph, 1975, John Gillooly
A man and a woman visit a rural village in El Salvador, unknown
Amendment proposal, section 1, by John Joseph Moakley regarding the suspension of deportation of most illegal immigrants from El Salvador, Lebanon, Liberia, and Kuwait for three years, 1990, John Joseph Moakley
Amendment to H.R. 4300, Section 324: Temporary protected status for national of El Salvador, Lebanon, Liberia, and Kuwait, and Remarks by Congressman John Joseph Moakley, 26 September 1990, John Joseph Moakley
An admission ticket for law classes used by Suffolk University Law School, photograph, 1928, Suffolk University
An analysis of the 9th congressional district minority representation, 1990, unknown
A NESAD student works at a computer at Suffolk University, photograph, circa 2003, Kindra Clineff
Ann Coyne onstage at Suffolk University's Recognition Day, photograph, 1980, Duette Photographers
Ann Coyne receives an award at Suffolk University's Recognition Day, photograph, 1980, Duette Photographers
Ann Coyne's Suffolk University Student Government Association (SGA) headshot, photograph, 1980, Duette Photographers
Announcement of hearing on U.S. Economic and Trade Policy Toward Cuba, 21 April 1998, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Ways and Means.
Anthropocenic Disruption in World Energy: Response of International Law, Steven Ferrey
Anti-hate crime student march at Suffolk University, photograph, circa 2000s, Unknown
"An Update of the Investigation into the Jesuit Murders" by Charles L. Currie, S.J., 10 January 1991, Charles L. Currie
A panel discussion at Suffolk University's Business School (SBS), photograph, circa 1980s, John Gillooly
A performance of Energy in Action at the C.Walsh Theatre, photograph, circa 1950s, Fay Foto Service Inc.
Archer family portrait, photographs, undated, Unknown
Article about Suffolk University Law School's first Native American graduate, Nelson D. Simons (JD 1925) in the Suffolk Law Register, Vol. 4, no. 3, Suffolk University
Article by John Joseph Moakley regarding the Special Task Force on El Salvador and calling for more U.S. support in mediating the end to the conflict in El Salvador, undated, John Joseph Moakley
Article from Suffolk University Law School's student newspaper, Dicta, announcing the appointment of David J. Sargent as law school dean, photograph, 10/05/1973, Suffolk University
A script for a Congressional appeal by John Joseph Moakley regarding temporary protection status for Salvadoran refugees or H.R. 2332, 1991, John Joseph Moakley and Charlotte Jones Frass
Assessment of the peace process in El Salvador: Report of the Secretary-General, United Nations. Secretary-General
Assistant Basketball Coach James E. Nelson with basketball and whistle, photograph, 1970, Duette Photographers
Associated Press news report, "Church Dissatisfied with Two Convictions in Jesuits' Massacre" 9/21/1991, Associated Press
A student from Suffolk University International Studies Association, photograph, 1978, Unknown
A student receiving her degree at the 1969 Suffolk University commencement, photographs, 6/15/1969, Duette Photographers
A Suffolk Journal staffer sitting at a typewriter, photograph, circa 1950s, Herbert Goodman
A Suffolk University Alma Mater, 2006, Emilio Aragon and Fred Marchant
A Suffolk University employee talking to customer in the university cafeteria, photograph, 1960, Unknown
A Suffolk University Law School student receives a Navy Award, photograph, 1994, Unknown
A Suffolk University Law School student studies in Pallot Law Library, photograph, 1981, Frank Siteman
A Suffolk University Law School student studies in Pallot Law Library, photograph, 1995, Unknown
A Suffolk University men's hockey player during a game, photograph, February 1977, Unknown
A Suffolk University men's soccer player prepares to kick the ball, photograph, undated, Unknown
A Suffolk University student paints at an easel during a NESAD painting class, photograph, Spring 2003, Kindra Clineff
A Suffolk University student reading in a classroom, photograph, circa 1990s, Unknown
A Suffolk University student reads flyers in the Fenton Building (28 Derne Street), photograph, 1978, Ellis Herwig
A Suffolk University student reads "Time Out" in the recreation hall, photograph, circa 1970s, Unknown
A Suffolk University student visits the registrar's office, Ellis Herwig
A Suffolk University women's softball player at bat, photograph, 1992, Unknown
A Suffolk University women's volleyball player spikes the ball, photograph, circa 2000, Unknown
Athletics Director James E. Nelson and child meet Santa Claus at a Suffolk University holiday party, photograph, December 1971, Duette Photographers
Athletics Director James E. Nelson presents award to student Jon Caron at Suffolk University's Recognition Day ceremony, photograph, May 1978, Duette Photographers
A trustee and Cardinal Medeiros at the 1974 Suffolk University commencement, photograph, 6/09/1974, Unknown
Attendees a Suffolk University Law School alumni reception in Miami, Florida, photograph, 2002, Unknown
Attendees a Suffolk University Law School reception, photograph, circa 2000, Unknown
Attendees a Suffolk University Law School reception, photograph, circa 2000, Unknown
Attendees at a 1980 Suffolk University Capital Campaign Dinner, photograph, 1980, Unknown
Attendees at an American Bar Association Lunch, photographs, 8/1/1960, Unknown
Attendees at an outdoor celebration for Suffolk University's 90th Anniversary, photograph, 1996, Unknown
Attendees at a party for Suffolk University Professor Dion Archon, stepping down as department chair, photograph, May 1977, John Gillooly
Attendees at a Suffolk University Delta Sigma Pi induction ceremony, photograph, 1960, Duette Photographers
Attendees at a Suffolk University Delta Sigma Pi induction ceremony, photograph, 1962, Duette Photographers
Attendees at a Suffolk University event, photograph, circa 1970s, Unknown
Attendees at a Suffolk University Law School Alumni Dinner, photograph, December 8, 1983, Unknown
Attendees at a Suffolk University Law School Career Panel, photograph, 1999, John Gillooly
Attendees at a Suffolk University Law School Career Panel, photograph, 1999, John Gillooly
Attendees at a Suffolk University Law School Career Panel, photograph, 1999, John Gillooly
Attendees at a Suffolk University Law School Deans' reception, photograph, 1995, Unknown
Attendees at a Suffolk University Law School event, photograph, undated, Unknown
Attendees at a Suffolk University Law School outing at Jake Ivories, photograph, 1995, Unknown
Attendees at a Suffolk University Law School outing at Jillian's, photograph, 1995, Unknown
Attendees at a Suffolk University Law School outing at Jillian's, photograph, 1995, Unknown
Attendees at a Suffolk University Master of Science in Finance Event, photograph, 1999, Unknown
Attendees at a Suffolk University Master of Science in Finance Event, photograph, 2000, Unknown
Attendees at a Suffolk University Master of Science in Finance Events, photograph, undated, Unknown
Attendees at a Suffolk University Master of Science in Finance Reception, photograph, 1997, Unknown
Attendees at a Suffolk University Master of Science in Finance Reception, photograph, 1997, Unknown
Attendees at a Suffolk University reception, photograph, circa 1950s, Unknown
Attendees at Suffolk University Business school (SBS) event, photograph, circa 1980s, John Gillooly
Attendees at Suffolk University Law School's Black American Law Students Association (BALSA) dinner, photograph, 1985, John Gillooly
Attendees at Suffolk University Law School's Commencement Ball at Rowes Wharf, photograph, 1995, Unknown
Attendees at Suffolk University Law School's Commencement Ball at Rowes Wharf, photograph, 1995, Unknown
Attendees at Suffolk University Law School's Commencement Ball at Rowes Wharf, photograph, 1995, Unknown
Attendees at Suffolk University Law School's Fenton Award presentation, photograph, April 1999, John Gillooly
Attendees at Suffolk University Law School's High Tech Demo and Lecture, photograph, September 8, 1999, John Gillooly
Attendees at Suffolk University Law School's Section 1B Fall Ball, photograph, 1995, Unknown
Attendees at Suffolk University Law School's Section 1B Fall Ball, photograph, 1995, Unknown
Attendees at Suffolk University Law School's Section 1B Fall Ball, photograph, 1995, Unknown
Attendees at Suffolk University Law School's Section 1B Fall Ball, photograph, 1995, Unknown
Attendees at Suffolk University Law School Student Bar Association Award event, photograph, 1970, Duette Photographers
Attendees at Suffolk University Law School's Unite reception, photograph, 1995, Unknown
Attendees at Suffolk University's 90th Anniversary event, photograph, 1996, Unknown
Attendees at Suffolk University's 90th Anniversary event, photograph, 1996, Unknown
Attendees at Suffolk University's athletics banquet, photograph, 1994, Unknown
Attendees at Suffolk University's Phi Alpha Theta chapter event, photograph, 4/19/1996, Unknown
Attendees at Suffolk University's Phi Alpha Theta chapter event, photograph, 4/19/1996, Unknown
Attendees at Suffolk University's Recognition Day, photograph, 1962, Duette Photographers
Attendees at Suffolk University's Recognition Day, photograph, circa 1990s, John Gillooly
Attendees at Suffolk University's Rosalie Warren Prize ceremony, photograph, April 1983, Unknown
Attendees at Suffolk University's School of Management 1975 Right of Way Institute event, photograph, 1975, Massachusetts Department of Public Works
Attendees at Suffolk University's School of Management 1975 Right of Way Institute, photograph, 1975, Massachusetts Department of Public Works
Attendees at Suffolk University's School of Management Minority Awards Dinner, photograph, 1990, Unknown
Attendees at Suffolk University's Senior Prom, photograph, 1961, Unknown
Attendees at the 1979 Suffolk University Law Day Dinner Event, photograph, 4/21/1979, Duette Photographers
Attendees at the induction ceremony Suffolk University's Phi Gamma Mu chapter, photograph, 1983, Unknown
Attendees at the Suffolk University Law Review Dinner, photograph, 11/02/1980, John Gillooly
Attendees at the Suffolk University Master of Science in Finance Fall Reception, photograph, 2002, Unknown
Attendees at the Suffolk University Master of Science in Finance Golf Tournament, photograph, 2001, Unknown
Attendees at the Suffolk University Master of Science in Finance Summer Cruise, photograph, 2001, Unknown
Attendees of the 1975 Suffolk University Law Review Dinner, photograph, 1975, Unknown
Attendees of the 1976 Suffolk University Law Review Dinner, photograph, 1976, Duette Photographers
Attendees of the Frederick A. McDermott Memorial Award ceremony at Suffolk University Law School, Unknown
Attendees on a Suffolk University Law School trip to Cuba, photograph, 2004, Unknown
Autopsy report on the Jesuit murder victims, undated, unknown
Ave, Suffolk!, alma mater sheet music, Suffolk University
A woman stands in a doorway in a rural village in El Salvador, unknown
Background notes for John Joseph Moakley's meeting with representatives from the Jamaica Plain Committee on Central America, February 1983, James P. McGovern
"Background on Buckland meeting," 9 February 1990, United States. Congress. House. Speaker's Task Force on El Salvador.
Background on the judicial system of El Salvador, circa 1990, United States. Congress. House. Speaker's Task Force on El Salvador.
"Background on the Salvadoran Judicial System" report, undated, James Baker
"Background on the Salvadoran Judicial System" report, undated, John Joseph Moakley
Barbara Beccles and family at the 1976 Suffolk University commencement, photograph, 6/13/1976, Unknown
Beatrice L. Snow (AB 1962, Biology) is congratulated by Professor Edward G. Hartmann on receiving an award from the Suffolk University General Alumni Association, photograph, 1971, Duette Photographers
Benjamin Li presenting at a Suffolk University Master of Science in Finance Event, photograph, 2000, Unknown
B.F. Skinner speaks at a Suffolk University event, photograph, 4/07/1977, Unknown
Bill signing with Boston firemen and Governor Foster Furcolo, 11 April 1960, unknown
Biographical sketch of Senator John Joseph Moakley, undated, unknown
Black Falcon Terminal, Boston, Mass., 1998, unknown
Blank copy of Petition to Members of Congress calling for justice in the Jesuit murder case, unknown, unknown
Blood Drive at Suffolk University, photograph, circa 1970s, Unknown
Boston Chronicle April 12, 1947, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle April 13, 1946, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle April 19, 1947, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle April 20, 1946, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle April 26, 1947, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle April 27, 1946, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle April 5, 1947, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle April 6, 1946, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle August 10, 1946, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle August 16, 1947, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle August 17, 1946, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle August 2, 1947, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle August 23, 1947, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle August 24, 1946, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle August 30, 1947, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle August 31, 1946, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle August 3, 1946, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle August 9, 1947, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle December 1, 1945, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle December 13, 1947, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle December 14, 1946, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle December 15, 1945, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle December 20, 1947, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle December 21, 1946, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle December 22, 1945, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle December 27, 1947, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle December 28, 1946, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle December 29, 1945, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle December 6, 1947, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle February 1, 1947, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle February 15, 1947, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle February 16, 1946, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle February 2, 1946, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle February 22, 1947, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle February 23, 1946, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle February 8, 1947, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle February 9, 1946, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle January 11, 1947, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle January 12, 1946, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle January 18, 1947, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle January 19, 1946, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle January 25, 1947, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle January 26, 1946, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle January 4, 1947, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle January 5, 1946, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle July 12, 1947, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle July 13, 1946, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle July 19, 1947, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle July 20, 1946, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle July 26, 1947, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle July 27, 1946, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle July 5, 1947, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle July 6, 1946, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle June 1, 1946, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle June 14, 1947, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle June 15, 1946, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle June 21, 1947, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle June 22, 1946, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle June 28, 1947, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle June 29, 1946, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle June 7, 1947, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle June 8, 1946, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle March 1, 1947, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle March 15, 1947, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle March 16, 1946, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle March 2, 1946, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle March 22, 1947, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle March 23, 1946, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle March 29, 1947, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle March 30, 1946, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle March 8, 1947, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle March 9, 1946, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle May 10, 1947, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle May 11, 1946, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle May 17, 1947, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle May 18, 1946, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle May 24, 1947, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle May 25, 1946, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle May 31, 1947, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle May 3, 1947, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle May 4, 1946, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle November 10, 1945, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle November 1, 1947, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle November 15, 1947, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle November 16, 1946, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle November 17, 1945, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle November 2, 1946, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle November 22, 1947, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle November 23, 1946, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle November 24, 1945, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle November 29, 1947, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle November 30, 1946, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle November 3, 1945, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle November 8, 1947, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle November 9, 1946, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle October 11, 1947, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle October 12, 1946, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle October 13, 1945, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle October 19, 1946, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle October 20, 1945, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle October 25, 1947, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle October 26, 1946, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle October 27, 1945, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle October 4, 1947, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle October 5, 1946, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle October 6, 1945, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle September 13, 1947, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle September 14, 1946, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle September 20, 1947, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle September 21, 1946, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle September 22, 1945, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle September 27, 1947, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle September 28, 1946, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle September 6, 1947, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Chronicle September 7, 1946, The Boston Chronicle
Boston Harbor factsheet, from the Sierra Club, December 1969, Sierra Club
Boston Massacre Trial re-enactment at Suffolk University Law School, photograph, 5/11/1999, Unknown
Boston Massacre Trial re-enactment at Suffolk University Law School, photograph, 5/11/1999, Unknown
Boston Mayor John B. Hynes receives award at Suffolk University event, photographs, 3/19/1950, Fay Foto Service Inc.
Boston Mayor John F. Collins (JD 1941), photograph, circa 1960, Unknown
Boston Mayor Kevin H. White speaking at the Temple Street Dedication ceremony at Suffolk University, photograph, 12/16/1977, Duette Photographers
Brief biography of Edward L. Bernays, circa 1962, Unknown
"Buckland Statement," regarding U.S. Major Eric Buckland's "prior knowledge" statement about the Jesuit murders, undated, John Joseph Moakley
Building at Suffolk University's R.S. Friedman Field Station (Cobscook Bay, ME), photograph, 1976, Unknown
Cake for Suffolk University's athletics banquet, photograph, 1993, Unknown
Campaign button from one of John Joseph Moakley's congressional campaigns with a slogan in Spanish "Para Progreso, Joe Moakley, Para Congreso", John Joseph Moakley
Campaign event for John Joseph Moakley's Boston City Council race, 1971, unknown
Campaign mailing: "Congress to take up clean air legislation," undated, David Holiday
Campaign mailing: "Dammit, people in the North End know what their problems are…", 1970, John Joseph Moakley
Campaign mailing: "So, what's Congressman Joe Moakley done for you lately?", 1990s, John Joseph Moakley
Campaign ribbon for a Massachusetts election with the slogan "Vote Democratic" that lists candidates "Stevenson, Dever, Kennedy, McCormack, Powers, Condon, Moakley, McDonough," circa 1950, John Joseph Moakley
Candid of a Suffolk University student studying on campus, photograph, 1961, Unknown
Candid photograph of Suffolk University student in a classroom, photograph, 1972, Unknown
Candid photograph of Suffolk University students studying, Unknown
Candid shot of Suffolk University students on campus, photograph, 1981, Frank Siteman
Carol Sawyer Parks and Dean John Brennan at the dedication ceremony for the Sawyer School of Management, photograph, September 21, 1995, Suffolk University
Catherine F. Clark Apartments, Boston, Mass. 1998, unknown
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities report "Correction of flaw in taxpayer group vote tally shows all members of congress voted to cut spending",6 September 1996, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Central American Resource Center award, given to John Joseph Moakley, for his pivotal contributions to Peace with Justice, 5/10/2001, Central American Resource Center
Central Artery Corridor: Central Area Planning Study. Chapter 1, unknown
Central Artery Corridor: South Area Planning Study [partial scan], unknown
Central Artery/Third Harbor Tunnel groundbreaking ceremony, group with shovels, Leslie N. Hilton
Central Artery/Third Harbor Tunnel groundbreaking ceremony, John Joseph Moakley speaking at podium, Leslie N. Hilton
Central Artery/Third Harbor Tunnel groundbreaking ceremony, John Joseph Moakley speaking behind podium and Massachusetts Department of Public Works sign, Leslie N. Hilton
Central Artery/Third Harbor Tunnel Project construction, 1998, unknown
Central Artery/Third Harbor Tunnel Project construction photograph, 1998, unknown
Central Artery/Third Harbor Tunnel Project info sheets, Central Artery/Third Harbor Tunnel Project
Chap. 742 of the Acts of the Massachusetts Legislature, providing for the acquisition of the Boston Harbor Islands by the Department of Natural Resources, from National Park Service Report on Boston Harbor Islands, 1994, United States. National Parks Service
Charles Niles receiving his degree from Suffolk University President Thomas A. Fulham (1970-1980) a the 1977 university commencement, photograph, 6/12/1977, Duette Photographers
Charter establishing Suffolk University in 1937, Unknown
Charter for Suffolk University's Beta Beta Beta (Biological Honor Society) chapter, photograph, 10/10/1978, Suffolk University
Charter for Suffolk University's Phi Sigma Tau (National Honor Society for Philosophy) chapter, photographs, 4/26/1965, Suffolk University
Charter for Suffolk University's Sigma Xi chapter, photographs, 4/23/1971, Suffolk University
Cheryl Donnelly and Anne Marie Fitzpatrick at Suffolk University's Miss Suffolk Contest competition, photograph, 1962, Duette Photographers
Chickens in a village in El Salvador, unknown
Children holding signs at an event in El Salvador, November 1999, unknown
Chris Gabrielli at a Suffolk University Master of Science in Finance Event, photograph, undated, Unknown
Chronology of judicial developments in the Jesuit murder case, 1989-1990, unknown
Chronology of the actions of the Special Task Force on El Salvador, undated, unknown
Chronology of the investigation of the Jesuit murders, undated, John Joseph Moakley
Chronology of the Jesuit murder investigation, undated, unknown
Chronology of the Jesuit murder investigation, undated, unknown
Citizens for Participation in Political Action (CPPAX) leaflet, "Which Side are you on? The Positions of the Massachusetts Delegation on Aid to El Salvador," 1982, Citizens for Participation in Political Action (Mass.)
Classroom full of Suffolk University students listening to a lecture, photograph, 1987, Unknown
Closing statement by John Joseph Moakley asking for support of H.R. 45 bill that would prevent the deportation of 750,000 refugees from China, Nicaragua, and El Salvador, undated, John Joseph Moakley
Coaster displaying Suffolk University's 75th Anniversary logo, photograph, 1981, Unknown
Collage of images related to Suffolk University President Gleason L. Archer (1906-1948) and his family, photograph, undated, Frank Siteman
Collage used for the cover of Suffolk University: A History of Suffolk University, by David L. Robbins, photograph, April 1995, Richard Pasley
Color drawing of Salvadoran village, Hernandez, Jore Benedicto
Color photograph of James P. McGovern in Salvadoran countryside, 1986, James P. McGovern
"Conferencia de Presna con los Ex-Fiscales del caso Jesuitas Henry Campos y Sidney Blanco," report, 9 January 1991 (Spanish version), John Joseph Moakley
Confidential memorandum from the Speaker's Task Force on El Salvador regarding summary of selected information, issues, and questions for use during the Task Force trip to El Salvador, undated, Frente Farabundo Marti para la Liberacion Nacional
Confidential memorandum to John Joseph Moakley from the staff of the Special Task Force on El Salvador regarding the El Salvador staff trip report, 15 August 1990, Lawyers Committee for Human Rights (U.S.)
Confidential report summarizing a meeting between John Joseph Moakley, the congressional delegation, and Salvadoran President Alfredo Cristiani, 13 February 1990, John Joseph Moakley
Confidential telegram regarding meeting between El Salvador President Cristiani and John Joseph Moakley, 13 February 1990, John Joseph Moakley
Congressional House--Record, "Frente Farabundo Marti para la Liberacion Nacional (FMLN) Must Renounce Assassination," 16 July 1991, John Joseph Moakley
Congressional Record article, "El Salvador No Longer a Country, but a Battlefield," 14 November 1989, United States. Congress
Congressional Record article, "Salvador Killings Rise Despite U.S. Plea," 16 March 1989, United States. Congress
Congressional Record article, "Supplemental Assistance for Emerging Democracies Act of 1990-Hon. Robert K. Dornan," 23 May 1990, United States. Congress
Congressional Record - House. "Legislation to prohibit further military assistance to El Salvador." 8 March 1982, United States. Congress
Congressional Record--House, "Status of El Salvador Negotiations," 5 September 1990, United States. Congress. House
Congressional records articles, "Frente Farabundo Marti para la Liberacion Nacional (FMLN) Must Renounce Assassination" and "Status of El Salvador Negotiations," 5 September 1990, 16 July 1991, United States. Congress
Congressional Record--Senate, "Moakley Report Regarding Murder of Jesuit Priests," 18 November 1991, United States. Congress. Senate
Congressional Research Service Issue Brief, "El Salvador under Cristiani: U.S. Foreign Assistance Decisions," by K. Larry Storrs, 15 February 1990, Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service.
Congressional Research Service Report for Congress, "El Salvador - Legal System, Judicial Reform, and Major Human Rights Cases Involving the Military," by K. Larry Storrs, 23 March 1990, Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service.
Congressman Bill Richardson (D-NM, District 3) 102nd Congress trading card, unknown
Congressman John Joseph and Evelyn Moakley Christmas Card, front, unknown
Congressman John Joseph Moakley 102nd Congress trading card, unknown
Congressman John Joseph Moakley's Statement on Cuba Trip in the Congressional Record, 25 January 1996, John Joseph Moakley
Congressman John Joseph Moakley's statement on U.S.-Cuba Policy at a New England-Canada Business Council event, 1 May 2000, John Joseph Moakley
Congressman John Joseph Moakley's Statement on U.S.- Cuba Policy for the Subcommittee on Trade of the House Ways and Means Committee, 7 May 1998, John Joseph Moakley
Congressman John Joseph Moakley standing in front of his mobile District office van, 1970s, unknown
Congressman Moakley meets with El Salvador's President Cristiani, photograph, 1999, unknown
Congressman Silvio Conte (R-MA, District 1), 101st Congress trading card (signed), unknown
Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-CA, District 8) 103rd Congress trading card, unknown
Constituent correspondence with John Joseph Moakley regarding the Veterans Administration (V.A,.) Outpatient Clinic at 251 Causeway St. in Boston, 22 February 1995, Oficina de Tutela Legal del Arzobispado
Constituent letter to John Joseph Moakley from the Hollingsworth and Vose Co. of East Walpole regarding H.R. 5 The anti-striker replacement act, 25 March 1991, Hollingsworth and Vose Co.
Constituent letter to John Joseph Moakley from the Standard Times Newspaper of New Bedford regarding H.R. 5, The anti-striker replacement act, 29 March 1991, Standard Times Newspaper of New Bedford
Constituent letter to John Joseph Moakley from the Travers Printing Corp. of Gardner regarding H.R. 5, The anti-striker replacement act, 29 March 1991, Travers Printing Corp. of Gardner
Constituent letter to John Joseph Moakley regarding the International Whaling Commission, 25 June 1985, International Whaling Commission
Constituent letter to John Joseph Moakley regarding veterans' benefits, 16 February 1995, unknown
Constituent letter to John Joseph Moakley regarding veterans' benefits, 2 September 1995, John Joseph Moakley
Constituent letter to John Joseph Moakley regarding veterans' benefits (Western Union form letter), 1995, Washington Office on Latin America
Constituent letter to John Joseph Moakley regarding veterans' benefits (Western Union form letter), 1995, Juan Rafael Bustillo
Constituent letter to John Joseph Moakley regarding veterans' benefits (Western Union form letter), 1995, United States. Congress
Constituent thank you letter from the South End Community Health Center to John Joseph Moakley regarding a relocated mail box, 25 May 1977, South End Community Health Center
Constituent thank you letter to John Joseph Moakley regarding Amtrak employment, May 1977, unknown
Constituent thank you letter to John Joseph Moakley regarding payment form ABCD, 1970s, unknown
Constituent thank you letter to John Joseph Moakley regarding sidewalk repair, 14 August 1975, unknown
Constitutional Kabuki: Fidelity and Opportunism in the Foreign Law Debate, Eric Blumenson
Constitutional Limitations on Prosecutorial Discovery, Eric Blumenson
Construction employees and President Gleason L. Archer on construction site of new Suffolk University Library, photograph, Dec. 7, 1937, ACME Photo Service
Construction of Suffolk University's Archer Building (20 Derne), photograph, circa 1920, Unknown
Construction of Suffolk University's Archer Building (20 Derne), photograph, circa 1920, Unknown
Construction of Suffolk University's Archer Building (20 Derne), photograph, circa 1920, Unknown
Construction of Suffolk University's Archer Building (20 Derne), photograph, circa 1920, Unknown
Construction of Suffolk University's Archer Building (20 Derne), photograph, circa 1920, Unknown
Construction of Suffolk University's Archer Building (20 Derne), photograph, circa 1920, Unknown
Construction of Suffolk University's Archer Building (20 Derne), photograph, circa 1920, Unknown
Construction of Suffolk University's Archer Building (20 Derne), photograph, circa 1920, Unknown
Construction of Suffolk University's Archer Building (20 Derne), photograph, circa 1920, Unknown
Construction of Suffolk University's Archer Building (20 Derne), photograph, circa 1920, Unknown
Construction of Suffolk University's Archer Building (20 Derne), photograph, circa 1920, Unknown
Construction of Suffolk University's Archer Building (20 Derne), photograph, circa 1920, Unknown
Construction of Suffolk University's Archer Building (20 Derne), photograph, circa 1920, Unknown
Construction of Suffolk University's Archer Building (20 Derne), photograph, circa 1920, Unknown
Construction of Suffolk University's Archer Building (20 Derne), photograph, circa 1920, Unknown
Construction of Suffolk University's Archer Building (20 Derne), photograph, circa 1920, Unknown
Construction of Suffolk University's Archer Building (20 Derne), photograph, circa 1920, Unknown
Construction of Suffolk University's Archer Building (20 Derne), photograph, circa 1920, Unknown
Construction of Suffolk University's Archer Building (20 Derne), photograph, circa 1920, Unknown
Contact sheet of group photographs at Suffolk University's Alumni Night at the Pops, photograph, May 1979, John Gillooly
Contact sheets of photographs from a Suffolk University Alumni Board meeting, photograph, August 1980, John Gillooly
Correspondence between John Joseph Moakley and a Boston resident regarding busing, November-December 1975, John Joseph Moakley
Correspondence between John Joseph Moakley and a Braintree resident regarding busing, 10-15 December 1975, John Joseph Moakley
Correspondence between John Joseph Moakley and Arthur Osborn, President of the Massachusetts AFL-CIO, regarding the Quincy shipyard, 1 March 1985, John Joseph Moakley
Correspondence between John Joseph Moakley and a South Boston resident regarding busing, September 1974, John Joseph Moakley
Correspondence between John Joseph Moakley and a South Boston resident regarding busing, September 1974, John Joseph Moakley
Correspondence between John Joseph Moakley and a South Boston resident regarding busing, September 1974, John Joseph Moakley
Correspondence between John Joseph Moakley and a Westwood resident regarding busing, 31 October 1975, John Joseph Moakley
Correspondence between John Joseph Moakley and Louise Day Hicks of the Boston City Council regarding busing, December 1975-January 1976, John Joseph Moakley and Louise Day Hicks
Correspondence between John Joseph Moakley and Marianne Procida, President of Mass. Citizens Against Forced Busing, Inc., 20-22 May 1975, John Joseph Moakley and Marianne Procida
Correspondence between John Joseph Moakley and ROAR (Restore Our Alienated Rights) regarding busing, including a copy of a letter from Moakley to Senator John Tower in response to the letter from ROAR, October 1975, John Joseph Moakley and Restore Our Alienated Rights (ROAR)
Correspondence between John Joseph Moakley and two Jamaica Plain residents regarding busing, 23-31 March 1976, John Joseph Moakley
Correspondence between John Joseph Moakley the Massachusetts Black Legislative Caucus regarding busing including a list of demands, April-May 1976, John Joseph Moakley and Massachusetts Black Legislative Caucus
Correspondence from John Joseph Moakley to U.S. Attorney General Edward H. Levi about Federal court busing orders, 5 April 1976, John Joseph Moakley
Councilman Cieo F. Jaillet and Suffolk University Trustee John Griffin at a Suffolk University Advisory Council meeting, photograph, 1968, Duette Photographers
Counter-Intuitive Climate Forcing: Post Paris Agreement Corporate Incentives, Steven Ferrey
Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 1989, report submitted to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives; and the Committee on Foreign Relations, U.S. Senate by the Department of State, February 1990, United States. Department of State
Couple at a Suffolk University dance, photograph, 1949, Unknown
Couple at a Suffolk University dance, photograph, circa 1960s, Unknown
Couple at Suffolk University's senior prom, photograph, 1961, Unknown
Couple dancing at a Suffolk University student dance, photograph, circa 1980, Unknown
Courage of Conscience award presented posthumously to John Joseph Moakley by the Peace Abbey, unknown
Cover of the 1963 Suffolk University Beacon yearbook, photograph, 1963, Suffolk University
Cover of the first issue of Suffolk University's Law School Register, a student magazine, photograph, 5/17/1909, Suffolk University
Crowd at the State of the Union Address, #4, January 2001, unknown
Crowd at the State of the Union Address, #5, January 2001, unknown
Crowd at the State of the Union Address, #6, January 2001, unknown
Crowd at the State of the Union Address, #7, January 2001, unknown
Crowd at the State of the Union Address applauding for John Joseph Moakley, January 2001, unknown
Crowd at the State of the Union Address applauding for John Joseph Moakley, January 2001, unknown
Crowning of Miss Suffolk, at the Suffolk University Coronation Dance, photograph, 1958, Unknown
Crowning of Miss Suffolk contestant Elaine Ashenden at a Suffolk University dance, photograph, 1963, Unknown
CRS (Congressional Research Service) Report for Congress, "El Salvador--Legal System, Judicial Reform, and Major Human Rights Cases Involving the Military, A Compilation of State Department Reports and Other Sources" 23 March 1990, Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service
Daily schedule for John Joseph Moakley in West Roxbury, 11 June 1974, unknown
Dancer performing at Springfest, Suffolk University, photograph, 1990, Unknown
David Bell and Jillian Erdos at the Suffolk University Law School Review Banquet, photograph, 1996, Unknown
David J. Sargent and others attend a Suffolk University Law School Law Review dinner, photograph, circa 1970s, John Gillooly
David Sarnoff, President of RCA, delivers address at 1939 Suffolk University commencement, photographs, 6/15/1939, Fay Foto Service Inc.
Dean Frederick McDermott (Law) and others at Suffolk University's Law Day, photograph, 1962, Duette Photographers
Dean Frederick McDermott (Law) and President Dennis C. Haley (1960-1965) and others at Suffolk University's Law Day, photograph, 1962, Duette Photographers
Dear Colleague letter and briefing info from Congressman John Porter and Senator Paul Simon about the case of Soviet dissident Zachar Zunshine, 1981-1984, Chicago Action for Soviet Jewry and John Porter
Dear Colleague letter from Congressman John Joseph Moakley asking for support of a substitute provision to H.R.4636 regarding military aid to El Salvador, 17 May 1990, John Joseph Moakley
Dear Colleague letter from Congressman John Joseph Moakley asking for support of the Moakley-DeConcini Bill (H.R. 45)., John Joseph Moakley
Dear Colleague letter from Congressman John Joseph Moakley expressing concerns related to provisions in the Helms-Burton Cuban Embargo legislation (H. R. 927), 22 June 1995, John Joseph Moakley
Dear Colleague letter from Congressman Lawrence J. DeNardis regarding the Hatfield Plan for preliminary negotiation in El Salvador, 10 March 1982, Lawrence J. DeNardis
Dear Colleague letter from Congressmen John Joseph Moakley and Les Aucoin advocating that the US State Department allow Extended Voluntary Departure Status for Salvadoran refugees, 2 June 1983, John Joseph Moakley and Les AuCoin
"Dear Colleague" letter from John Joseph Moakley regarding H.R. 3782, a bill to promote peace and reconciliation in El Salvador by redirecting U.S. military aid, 21 November 1991, John Joseph Moakley
"Dear Colleague" letter from John McCain, John Kerry, Chuck Hagel, Bob Kerrey, Max Cleland, and Chuck Robb to members of Congress endorsing the extension of the Jackson-Vanik waiver for Vietnam and the opposition of H.J. Res. 120, 23 July 1998, John McCain and John Kerry
"Dear Colleague" letter from Pete Stark, ranking Democrat on the Joint Economic Committee Democratic, 31 October 1996, Fortney H. Stark
Dear Colleague letter from Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and others in support of the Helms-Burton Cuban Embargo bill (H.R. 927) and the Cuban Democracy Act of 1992, 17 January 1997, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
Dear Colleague letter from Representative Ronald V. Dellums opposing Helms-Burton bill (H.R. 927), 18 September 1995, Ronald V. Dellums
"Dear Colleague" letter from Tip O'Neill regarding the Moakley-Murtha Proposal, 18 May 1990, Tip O'Neill
Dedication of Dorchester Heights monument, 21 June 1997, unknown
Dedication of the Evelyn Moakley Bridge, 4 April 1996, unknown
Democratic Donkey with campaign pins, unknown
Demonstration in Estado Mayor, 1987, unknown
Department of State Bureau of Public Affairs Public Information Series entitled "El Salvador: The Battle for Democracy," November 1988, United States. Department of State
Department of State telegram regarding John Joseph Moakley's meeting with Salvadoran President Alfredo Cristiani, undated, United States. Department of State
Department of State telegram regarding threat assessment to John Joseph Moakley and staff while in El Salvador and official travel guidelines, January 1990, United States. Department of State
Department of State telegram regarding van and hotel room assignment list for John Joseph Moakley and staff members in El Salvador, undated, United States. Department of State
Department of State telegrams from the Salvadoran Embassy regarding the Jesuit murder investigation, December 1989-10 April 1990, United States. Department of State
Department of State telegram summarizing John Joseph Moakley's trip to El Salvador, undated, United States. Department of State
"Detroit Congressman Commends Moakley Stand on Forced Busing," South Boston Tribune, 17 January 1974, South Boston Tribune
Diagram of where the Jesuit murder victims' bodies were found in the Jesuit residence at the University of Central America, from Comision Arquidiocesana de Justicia y Paz, 13 December 1989, Comisión Arquidiocesana de Justicia y Paz
Diploma of Suffolk University Law School alumnus George Louis Bush, photograph, 5/17/1909, Suffolk University
Diploma of Suffolk University Law School alumnus Roland Edward Brown, Suffolk's first law graduate to pass the Massachusetts Bar, photograph, 5/17/1909, Suffolk University
Diplomas displayed on table at the 1961 Suffolk University commencement, photographs, 6/18/1961, Unknown
Disconnected Connection, Dyane O'Leary
Dislocating the Separation of Powers State ‘Thumb’ On The Biden Sustainability Initiatives & Law, Steven Ferrey
Disordered Law: Obama To Trump Executive Branch Orders Mandating Non-Enforcement Of International Treaties, Steven Ferrey
Distinguished guests at Suffolk University Law School Convocation, September 10, photograph, 1999, Unknown
Distinguished guests at Suffolk University Law School Convocation, September 10, photograph, 1999, Unknown
Doris Pote receives an award at Suffolk University's Law Day, photograph, 1972, Unknown
Draft from The Committee of Correspondents, "An Open Letter to Massachusetts Liberals", 12 January 1976, The Committee of Correspondents
Draft Itinerary for congressional trip to Cuba, 20 January 1998, John Joseph Moakley
Draft letter by James P. McGovern criticizing the Reagan Administration's policy in Latin America; also includes Congressman John Joseph Moakley's statement in the Congressional Record about the American nuns murdered in El Salvador, 1981, James P. McGovern and John Joseph Moakley
Draft letter from Congressman John Joseph Moakley to President Ronald Reagan regarding the training of Salvadoran troops in the United States, John Joseph Moakley
Draft letter from Congressman John Joseph Moakley to Speaker Tip O'Neill regarding the first anniversary of the nuns murdered in El Salvador in 1980, 1981, John Joseph Moakley
Draft letter regarding recent press stories on the fighting along the Thai-Cambodian border, unknown
Draft letter to campaign volunteer from John Joseph Moakley thanking him for support, 12 October 1976, John Joseph Moakley
Draft letter to constituents from John Joseph Moakley inviting him to a visit John Joseph Moakley's district office to share his concerns and opinions. 24 January 1974, John Joseph Moakley
Draft letter to constituents from John Joseph Moakley inviting them to visit Moakley's district office to share concerns and opinions, 10 February 1975, John Joseph Moakley
Draft letter to "Fellow Democrat" from John Joseph Moakley seeking campaign assistance, undated, unknown
Draft letter to "Friend" thanking them for allowing a Moakley campaign sign to be placed on their yard, 10 February 1975, James O'Leary
Draft letter to Secretary Baker on El Salvador, from the Honorable James Baker, undated, John Joseph Moakley
Draft memorandum to Don Edwards from James X. Dempsey regarding the FBI's treatment of witnesses during the Jesuit murder investigation, 19 April 1990, James X. Dempsey
Draft of a Dear Colleague Letter regarding Extended Voluntary Departure Status for Salvadoran Refugees, circa 1982, John Joseph Moakley
Draft of H.R.822 sponsored by Congressman John Joseph Moakley., John Joseph Moakley
Draft of the El Salvador Special Task Force trip itinerary, undated, Matthew F. McHugh
Draft of the Hatfield Resolution on El Salvador, 1982, Mark Hatfield
Draft of the staff report regarding the El Salvador trip, 8-10 January 1990, Washington Office on Latin America
Draft of the staff report regarding the Speaker's' Task Force trip to El Salvador trip, 8-10 January 1990, Washington Office on Latin America
Draft of unlabeled report specifically regarding the technical side of the Jesuit murder investigation, undated, John Joseph Moakley
Draft of "Work on El Salvador: April 2nd-April 27th," undated, unknown
Draft press release from Congressman John Joseph Moakley, "Moakley Urges President Ronald Reagan to Halt the Training of Salvadoran Soldiers in the United States", John Joseph Moakley
Drafts of conference reports on the Helms-Burton bill (H.R. 927), October 1995, unknown
Draft statement by John Joseph Moakley regarding Moakley-Murtha amendment and U.S. aid to El Salvador, undated, John Joseph Moakley
Draft statement by John Joseph Moakley regarding the status of the Jesuit murder case, undated, John Joseph Moakley
Draft statement by John Joseph Moakley regarding the status of the Jesuit murder case, with description of the Atlacatl Battalion, undated, John Joseph Moakley
Draft statement on El Salvador by Congressman John Joseph Moakley and members of the Speaker's Task Force on El Salvador, undated, John Joseph Moakley
Draft statement on El Salvador with handwritten notes, 7 November 1991, John Joseph Moakley
Drama Club production, Suffolk University, photograph, 1951, Unknown
Drawing of Amando Lopez Quintana, S.J., undated, Stephen Kroeger
Drawing of Celina Maricet Ramos, circa 1990, Stephen Kroeger
Drawing of Elba Julia Ramos, circa 1990, Stephen Kroeger
Drawing of Ignacio Ellacuria, S.J., Stephen Kroeger
Drawing of Ignacio Martin Baro, S.J., Stephen Kroeger
Drawing of Joaquin Lopez y Lopez, S.J., undated, Stephen Kroeger
Drawing of Juan Ramon Moreno Pardo, S.J., circa 1990, Stephen Kroeger
Drawing of Segundo Montes Mozo, S.J., Stephen Kroeger
Drawing of Temple Street, photograph, 1978, Unknown
Dr. Spock holding baby, photograph, 4/19/1977, John Gillooly
Early view of the site of the Suffolk University's Archer Building (20 Derne), photograph, undated, Unknown
Editorial Staff of the Suffolk University Law School Register magazine, photograph, 1920-1921, Unknown
Edward Clark, Gwendolyn Brooks, and Byron Rushing during Brooks' visit to Suffolk University to give a poetry reading and lecture, photograph, 27 October 1977, Suffolk University
Election poll phone call script, undated, United States. Congress. House. Speaker's Task Force on El Salvador.
Ellen Fulham receiving degree from her father President Thomas A. Fulham (1970-1980) at the 1969 Suffolk University commencement, photographs, 6/15/1969, Duette Photographers
El Salvador Diary by David Scondras, 1990, David Scondras
"El Salvador Online" weekly publication, No. 234, 30 September 1991, El Salvador Online
"El Salvador Online" weekly publication, No. 239, 4 January 1991, El Salvador Online
El Salvador PROCESO Number 450, 31 October 1990, unknown
El Salvador PROCESO Number 454, 30 November 1990, unknown
El Salvador PROCESO Number 455, 5 December 1990, James P. McGovern
El Salvador Staff Report Attachment regarding relation of confidential information by individuals who do not wish to be identified, undated, United States. Congress. House. Speaker's Task Force on El Salvador.
"El Salvador: Testimony of Co-Conspirators, A Comparison with Other Hispanic Nations" report, February 1990, Kelly Timilty
El Salvador trip itinerary and memorandum from John Joseph Moakley to staff and members traveling to El Salvador from 11-14 February 1990, John Joseph Moakley
Evelyn Moakley at a social event with other members of a congressional delegation to China, unknown
Evelyn Moakley hugs another women during a congressional trip to China, unknown
Evelyn Reilly (left) and Dorothy "Dottie Mac" McNamara (right) at Suffolk University's Gold Key Induction ceremony, photograph, 1972, Duette Photographers
Event related to the establishment of African American Literature Collection, photograph, 1971, Suffolk University
Excerpt from a book that details the historical milestones of 1906 including Suffolk University Law School's opening September 19th, 1906, Suffolk University
Excerpt of report on the United Nations' responses and criticisms to human rights violations in South America,1 December 1989, Fred Salvucci
Exterior of Mount Vernon Street at Joy Street, photograph, circa 1970s, Unknown
Exterior of South Station in Boston, Mass., 1998, unknown
Exterior of Suffolk University's Archer Building (20 Derne Street), photograph, circa 1950s, Fay Foto Service Inc.
Exterior of Suffolk University's Archer Building (20 Derne Street), showing the electric sign on the roof photograph, 1938, ACME Photo Service
Exterior of Suffolk University's C. Walsh Theatre (55 Temple Street), photographs, undated, Unknown
Exterior of Suffolk University's Donahue Building (41 Temple Street), photograph, 1966, Duette Photographers
Exterior of Suffolk University's Donahue Building (41 Temple Street), photograph, circa 1975, Unknown
Exterior of Suffolk University's Fenton Building (32 Derne Street), photograph, circa 1980s, John Gillooly
Exterior of Suffolk University's Fenton Building (32 Derne Street), photograph, undated, Unknown
Exterior of Suffolk University's Sawyer Building (8 Ashburton Place), photograph, 1979, Unknown
Exterior of Suffolk University's Sawyer Building (8 Ashburton Place), photograph, 1981, Unknown
Exterior of Suffolk University's Sawyer Building (8 Ashburton Place), photograph, 1982, Ellis Herwig
Exterior of Suffolk University's Sawyer Building (8 Ashburton Place), photograph, 1982, Ellis Herwig
Exterior of Suffolk University's Sawyer Building (8 Ashburton Place), photograph, circa 1970s, Unknown
Exterior of the Red Hat bar, photograph, September 12, 1995, Unknown
Exterior of the Ridgeway Building (148 Cambridge Street), photograph, circa 1990s, Unknown
Exterior of the Sawyer Building (8 Ashburton Place), photograph, 1982, Ellis Herwig
Exterior of the Tremont Temple (88 Tremont Street), photograph, circa 1980s, Unknown
Exteriors of buildings on Mount Vernon Street, photograph, circa 1970s, Unknown
Exterior view of Suffolk University founder Gleason L. Archer's Roxbury apartment at Six Alpine Street where he held the first law school classes, photograph, circa 1900s, Suffolk University
Exterior view of Suffolk University's Archer Building (20 Derne Street), photograph, 1965, Unknown
Exterior view of Suffolk University's Archer Building (20 Derne Street), photograph, 1980, Frank Siteman
Exterior view of Suffolk University's Archer Building (20 Derne Street), photograph, August 1962, Unknown
Exterior view of Suffolk University's Archer Building (20 Derne Street), photograph, undated, Unknown
Exterior view of Suffolk University's Archer Building (20 Derne Street), photograph, undated, Unknown
Exterior view of Suffolk University's Archer Building (20 Derne Street), photograph, undated, Unknown
Exterior view of Suffolk University's Archer Building (20 Derne Street) that shows the Suffolk Law School sign on the roof, photograph, 1938, ACME Photo Service
Exterior view of Suffolk University's Dakar campus, photograph, 2003, Kenneth Martin Photography
Exterior view of Suffolk University's Madrid campus, students hanging out outside of building, photograph, circa 2000s, Patrick Hanlon
Fact sheet for 1990 Census residence rules from the U.S. Census bureau, 1990, Boston Opinion Research
Faculty and staff at Suffolk University's Deans' Reception Service Awards, photograph, 9/19/1981, Unknown
Faculty and staff at Suffolk University's Deans' Reception Service Awards, photograph, 9/19/1981, John Gillooly
Faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) Department of Language, photograph, 1960, Unknown
Faculty, trustees and honorary degree recipients at the 1967 Suffolk University commencement, photographs, 6/11/1967, Duette Photographers
Feature story about the dedication of Suffolk University's Sawyer Building, 1982, Suffolk University
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) laboratory report on one cartridge case from scene of Jesuit murders, 9 August 1990, United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) memorandum regarding progress of Jesuit murder investigation, 13 December 1989, United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation
Federal Bureau of Investigation Freedom of Information/Privacy Release regarding Jesuit murders, Part 3 of 3, circa 1995, United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation
Federal Bureau of Investigation's Freedom of Information/Privacy Release regarding Jesuit murders, Part 1 of 3, circa 1995, United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation
Film historian Lawrence J. Quirk (B.A. 1949), President John E. Fenton (1965-1970), Dorothy "Dottie Mac" McNamara at a Suffolk University event, photograph, 1968, Duette Photographers
Final statement by John Joseph Moakley as Chairmen of the Speaker's Special Task Force on El Salvador regarding Jesuit murder investigation and Task Force's role, 18 November 1991, John Joseph Moakley
Fire-safe Cigarette congressional hearing, 1983, unknown
First issue of 20 Derne, a publication of Suffolk University's Creative Writing Club, photograph, 1948, Suffolk University
Five graduates hold their degrees under Suffolk banners at the 1980 Suffolk University commencement, photograph, 6/08/1980, Duette Photographers
Flipped Constitutional Supremacy: Inferior Local Law Blocking Federal Policy, Steven Ferrey
Follow-up correspondence from John Joseph Moakley to Attorney General Edward H. Levi reiterating the need to conduct a review of Federal court busing orders, 17 May 1976, John Joseph Moakley
Former Boston Mayor John Collins speaking at the 1973 Suffolk University commencement, photograph, 9/16/1973, Duette Photographers
Former Boston Mayor John F. Collins receives an honorary degree at the 1962 Suffolk University commencement, photographs, 6/17/1962, Duette Photographers
Former NFL football player Nicholas Buoniconti and his wife shake hands with Suffolk University President John Fenton at the Suffolk University Law School Commencement, photograph, February 18, 1968, Duette Photographers
Form letter describing John Joseph Moakley's efforts in congress to stop busing and urging South Boston residents to vote for Moakley, 1970s, Matthew T. Connolly
Form letter from the Joint Corporate Committee on Cuban Claims to U.S. senators expressing opposition to Helms-Burton bill (H.R. 927), "10 October 1995 ", Joint Corporate Committee on Cuban Claims
Framed lithograph of "Washington Irving and his literary friends at Sunnyside", photograph, undated, Unknown
Francis X. Flannery with two members of Suffolk University's Alpha Phi Omega (Business) chapter, photograph, circa 1960s, John Gillooly
Franklin Field Apartments, Boston, Mass. 1998, unknown
Frank Sawyer at the 1982 dedication of the Sawyer Building, photograph, April 29, 1982, Suffolk University
Frank Sawyer receiving his Doctorate of Commercial Science at the Suffolk University Commencement, photograph, June 10, 1979, Suffolk University
Fred [Clark?]'s notes providing an overview of John Joseph Moakley's involvement in El Salvador, circa 2001, Fred Clark
"Fred Salvucci: the evolution of the largest construction megaproject in Boston's history...from construction to reality," from Construction Outlook magazine, James Borghesani
Front cover of a pamphlet from a Suffolk University Law School DNA Evidence conference sponsored by Advanced Legal Studies, photograph, 9/24/1999, Suffolk University
Front cover of the "50th Anniversary of Women at Suffolk" event program, photograph, 1984-1985, Suffolk University
Front cover of the first issue of Suffolk University Law School's Advocate magazine, photograph, 1968, Suffolk University
Front cover of the first issue of Suffolk University Law School's Law Review, photograph,1967, Suffolk University
Front cover of the first issue of Suffolk University Law School's Transnational Law Journal, photograph, 1976, Suffolk University
Front cover of the first issue of Suffolk University's literary magazine, Venture, 1968, Suffolk University
Front cover of the program for the dedication ceremony of the new Suffolk University Law School building (later named the Donahue Building), photograph,1966, Suffolk University
Front cover of the Suffolk University publication, Portals of Promise, 1950-1951, Suffolk University
Front page of the first issue of the Suffolk Journal photograph, 9/19/1938, Suffolk University
Front page of the Suffolk Journal (Vol. 4, No. 1), the first edition published post-World War II, photographs, 11/14/1946, Suffolk University
Fundraising letter from David E. Worrell of the Bromley-Heath Community Radio Station (WTMC) to John Joseph Moakley, 6 November 1987, David Worrell
Fundraising letter from Paul Gryska to the members of the Chatham Beach and Tennis Club, circa August 1996, Paul Gryska
Gladys Rodriguez with children in front of helicopter in El Salvador, November 1997, unknown
Governor Michael S. Dukakis shakes hands with Suffolk University Professor David Pfeiffer (seated), photograph, 1979, John Gillooly
Graduate Patricia I. Brown (center) talks with attendees at the 1970 Suffolk University commencement, photographs, 6/14/1970, Duette Photographers
Graduate receiving flowers at the 1978 Suffolk University commencement, photograph, 6/11/1978, Unknown
Graduates at Suffolk University's commencement at the Dakar campus, photograph, circa 1999, Unknown
Graduates at the 2000 Suffolk University commencement, photograph, 2000, Unknown
Graduates at the 2000 Suffolk University commencement, photograph, 2000, Unknown
Graduates at the Suffolk University commencement at the Dakar campus, photograph, 2010, Unknown
Graduates at the Suffolk University commencement at the Dakar campus, photograph, May 7, 2011, Unknown
Graduates at the Suffolk University commencement, photograph, June 12, 1977, Duette Photographers
Graduates carrying Suffolk banner down aisle at the 1980 Suffolk University commencement, photograph, 6/08/1980, Duette Photographers
Graduates celebrating at the 1995 Suffolk University commencement, photograph, 1995, Unknown
Graduates line up at the Suffolk University commencement in Dakar, photograph, 2003, Kenneth Martin Photography
Graduates sitting at the 1960 Suffolk University commencement, photographs, 6/12/1960, Unknown
Graduate students at the 2002 Suffolk University commencement, photograph, 5/19/2002, Unknown
Graduates walking on Derne Street at the Suffolk University's first Baccalaureate exercises, photograph, 6/13/1937, Fay Foto Service Inc.
Graduate waiting to process at the 1960 Suffolk University commencement, photographs, 6/12/1960, Unknown
Graduate with faculty and family at the 1965 Suffolk University commencement, photographs, 6/13/1965, Duette Photographers
Graduation photograph of Suffolk University Law School's first Native American graduate Nelson D. Simons (JD 1925), 1925, Vantine and Vantine
Graduation portrait of Suffolk University Law School alumnus Joseph Pate (JD 1927), photograph, 1927, Unknown
Graduation portrait of Suffolk University Law School's first female graduate, Marian Archer MacDonald, photographs, 6/13/1937, J.E. Purdy & Co. (Boston, Mass.)
Groundbreaking ceremony at the Abiel Smith School, 1990s, unknown
Grouping of newspapers and sports schedule related to Suffolk University sports, photograph, 1968, Unknown
Group of graduates walking at the Suffolk University's first Baccalaureate exercise, photograph, 6/13/1937, Fay Foto Service Inc.
Group of graduates walking at the Suffolk University's first Baccalaureate exercises, photograph, 6/13/1937, Fay Foto Service Inc.
Group of Suffolk University Law Faculty and administrators in the faculty library, photograph, 1981, Frank Siteman
Group of Suffolk University Law School students and professors, photograph, 1970s, Suffolk University
Group of Suffolk University Law School students, photograph, 1986, Unknown
Group of Suffolk University Law School students, photograph, 1987, Unknown
Group of Suffolk University students eating in the recreation hall, photograph, circa 1970s, Unknown
Group of Suffolk University students play foosball in the recreation hall, photograph, April 1974, Unknown
Group photograph at Suffolk University's Sawyer School of Management dedication ceremony, 1995, Unknown
Group photograph of congressional delegation to Cuba, 2000, unknown
Group photograph of John Joseph Moakley's congressional staff (Washington office), 1992, unknown
Group photograph of members of a Congressional delegation to China, 1983, unknown
Group photograph of members of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Rules, , 8/8/1986, unknown
Group photograph of President Bill Clinton event, John Joseph Moakley is at far right, William Bulger is fourth from right, Clinton is third from right, United States. White House Photographic Office
Group photograph of Suffolk University athletes at the Sports Banquet, photograph, 2001, Unknown
Group photograph of Suffolk University Law School students sitting outside, photograph, 1995, Unknown
Group photograph of Suffolk University's Most Valuable Players at the 1992 Sports Banquet, Unknown
Group photograph of the members of Massachusetts House of Representatives, 1953-1954, unknown
Group photograph of the members of Massachusetts House of Representatives, 1955-1956, unknown
Group photograph of the Suffolk University Trustees and honorary degree recipients at the commencement ceremony, photograph, February 18, 1978, Duette Photographers
Group photograph of three Suffolk University Law School students, photograph, 1996, Unknown
Group photographs of Suffolk University's Juvenile Justice Center staff, photograph, 1999, Unknown
Group photograph taken inside the moot courtroom at Sargent Hall, photograph, 1997, John Gilloly
Group photo of honorary degree recipients at the Suffolk University Commencement, photograph, June 10, 1979, Suffolk University
Group portrait at the Suffolk University Law Review Dinner, photograph, 1978, Unknown
Guerilla fighters in El Salvador, unknown
Guest speaker at a Suffolk University Law School Forum, photograph, circa 1970s, John Gillooly
Guest speaker John Dean at a Suffolk University event, photograph, 2/25/1974, Duette Photographers
Guest speaker Melvin Belli at a Suffolk University Law School event, photographs, 2/17/1960, Duette Photographers
Guest speaker Melvin Belli at a Suffolk University Law School event, photographs, 2/17/1960, Duette Photographers
Guest speaker Richard Peck at a Suffolk University event, photograph, circa 1960s, Unknown
Guest speaker, US Supreme Court Justice Thomas C. Clark, at a Suffolk University Law School moot court event, photograph, circa 1960s, William N. Batty
Handwritten note from Martha Doggett of Lawyers Committee for Human Rights to Tim, regarding a letter to the U.S. Pentagon, Martha Doggett
Handwritten notes on Jesuit murder investigation, undated, John Joseph Moakley
Handwritten notes on talking points for each member of the Speaker's Task Force on El Salvador, undated, United States. Congress. House. Speaker's Task Force on El Salvador.
Handwritten notes regarding Jesuit murder case, undated, unknown
Handwritten notes regarding Joya Martinez's interview, undated, United States. Congress. House. Speaker's Task Force on El Salvador.
Handwritten notes regarding the Jesuit murder case, undated, unknown
Header portion of The Briefcase, the newsletter of the Suffolk University Law School Student Bar Association, photograph, 1962, Suffolk University
Headshot of Suffolk University Law School alumna Kathleen M. O'Donnell, photograph, undated, Bachrach
Headshot of Suffolk University Law School alumnus Edward Israel Masterman, photograph, 1980, Unknown
Headshot of Suffolk University Law School alumnus Lawrence F. O'Donnell, photograph, 1980, Unknown
Headshot of Suffolk University Law School Professor Dwight Golann, photograph, 1997, Unknown
Headshot of Suffolk University Law School Professor Dwight Golann, photograph, 1997, Unknown
Honorary degree recipient at the 1967 Suffolk University commencement, photographs, 6/11/1967, Duette Photographers
House Democratic Leadership newsletter "FYI: Democrats expose GOP agenda: Bigger tax breaks for the wealthy, bigger medicare cuts", 30 September 1996, House Democratic Leadership
House Democratic Leadership newsletter "Today's Message", 22 February 1995, House Democratic Leadership
House Democratic Leadership newsletter "Today's Message: Children take the brunt of the GOP budget cuts", 28 February 1995, House Democratic Leadership
House Democratic Leadership newsletter "Today's Message: Democrats fight to protect children and elderly", 3 March 1995, House Democratic Leadership
House Democratic Leadership newsletter "Today's Message: GOP cuts school lunch program", 24 February 1995, House Democratic Leadership
House Democratic Leadership newsletter "Today's Message: GOP welfare reform bill continues assault on kids", 1 March 1995, House Democratic Leadership
House Democratic Leadership newsletter "Today's Message: Republicans aren't telling the truth about cuts to kids", 2 March 1995, House Democratic Leadership
How to Construct an Underclass, or How the War on Drugs Became a War on Education, Eric Blumenson and Eva Nilsen
"How to draw redistricting plans that wills stand up in court" by Peter S. Watson Senate Council of the State of Minnesota for the National Conference of State Legislatures Reapportionment task force, 8 August 1990, United States. Congress. House. Speaker's Task Force on El Salvador.
H.R.1880 (Cigarette Safety Act) press packet, 3 October 1984, John Joseph Moakley
H.R. 4447, A bill to provide for temporary suspension of deportation for certain aliens who are nationals of El Salvador, U.S. Congress
H.R. 822, Moakley-DeConcini Bill (not passed), 1986, unknown
Human rights in El Salvador: Report for the period January-December 1984, The Archbishop Oscar Romero Christian Legal Aid Service
Hymn to Suffolk, alma mater sheet music, Suffolk University
Illustrated scene of Panchimalco, El Salvador on leather, unknown
Image of God Award given to John Joseph Moakley by the Jesuit Urban Center, 19 November 1999, unknown
In defense of endangered species: The Final Act, an article in The New Republic by Conservation Commissioner of Massachusetts, Stephen M. Meyer, 15 August 1994, Stephen M. Meyer
Information sheets on the Central Artery/Third Harbor Tunnel Project that provide project summaries, funding, facts, newspaper clipping and map, January 1989, United States. Congress. House. Speaker's Task Force on El Salvador.
Initiation ceremony for Suffolk University's Phi Alpha Theta chapter, photograph, 1983, John Gillooly
Inside front cover of the 1948 Suffolk University Beacon yearbook, photograph, 1948, Suffolk University
Instituto de Derechos Humanos de la Universidad Centroamericana (IDHUCA) Report: Investigation still needed to determine who planned and ordered the Jesuit murders, 4 December 1991, Instituto de Derechos Humanos de la Universidad Centroamericana
Interim Report of the Speaker's Task Force on El Salvador (175 pages), 30 April 1990, United States. Congress. House. Speaker's Task Force on El Salvador.
Interior of Suffolk University's Sawyer Library (8 Ashburton Place), photograph, December 1988, Unknown
Interior of the C. Walsh Theatre (55 Temple Street), photograph, 1987, Unknown
Interior view of the Law Library, Archer Building (20 Derne Street), photograph, 1940, Unknown
Internal transcript of an address by President Bill Clinton about Cuba policy, 26 June 1995, Bill Clinton
"International Cooperate Act of 1991" report, 11 June 1991, unknown
Issue of the Suffolk University Law School Bulletin featuring commencement speaker, senior honors, and scholarship information, Suffolk University
Itinerary for John P. Murtha's trip to El Salvador, 13 January 1991, unknown
Jamaica Plain Committee on Central America banner, circa 2001, Jamaica Plain Committee on Central America
James Griffin, with wife Kathy Griffin, receives diploma from President John E. Fenton (1965-1970) at the Suffolk University commencement, photograph, February 22, 1970, Duette Photographers
James H. Ottaway Jr. speaks from the podium at the 1970 Suffolk University commencement, photographs, 2/22/1970, Duette Photographers
James P. McGovern at Santa Marta Celebration, November 1997, unknown
January 1982 issue of Cambodia Today newsletter, Save Cambodia, Inc.
"Jesuit Case Defense Lawyer Criticizes U.S. Congressman" report from San Salvador Canal Dolce Television, 11/19/1991, San Salvador Canal Dolce Television
Joe Middleton in Suffolk University's Sawyer Library (8 Ashburton Place), photograph, December 1988, Unknown
John Colburn with Gary McMollin and Russell Howland at Suffolk University's Recognition Day, photograph, 1962, Duette Photographers
John E. Fenton, Sr. receives Suffolk Law School's Student Bar Association's Outstanding Service Award, photograph, 1970, Duette Photographers
John E. Powers presenting harp to John F. Kennedy with John Joseph Moakley and Tip O'Neill, 1960s, unknown
John Joseph Moakley, a.k.a. the "Boston Bull" (on the left) boxing in outdoor ring, circa 1947, Cox Photo
John Joseph Moakley and Ambassador Anne W. Patterson at Santa Marta Celebration, November 1997, unknown
John Joseph Moakley and classmates at the 1956 Suffolk University Law School commencement, unknown
John Joseph Moakley and Congressman Charles Rangel at State of the Union Address, January 2001, unknown
John Joseph Moakley and Evelyn Moakley at Massachusetts State Senate campaign event, 1960s, unknown
John Joseph Moakley and Evelyn Moakley presenting John E. Powers with a birthday cake, 1955, unknown
John Joseph Moakley and Evelyn Moakley standing in front of the United States Capitol, 1985, unknown
John Joseph Moakley and Fidel Castro during a congressional trip to Cuba, 1996, unknown
John Joseph Moakley and First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, 28 July 1994, United States. White House Photographic Office
John Joseph Moakley and his maternal aunt, Nora, 1934, unknown
John Joseph Moakley and James Condon at meeting with Boston firefighters, South Boston Tribune
John Joseph Moakley and James P. McGovern at Santa Marta event in El Salvador, November 1997, unknown
John Joseph Moakley and James P. McGovern at speaking panel in El Salvador, November 1999, unknown
John Joseph Moakley and James P. McGovern in El Salvador at the Oscar Romero Memorial, 1997, unknown
John Joseph Moakley and James P. McGovern speaking to a group in El Salvador, 13 November 1999, unknown
John Joseph Moakley and James P. McGovern with speaker at Santa Marta Celebration, November 1997, unknown
John Joseph Moakley and Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) Director Doug McDonald, 1996, unknown
John Joseph Moakley and Mayor Thomas M. Menino at Dorchester Heights event, 5 June 1995, unknown
John Joseph Moakley and President Jimmy Carter, 1/8/1979, United States. White House Photographic Office
John Joseph Moakley and President Ronald Reagan, 1980s, unknown
John Joseph Moakley and Stephen Lynch at the Saint Patrick's Day breakfast, March 1998, unknown
John Joseph Moakley and the Irish Prime Minister Charles Haughey, 1980s-1990s, unknown
John Joseph Moakley and Tip O'Neill, 1989, Twin Lens Photo
John Joseph Moakley and unidentified man, 1950s, unknown
John Joseph Moakley and unidentified man in El Salvador, 1997, unknown
John Joseph Moakley and William M. Bulger at the Democratic National Convention, 20 July 1988, unknown
John Joseph Moakley and William M. Bulger sitting at desk, congressional delegation to Cuba, 2000, unknown
John Joseph Moakley as Rules Committee Chair with gavel, 1989, unknown
John Joseph Moakley at a ribbon cutting ceremony in an African American community, 1970s, unknown
John Joseph Moakley at award ceremony with Tip O'Neill and others, unknown
John Joseph Moakley at Boston Harbor Islands Commission meeting, unknown
John Joseph Moakley at campaign site, 1970s, unknown
John Joseph Moakley at campaign stop at train station, 1970s, unknown
John Joseph Moakley at Carson Beach with friends, 1940s, unknown
John Joseph Moakley at congressional campaign event, 7/16/1970, Julie O'Neill
John Joseph Moakley at congressional campaign office, 1971, unknown
John Joseph Moakley at congressional hearing, 1970s, Consolidated News Pictures
John Joseph Moakley at Disabled Veterans Event, unknown
John Joseph Moakley at Hilton campaign event, 1970s, unknown
John Joseph Moakley at John Joseph Moakley Park event, 2001, unknown
John Joseph Moakley at Saint Patrick's Day Parade, 1997, unknown
John Joseph Moakley campaign portrait, 1970s, unknown
John Joseph Moakley Courthouse Bill signing ceremony at White House, 3/13/2001, unknown
John Joseph Moakley Courthouse Bill signing ceremony at White House, 3/13/2001, unknown
John Joseph Moakley Courthouse Bill signing ceremony at White House, 3/13/2001, unknown
John Joseph Moakley Courthouse, viewed from Rowe's Wharf, 1998, unknown
John Joseph Moakley (distant shot) at the State of the Union Address, #3, January 2001, unknown
John Joseph Moakley, Evelyn Moakley, and Sophia Loren, 1970s, unknown
John Joseph Moakley, Evelyn Moakley and unidentified man at social event, 1960s, unknown
John Joseph Moakley greets John F. Kennedy at Hyannis Airport, 1960s, unknown
John Joseph Moakley in a constituent's kitchen, 1996, unknown
John Joseph Moakley (in center) meeting at the waterfront with a crowd of constituents, circa 1970, unknown
John Joseph Moakley in kitchen with Salvadoran women, 1997, unknown
John Joseph Moakley, James P. McGovern, and Ambassador Anne W. Patterson in El Salvador, 1997, unknown
John Joseph Moakley (left) and William Bulger (right) singing at Moakley's Silver Jubilee event, unknown
John Joseph Moakley Massachusetts State Senate campaign billboard, 1960s, unknown
John Joseph Moakley meeting with fishermen near the docks, circa 1960s, James F. McDevitt
John Joseph Moakley meets with a group of African American constituents, 1982, unknown
John Joseph Moakley meets with a group of local fishermen, 1982, unknown
John Joseph Moakley meets with Hubert H. Humphrey, 1970, unknown
John Joseph Moakley meets with South African President Nelson Mandela, unknown
John Joseph Moakley, Michael Dukakis, and Edward M. (Edward Moore) Kennedy at an event, 1970s, unknown
John Joseph Moakley news release, "Moakley Calls on Administration to Extend Protections to Salvadorans in the United States," 9 January 1992, John Joseph Moakley
John Joseph Moakley news release regarding Frente Farabundo Marti para la Liberacion Nacional (FMLN) and military aid from the U.S., 16 January 1991, John Joseph Moakley
John Joseph Moakley on naval ship during his service as a Seabee during World War II, circa 1943, unknown
John Joseph Moakley portrait, 1970s, unknown
John Joseph Moakley portrait, 1970s, unknown
John Joseph Moakley portrait, 1970s, unknown
John Joseph Moakley posing with a sailfish and fishing pole in Miami, Florida, 1947, unknown
John Joseph Moakley, Raymond L. Flynn, William M. Bulger and others, 1980s, unknown
John Joseph Moakley receives an award from a veteran, 1980s-1990s, unknown
John Joseph Moakley receives award at an unidentified event, 1980s-1990s, unknown
John Joseph Moakley (right) with fellow sailors on naval ship, WWII, circa 1943, unknown
John Joseph Moakley's Boston City Council notecard with logo, John Joseph Moakley
John Joseph Moakley's Boston office staff, unknown
John Joseph Moakley's Certification for Admission as Attorney in Mass., 23 April 1957, unknown
John Joseph Moakley's congressional campaign letterhead, John Joseph Moakley
John Joseph Moakley's congressional campaign ribbon, John Joseph Moakley
John Joseph Moakley's congressional letterhead, John Joseph Moakley
John Joseph Moakley's El Salvador trip itinerary, 25 June 1991, unknown
John Joseph Moakley shaking hands with President George Bush, unknown
John Joseph Moakley's invitation to Eucharist celebration in Cuba, 25 January 1998, unknown
John Joseph Moakley sitting at his desk, on the phone, 29 June 1970, unknown
John Joseph Moakley's Massachusetts State Representative campaign pamphlet, circa 1951, unknown
John Joseph Moakley's notes for meetings regarding Jesuit murder investigation, undated, John Joseph Moakley
John Joseph Moakley's "Notice of Separation from U.S. Naval Service" form, 8 February 1946, John Joseph Moakley
John Joseph Moakley speaking at a Fire-safe Cigarette congressional hearing, 1983, unknown
John Joseph Moakley speaking at a POW-MIA event in Taunton, Mass., unknown
John Joseph Moakley speaking at Harbor Islands Transfer and Award Event, 1977, unknown
John Joseph Moakley speaking at podium during Suffolk University Law Library Dedication, 13 January 2000, Gary Campagna Photography
John Joseph Moakley's remarks at the University of Central America in San Salvador, 1 July 1991, John Joseph Moakley
John Joseph Moakley's remarks on receiving the Gerry Studds Stewardship Award for work with Boston Harbor Alliance, 23 October 2000, John Joseph Moakley
John Joseph Moakley's remarks regarding his votes on several resolutions about how to handle Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait, undated, John Joseph Moakley
John Joseph Moakley's Silver Jubilee event, unknown
John Joseph Moakley's statement to members of the Salvadoran community in Los Angeles at El Rescate's 9th Annual Christmas Party for Central American Refugee Children, 20 February 1990, John Joseph Moakley
John Joseph Moakley's talking points regarding the Broomfield proposal, the Jesuit case, missing evidence, and the McCurdy Amendment, undated, John Joseph Moakley
John Joseph Moakley's talking points regarding the Jesuit murder case and the Frente Farabundo Marti para la Liberacion Nacional (FMLN), undated, John Joseph Moakley
John Joseph Moakley standing in front of the United States Capitol, 1970s, Consolidated News Pictures
John Joseph Moakley's Veterans of Underage Military Service membership card, unknown
John Joseph Moakley Tavern football team, 1940s, unknown
John Joseph Moakley, Tip O'Neill, and journalist Jimmy Breslin at event, 19 July 1974, unknown
John Joseph Moakley, Tip O'Neill, and other members of a congressional delegation to China, 1983, unknown
John Joseph Moakley walking and waving to crowd at a parade in South Boston (MA), 1960s, unknown
John Joseph Moakley, William M. Bulger, and a veteran holding an American flag at a veterans' event, unknown
John Joseph Moakley, William M. Bulger and Bridie at Saint Patrick's Day event, 1970s, unknown
John Joseph Moakley with a guest at the Moakley Portrait Unveiling Ceremony, 2001, unknown
John Joseph Moakley with a guest at the Moakley Portrait Unveiling Ceremony, 2001, unknown
John Joseph Moakley with a guest at the Moakley Portrait Unveiling Ceremony, 2001, unknown
John Joseph Moakley with a guest at the Moakley Portrait Unveiling Ceremony, 2001, unknown
John Joseph Moakley with a guest at the Moakley Portrait Unveiling Ceremony, 2001, unknown
John Joseph Moakley with brothers Robert Moakley (left) and Thomas Moakley, 1970s, unknown
John Joseph Moakley with brothers Robert Moakley (left) and Thomas Moakley (center), 1930s, unknown
John Joseph Moakley with children, circa 2000, unknown
John Joseph Moakley with children in El Salvador, November 1997, unknown
John Joseph Moakley with Dan Dougherty at the Moakley Portrait Unveiling Ceremony, 2001, unknown
John Joseph Moakley with Dan Hurley at the Moakley Portrait Unveiling Ceremony, 2001, unknown
John Joseph Moakley with David and Karen Carreiro at the Moakley Portrait Unveiling Ceremony, 2001, unknown
John Joseph Moakley with Dusty Rhodes at the Moakley Portrait Unveiling Ceremony, 2001, unknown
John Joseph Moakley with family at his portrait unveiling ceremony, 2001, unknown
John Joseph Moakley with fellow naval Seabee during World War II, 1940s, unknown
John Joseph Moakley with group in El Salvador, November 1997, unknown
John Joseph Moakley with group in El Salvador, November 1997, unknown
John Joseph Moakley with guest at the Moakley Portrait Unveiling Ceremony, 2001, unknown
John Joseph Moakley with interns in Rules Committee room, 1990s, unknown
John Joseph Moakley with John Daniels at his portrait unveiling ceremony, 2001, unknown
John Joseph Moakley with Kathleen Teixeira at the Moakley Portrait Unveiling Ceremony, 2001, unknown
John Joseph Moakley with Kevin Ryan and Fred Clark at the Moakley Portrait Unveiling Ceremony, 2001, unknown
John Joseph Moakley with Kevin Ryan at the Moakley Portrait Unveiling Ceremony, 2001, unknown
John Joseph Moakley with Leanita Shelby at the Moakley Portrait Unveiling Ceremony, 2001, unknown
John Joseph Moakley with Pope John Paul II on a congressional trip to the Vatican, January 2001, unknown
John Joseph Moakley with Salvadoran police, November 1997, unknown
John Joseph Moakley with Sheila Hill at the Moakley Portrait Unveiling Ceremony, 2001, unknown
John Joseph Moakley with South Boston helicopter pilot in El Salvador, November 1997, unknown
John Joseph Moakley with Steve Larose at the Moakley Portrait Unveiling Ceremony, 2001, unknown
John Joseph Moakley with Tip O'Neill, 1980s, unknown
John Joseph Moakley with Tom and Doris Moakley at the Moakley Portrait Unveiling Ceremony, 2001, unknown
Joint press release and letter from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the Americas Watch Committee regarding the Reagan Administration's certification for El Salvador and a letter from Congressman John Joseph Moakley to a constituent regarding conditions in Guatemala, 1981-1982, Americas Watch Committee; American Civil Union and John Joseph Moakley
Judge Frank J. "Daisy" Donahue in academic robes at Suffolk University, photograph, circa 1950, Unknown
Judge Ivorey Cobb (JD '60), receives an honorary degree at the 1965 Suffolk University Law School commencement, photograph, 6/13/1965, Duette Photographers
Kashif Ahmed at a Suffolk University Master of Science in Finance Alumni event, photograph, undated, Unknown
Kay Holland, Suffolk University's switchboard operator, on the phone, photograph, undated, Unknown
Kay Holland, Suffolk University's switchboard operator, seated at desk, photograph, undated, Unknown
Lacica Safavi of Suffolk University's International Studies Association, photograph, 1978, Unknown
Larry Smith and Coach Charlie Law photograph, 1965, Duette Photographers
Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, The Americas, "Jesuit Murder Case Update", July-August 1991, Lawyers Committee for Human Rights (U.S.)
Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, The Americas, "The Jesuit Case a Year Later: An Interim Report," 15 November 1990, Lawyers Committee for Human Rights (U.S.)
Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, The Americas, "Update on Investigation of the Murder of Six Jesuit Priests in El Salvador," 2 October 1990, Lawyers Committee for Human Rights (U.S.)
Legal History Repeats Itself on Climate Change: The Commerce Clause and Renewable Energy, Steven Ferrey
Leonel Gomez and young girl in El Salvador, May 1990, Cari L. Votava
Letter and forms regarding the registration of the Salvadoran Coalition for Freedom and Independence, Inc. under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, 11 January 1983, United States. Department of Justice. Criminal Division
Letter and report from Deputy Minister of Defense Colonel Cav. Juan Orlando Zepeda to John Joseph Moakley regarding summary of 2/12/1990 meeting and clarifications of his responses given at that meeting, 12 February 1990, 9 March 1990, United States. Congress. House. Speaker's Task Force on El Salvador.
Letter from Archbishop Arturo Rivera y Damas to the United States Congress, 15 November 1985, Arturo Rivera Damas
Letter from Carlos Alfredo Valladares urging recipient not to return to El Salvador, 16 June 1981, Carlos Alfredo Valladares
Letter from Congressman Gerald B. Solomon to Congressman John Joseph Moakley expressing concern about his recent travels to Cuba. 24 January 1996, Gerald B. Solomon
Letter from Congressman John Joseph Moakley to President Bill Clinton expressing concern over US policy towards Cuba, 12 April 1995, John Joseph Moakley
Letter from Congressman John Joseph Moakley to President Bill Clinton expressing concern over US policy towards Cuba, 17 June 1997, John Joseph Moakley
Letter from Congressmen Moakley and McGovern to President Fidel Castro urging the release of political prisoners, 25 July 1997, John Joseph Moakley and James P. McGovern
"Letter from El Salvador: Burying the Jesuit Priests" by Philip Bennett, Philip Bennett
Letter from Fred Salvucci to John Joseph Moakley regarding disputes about funding for the Central Artery/Third Harbor Tunnel project, 4 March 1999, United States. Congress. House. Speaker's Task Force on El Salvador.
Letter from Jamaica Plain Committee on Central America members to John Joseph Moakley, 13 December 1982, Jamaica Plain Committee on Central America
Letter from James P. McGovern to Mike O'Neil regarding John Joseph Moakley's trip to El Salvador, undated, James P. McGovern
Letter from J. Bernard Robinson of the ABC Forum on Cuba, Inc. inviting Congressman John Joseph Moakley to participate in a trip to Cuba., 14 December 1995, Bernard J. Robinson
Letter from John Joseph Moakley and other members of Congress to Salvadoran Colonel Rene Emilio Ponce, Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces, requesting permission for individuals to bring food and humanitarian aid to Salvadoran cities in need, 23 July 1990, United States. Congress. House. Speaker's Task Force on El Salvador.
Letter from John Joseph Moakley thanking his supporters, 5 October 1984, John Joseph Moakley
Letter from John Joseph Moakley to Bernard Aronson, Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs, 10 October 1990, John Joseph Moakley
Letter from John Joseph Moakley to Bob Traxler Chairman, VA, HUD and Independent Agencies, regarding funding commitments for the Boston Harbor Clean-up project, 24 June 1993, United States. Congress. House. Speaker's Task Force on El Salvador.
Letter from John Joseph Moakley to colleague regarding support for temporary protection for nationals from El Salvador, Lebanon, Liberia, and Kuwait, 1 October 1990, John Joseph Moakley
Letter from John Joseph Moakley to constituents (names redacted) regarding H.R. 747, which would defer taxes on student loans, 2 April 1992, John Joseph Moakley
Letter from John Joseph Moakley to constituents (names redacted) regarding Iraqi prisoners of war, 20 October 1993, John Joseph Moakley
Letter from John Joseph Moakley to constituents (names redacted) regarding the capital gains tax, 22 April 1992, John Joseph Moakley
Letter from John Joseph Moakley to constituents updating them on proposed constitutional amendments against busing, 1975, John Joseph Moakley
Letter from John Joseph Moakley to FBI Director William S. Sessions regarding U.S. Major Eric Buckland's statement of prior knowledge of the Jesuit murders, 16 October 1990, John Joseph Moakley
Letter from John Joseph Moakley to General Juan Rafael Bustillo responding to Bustillo's 7 February 1992 letter, undated, United States. Congress. House. Speaker's Task Force on El Salvador.
Letter from John Joseph Moakley to Mollie Beattie, Director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service regarding the policy of poisoning gulls on Cape Cod, 18 June 1996, John Joseph Moakley
Letter from John Joseph Moakley to Peg Goudy, Chairman of the Weymouth Board of Selectmen, thanking her for voicing her concerns over the General Dynamics Shipyard in Quincy, 24 May 1985, John Joseph Moakley
Letter from John Joseph Moakley to President Bill Clinton, 25 February 1996, Vic Johnson
Letter from John Joseph Moakley to President Ronald Reagan, listing the atrocities being committed in El Salvador and asking him to stop military funding, 1 February 1982, John Joseph Moakley
Letter from John Joseph Moakley to President Ronald Reagan urging him not to allow Salvadoran troops to be trained in the United States, 1 February 1982, John Joseph Moakley
Letter from John Joseph Moakley to Reverend Paul S. Tipton regarding false press reports published in two Salvadoran newspapers, 12 July 1990, John Joseph Moakley
Letter from John Joseph Moakley to the Honorable James A. Baker, III regarding claims of diplomatic immunity for two American officials involved in the Jesuit murders,1 August 1990, United States. Congress. House. Speaker's Task Force on El Salvador.
Letter from John Joseph Moakley to the Honorable James A. Baker, III regarding the interrogation and allegations against Cesar Villeman Joya Martinez, 26 July 1990, James P. McGovern
Letter from John Joseph Moakley to the Honorable Ramsey Clark regarding the Cesar Villeman Joya Martinez interrogation, 26 July 1990, Martha Doggett
Letter from John Joseph Moakley to the Honorable Ramsey Clark regarding the Cesar Villeman Joya Martinez interrogation. John Joseph Moakley attached a letter he wrote to the Honorable James A. Baker, III that specifically discussed Joya Martinez. Also included is a letter to John Joseph Moakley from Paul S. Tipton regarding Lucia Barrera de Cerna's immigration status, 26-27 July 1990, United States. Congress. House. Speaker's Task Force on El Salvador.
Letter from John Joseph Moakley to the Honorable Richard B. Cheney regarding the authorization of James P. McGovern and William Woodward to accompany John P. Murtha on his trip to El Salvador, 11 January 1991, Miguel Francisco Estrada
Letter from John Joseph Moakley to Tom Bevill regarding the Boston Harbor Navigation Improvement Project, 30 July 1996, United States. Congress. House. Speaker's Task Force on El Salvador.
Letter from John Joseph Moakley to Walpole, Mass. Board of Selectmen, 25 May 1993, John Joseph Moakley
Letter from John Joseph Moakley to William M. Bulger, Massachusetts State Senate, regarding request for inquiry into racially-motivated violence in Boston, 3 September 1975, John Joseph Moakley
Letter from Jonathan R. Malkin of Malkin and Co., Inc. to Congressman John Joseph Moakley expressing his thanks for Moakley's role in arranging the Cuba conference. 21 January 1996, Johnathan R. Malkin
Letter from Letter from J. Bernard Robinson of the ABC Forum on Cuba, Inc. to R. Richard Newcomb, U.S. Department of the Treasury regarding a planned trip to Cuba, 12 January 1996, Bernard J. Robinson
Letter from members of Congress to President Fidel Castro urging the release of political prisoners, 16 July 1998, John Joseph Moakley
Letter from President Bill Clinton to Congressman John Joseph Moakley regarding US policy towards Cuba, 17 June 1997, Bill Clinton
Letter from President Fidel Castro to Congressman John Joseph Moakley regarding his illness (with English translation), 24 May 2001, John Joseph Moakley
Letter from Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen to President Bill Clinton urging him to deny travel visas for the congressional trip to Cuba, 26 October 1995, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
Letter from Robert Lewis to John Joseph Moakley regarding the Boston Harbor dredging project, 17 April 1996, Vic Johnson
Letter from Rose Marciano Lucey of the Third Life Center thanking Congressman John Joseph Moakley for his efforts related to the conflict in El Salvador, undated, Rose Marciano Lucey
Letter from Secretary of State Warren Christopher to House Speaker Newt Gingrich expressing opposition to Helms-Burton bill (H.R. 927), 20 September 1995, Warren Christopher
Letter from Speaker Thomas S. Foley to John Joseph Moakley naming him head of the committee to investigate Jesuit murders in El Salvador, 5 December 1989, Thomas S. Foley
Letter from Suffolk University Law School Dean Gleason L. Archer to the law students, 1912, Gleason L. Archer
Letter from Terrence O'Donnell to John Joseph Moakley about the planning of a meeting between John Joseph Moakley and U.S. Major Eric Buckland, 9 March 1990, Terrence O’Donnell
Letter from the Interreligious Foundation for Community organization to members of the Congress opposing the Helms-Burton Cuban embargo bill and asking for the release of computers donated to Cuba, 4 March 1996, Interreligious Foundation for Community Organizations
Letter from the League of Women Voters of Medfield, Mass. to John Joseph Moakley about the Moakley-Gryska debate, 18 October 1996, League of Women Voters (Medfield, Mass.)
Letter from the Massachusetts congressional delegation to Bob Traxler, 10 May 1990, John Joseph Moakley
Letter from the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) to John Joseph Moakley regarding the restructuring of sewerage treatment facilities and the Boston harbor clean up, including "MWRA Ready-To-Go" information sheets, 5 February 1993, Congressional Research Service
Letter from the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA to members of Congress urging for their opposition to the Helms-Burton Bill (H.R. 927), 19 September 1995, National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA
Letter from the National Immigration Project of the National Lawyers Guild regarding a copy of their new manual entitled "Temporary Protected Status for Salvadorans and the ABC Case," 7 February 1991, National Lawyers Guild. National Immigration Project
Letter from U.S. Colonel Milton Menjivar to General Rafael Humberte Larios, Minister of Defense and Public Security, 3 January 1990, Milton Menjivar
Letter from Virginia Zanger (of the Jamaica Plain Committee on Central America) to John Joseph Moakley, 30 March 1983, Virginia Zanger
Letters from members of Congress to El Salvador President Cristiani regarding Salvadoran government policy on refugees, 22 November 1991, George E. Brown
Letter to Congressman John Joseph Moakley from Congressman Ronald V. Dellums regarding congressional hearings on the U.S. military budget, March 1982, Ronald V. Dellums
Letter to Congressman John Moakley from the International Committee for the Yelistratovs, 17 July 1985, Sharon Weintraub and Vicki Yudenfriend
Letter to General Rafael Humberto Larios, Minister of Defense and Public Safety, from U.S. Colonel Milton Menjivar regarding information on the Jesuit murders provided by U.S. Major Eric Buckland, 3 January 1990, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
Letter to Honorable James A. Baker III from Thomas S. Foley authorizing John Joseph Moakley and his staff members to travel to El Salvador, 14 June 1991, Thomas S. Foley
Letter to James P. McGovern from Martha Doggett regarding articles she enclosed on the Jesuit case, 28 November 1991, Martha Doggett
Letter to John Joseph Moakley from FBI regarding Moakley's remarks in "The Congressional Record", on FBI's handling of incident at Boston's Whitney Tavern, 22 September 1975 [portion of second page is missing], United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Letter to John Joseph Moakley from General Juan Rafael Bustillo regarding Moakley's repeated references in the press to Bustillo's alleged involvement in the Jesuit murders and Moakley's urge for the Department of State to bar Bustillo entry into the U.S., 7 February 1992, Provincia Centroamericana de la Compañía de Jesús
Letter to John Joseph Moakley from Matthew F. McHugh, 19 December 1989, Matthew F. McHugh
Letter to John Joseph Moakley from the Church of the Brethren thinking him for his support of Central America, 22 June 1986, Church of the Brethren
Letter to John Joseph Moakley from U.S. General George A. Joulwan, U.S. Army Commander in Chief regarding an update on the Jesuit case in El Salvador, 24 March 1991, George A. Joulwan
Letter to Mr. Kimmitt from an unidentified sender responding to a request for access to documents needed to carry out the work of the Special Task Force on El Salvador, circa 1990, Washington Office on Latin America
Letter to President Ronald Reagan from Congressman John Joseph Moakley about Moakley's objection to the training of Salvadoran troops by the United States military (unsigned), John Joseph Moakley
Letter to Salvadoran citizens from Colonel Cav. Juan Carlos Carrillo Schlenker, General Director, National Guard, requesting their presence at the Central Square to consolidate efforts against the People of the Armed Forces, 8 February 1990, Juan Carlos Carrillo Schlenker
Letter to Secretary of State Alexander Haig from Congressmen James M. Shannon regarding protection for Salvadoran refugees, March 1982, James M. Shannon
Liberal Arts procession at Suffolk University's first Baccalaureate exercises, photograph, 6/13/1937, Fay Foto Service Inc.
List of ABC Forum on Cuba Participants as of 1/12/1996, American Business Council on Cuba
List of appointments the staff of the Special Task Force on El Salvador planned to arrange while in El Salvador, undated, John Joseph Moakley
List of archival video footage featuring the priests murdered at the University of Central America (UCA), version 1, Esther Cassidy
List of archival video footage featuring the priests murdered at the University of Central America (UCA), version 2, Esther Cassidy
List of archival video footage featuring topics related to El Salvador's civil war and Archbishop Romero's assassination, Esther Cassidy
List of Congressional votes for H.R. 927 including Title III, 1 December 1995, unknown
List of data and statistics about the possible 9th congressional district, 1990, John Joseph Moakley
List of data and statistics about towns in the 9th congressional district, 1990, unknown
List of El Salvador cases and expense totals by fiscal year from 1980-1992, 3 April 1992, unknown
List of photo research sources for Enemies of War film, Esther Cassidy
List of questions asked during Carol Buckland's deposition, undated, unknown
List of questions asked during Colonel Menjavir's deposition, undated, unknown
List of questions asked during Colonel Porter and Captain Puentes' depositions, undated, unknown
List of questions asked in depositions regarding Jesuit murders, undated, unknown
List of staff members and additional staff members of El Salvador Special Task Force, undated, John Joseph Moakley
List of staff members and additional staff members of the El Salvador Special Task Force, undated, Gill E. Lopez
Lobby of Suffolk University's Sawyer Building (8 Ashburton Place), photograph, 1981, John Gilloly
Lobby of Suffolk University's Sawyer Building (8 Ashburton Place), photograph, 1982, Unknown
Log of digitized archival footage for Enemies of War documentary, Esther Cassidy
Logo of Suffolk University's Eugene O'Neill Newsletter, May 1979, Suffolk University
Lyrics of Suffolk University Law School Alumni Song, by David A. Keohan (Class of 1928), undated, Unknown
Machete given to John Joseph Moakley by the Salvadoran Supreme Court, unknown
Mapping the Limits of Skepticism in Law and Morals, Eric Blumenson
"Martyrs in a Martyred Land" advertisement with pictures of the victims of the Jesuit murders, undated, Quixote Center
Mary Hefron and colleagues at a Suffolk University event, photograph, undated, Unknown
Mary Moakley with her three sons, 1930s, unknown
Massachusetts congressional districts' population comparison from the 1980 and 1990s censuses, Disabled American Veterans
Massachusetts Governor Frank Sargent receiving honorary degree at the 1971 Suffolk University commencement, photographs, 6/13/1971, Duette Photographers
Massachusetts politician John E. Powers receives a Suffolk University beanie and sweatshirt at a university event, photograph, 1965, Fay Foto Service Inc.
Members of a 1983 congressional delegation to China gather in front of mural, unknown
Members of a 1983 congressional delegation to China meet with Chinese officials, unknown
Members of a Suffolk University Law School class, photograph, undated, Unknown
Members of Suffolk University Accounting Club, photograph, 1990, Unknown
Members of Suffolk University Law Review in front of the Massachusetts State House, photograph, 1974, Unknown
Members of Suffolk University Law School's Archer Building Committee, photograph, 8/04/1920, Unknown
Members of Suffolk University Law School's Board of Trustees, photograph, undated, Unknown
Members of Suffolk University Law School's Voluntary Defenders Program, photograph, February 1979, John Gilllooly
Members of Suffolk University Law's School class of 1929, photograph, Unknown
Members of Suffolk University's administration, photograph, 1989, Richard Pasley
Members of Suffolk University's Afro-American club, photograph, photograph, 1969, Unknown
Members of Suffolk University's Alpha Phi Omega National Service fraternity, photograph, 1994, Unknown
Members of Suffolk University's American Marketing Association, photograph, 1990, Unknown
Members of Suffolk University's Beacon yearbook staff, photograph, 1952, Unknown
Members of Suffolk University's Beacon yearbook staff, photograph, 1961, Unknown
Members of Suffolk University's Bursar's Office staff, photograph, circa 1950s, Unknown
Members of Suffolk University's Business Club, photograph, 1952, Unknown
Members of Suffolk University's Business Club, photograph, 1956, Unknown
Members of Suffolk University's Business Club, photograph, 1958, Unknown
Members of Suffolk University's Business Club, photograph, circa 1960s, Unknown
Members of Suffolk University's Chess Club, photograph, photograph, 1976, Unknown
Members of Suffolk University School of Management (SOM) faculty, photograph, June 1974, Unknown
Members of Suffolk University's clerical staff, photograph, 1940s, Henry Photo
Members of Suffolk University's College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) faculty meet in a classroom, photograph, 1979, Frank Siteman
Members of Suffolk University's College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) faculty meet in a classroom, photograph, 1981, Frank Siteman
Members of Suffolk University's Debating Society, photograph, 1963, Unknown
Members of Suffolk University's Delta Sigma Pi Chapter, photograph, 1961, Suffolk University
Members of Suffolk University's Delta Sigma Pi Fraternity chapter holding a banner, photograph, 1972, Unknown
Members of Suffolk University's Delta Sigma Pi fraternity, photograph, 1963, Unknown
Members of Suffolk University's Drama Club, photograph, 1961, Unknown
Members of Suffolk University's Education Department, photograph, undated, Unknown
Members of Suffolk University's faculty (CAS), photograph, circa 1950s, Unknown
Members of Suffolk University's Finance Association meeting in a classroom, photograph, 1978, Unknown
Members of Suffolk University's Guidance Department, photograph, 1959, Unknown
Members of Suffolk University's Humanities Club standing in street, photograph, 1972, Unknown
Members of Suffolk University's International Studies Association, photograph, 1978, Unknown
Members of Suffolk University's International Studies Association, photograph, 1978, Unknown
Members of Suffolk University's International Studies Association, photograph, 1978, Unknown
Members of Suffolk University's Law Library Staff, photograph, circa 1950s, Unknown
Members of Suffolk University's Library Staff, photograph, circa 1950s, Gherin Studios
Members of Suffolk University's Modern Language Club at Mardi Gras Celebration, photograph, 1977, Unknown
Members of Suffolk University's Modern Language Club, photograph, 1977, Unknown
Members of Suffolk University's Newman Club, photograph, 1961, Unknown
Members of Suffolk University's Phi Alpha Tau chapter, photograph, 1972, Unknown
Members of Suffolk University's Phi Alpha Tau fraternity, photograph, 1981, Frank Siteman
Members of Suffolk University's Psychology Club, photograph, 1960, Unknown
Members of Suffolk University's Radio Station (WSFR), photograph, 1977, Unknown
Members of Suffolk University's Rifle and Pistol Club, photograph, 1949, Unknown
Members of Suffolk University's Science Club, photograph, 1961, Unknown
Members of Suffolk University's Spanish Club, photograph, 1960, Unknown
Members of Suffolk University's Spanish Club, photograph, 1961, Unknown
Members of Suffolk University's Spanish Club, photograph, 1961, Unknown
Members of Suffolk University's Student Council, photograph, 1938-1939, Unknown
Members of Suffolk University's Student Council, photograph, 1940, Fay Foto Service Inc.
Members of Suffolk University's student government, photograph, 1972, Unknown
Members of Suffolk University's student radio club, photograph, circa 1953, Herbert Goodman
Members of Suffolk University's Tau Kappa Epsilon chapter in a kitchen, photograph, 1974, Guy Parrotta
Members of Suffolk University's The Society for Advancement of Management Club (S.A.M.), photograph, 1961, Suffolk University
Members of Suffolk University's Veterans Club, circa 1949, Unknown
Members of Suffolk University's Veterans Club standing around podium, photograph, circa 1949, Unknown
Members of Suffolk University's Walter Burse Debating Society, circa 1953, Unknown
Members of Suffolk University's Walter Burse Debating Society, photograph, 1959, Unknown
Members of Suffolk University's Walter Burse Debating Society, photograph, 1961, Unknown
Members of Suffolk University's Young Republicans Club, photograph, 1967, Unknown
Members of the Rules Committee and committee staffers in the Rules Committee chamber, 1990s, unknown
Members of the Suffolk Journal Staff, photograph, 1960, Unknown
Members of the Suffolk Journal staff, photograph, 1961, Unknown
Members of the Suffolk Journal staff, photograph, 1978, Unknown
Members of the Suffolk University Law School Class (graduate school program) of 1938, photograph, J.E. Purdy & Co. (Boston, Mass.)
Members of the Suffolk University Law School Class of 1937, photograph, J.E. Purdy & Co. (Boston, Mass.)
Members of the Suffolk University Players perform a pantomime, photograph, 1937, Unknown
Members of the Suffolk University Players perform in a production of Lady Macbeth, photograph, 1938-1939, Fay Foto Service Inc.
Memo about hearing on U.S. Economic and Trade Policy Toward Cuba, 4 May 1998, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Ways and Means.
Memorandum by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, "The Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) in El Salvador," 5 February 1982, American Israel Public Affairs Committee
Memorandum describing John Joseph Moakley's record on busing, 1 November 1974, unknown
Memorandum from Fred Salvucci to Karen Skelton regarding the Big Dig Finances Review, 7 March 2000, Fred Salvucci
Memorandum from John Harris regarding the Jesuit murder deposition of Carol Buckland, 15 August 1991, John Harris
Memorandum from John Joseph Moakley to Jose Trigueros regarding visas for the members of the Special Task Force on El Salvador, 4 December 1990, Michael Posner
Memorandum from John Joseph Moakley to members and staff of the El Salvador Task Force regarding meeting, 1 February 1990, John Joseph Moakley
Memorandum from John Joseph Moakley to the Department of State regarding the Task Force Staff trip to El Salvador, 4 December 1990, Rubens I. Zamora
Memorandum from Kelly Timilty to John Joseph Moakley about a Boston Harbor Meeting, 24 June 1992, unknown
Memorandum from Kevin O'Leary to James P. McGovern, "Comments and Suggestions for the El Salvador Task Force," 14 December 1989, Kevin O'Leary
Memorandum from Lawyers Committee for Human Rights to U.S. Jesuit Conference regarding the status of the Jesuit murder investigation and recent developments in the case, 27 July 1990, Lawyers Committee for Human Rights (U.S.)
Memorandum from Special Task Force on El Salvador to John Joseph Moakley, regarding staff trip to El Salvador, 14 September 1990, United States. Congress. House. Speaker's Task Force on El Salvador.
Memorandum regarding British involvement in investigation of Jesuit murders and reaction to the questioning of the witness to the murders, 23 December 1989, United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation
Memorandum regarding talking points in favor of democratic plan for the 9th congressional district, 1990, John Joseph Moakley
Memorandum, "Repositioning JJM," to the Moakley Committee from Boyce W. Slayman, 12 January 1995, Boyce Slayman
Memorandum to Don Edwards from James X. Dempsey regarding FBI's treatment of witnesses during the Jesuit murders investigation, 4 January 1990, James X. Dempsey
Memorandum to "GES" from "BW" regarding the purpose of the El Salvador Task Force, undated, John Joseph Moakley
Memorandum to James P. McGovern and William Woodward from Heather Foote regarding El Salvador trip, 27 May 1991, Heather Foote
Memorandum to James P. McGovern from Martha Doggett regarding Jesuit murder investigation, 21 May 1990, James P. McGovern
Memorandum to John Joseph Moakley from David Carreiro regarding a census meeting on 20 November 1990, John Joseph Moakley
Memorandum to John Joseph Moakley from Ellen Harrington regarding the Clinton economic plan, 1995-1996, Ellen Harrington
Memorandum to John Joseph Moakley from Fred Clark regarding redistricting, 1990, Eric W. Buckland
Memorandum to John Joseph Moakley from James P. McGovern and William Woodward summarizing the staff trip to El Salvador, 3 January 1991, James P. McGovern
Memorandum to John Joseph Moakley from James P. McGovern regarding a meeting at Robert Foxworth and Elizabeth Montgomery's house. Document summarizes El Salvador Jesuit murders and John Joseph Moakley's involvement, undated, United States. Congress. House. Speaker's Task Force on El Salvador.
Memorandum to John Joseph Moakley from James P. McGovern regarding a meeting with Ambassador Salaverria, undated, James P. McGovern
Memorandum to John Joseph Moakley from James P. McGovern regarding El Salvador talkings points at Baker meeting, undated, United States. Congress. House. Speaker's Task Force on El Salvador.
Memorandum to John Joseph Moakley from James P. McGovern regarding meeting with Speaker Foley on El Salvador, undated, Vic Johnson
Memorandum to John Joseph Moakley from James P. McGovern regarding staff trip to El Salvador in August 1990, 20 July 1990, James P. McGovern
Memorandum to John Joseph Moakley from James P. McGovern regarding the staff trip to El Salvador in August 1990, 20 July 1990, James P. McGovern
Memorandum to John Joseph Moakley from Matthew F. McHugh regarding suggested appointments during John Joseph Moakley's El Salvador trip, 31 January 1990, Matthew F. McHugh
Memorandum to John Joseph Moakley from the staff of the Special Task Force on El Salvador reporting on the staff trip to El Salvador, 15 August 1990, Lawyers Committee for Human Rights (U.S.)
Memorandum to Mark Murray from David Holiday regarding preliminary comments on the 1991 Salvadoran elections, 13 June 1990, John Joseph Moakley
Memorandum to Mike Martha from Maggi Popkin regarding an update in the Jesuit murder case, 4 November 1991, Maggi Popkin
Memorandum to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) director from Cincinnati division's Special Agent in Charge regarding request for Bureau to review materials related to El Salvador, 13 December 1989, United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation
Memorandum to Vic Johnson and Nancy Agris from James P. McGovern and William Woodward regarding four options for changes to U.S. aid to El Salvador, undated, James P. McGovern
Men holding a cane at a Saint Patrick's Day event in South Boston, Mass., circa 1960s, James F. McDevitt
Miss Suffolk Cecelia Ann Letorney speaking at a Suffolk University event, photograph, 1957, Fay Foto Service Inc.
Miss Suffolk Contest 1966 being crowned at a Suffolk University dance, photograph, 1966, Duette Photographers
Miss Suffolk Contest candidate Paula Brown at Suffolk University, photograph, 1961, Unknown
Miss Suffolk Contest candidates at the Suffolk University Coronation Dance, photograph, 1950, Fay Foto Service Inc.
Miss Suffolk Elaine Ashenden and her court at a Suffolk University dance, photograph, 1963, Unknown
Miss Suffolk, seated with other candidates at a Suffolk University dance, photograph, 1966, Duette Photographers
"Moakley for Congress Campaign" organizational chart, 1990s, Moakley Campaign Committee
Moakley-Gryska debate strategy memorandum, 22 October 1996, Michael Shea
Moakley-Gryska debate strategy memorandum, 25 October 1996, Michael Shea
"Moakley Report Regarding Murder of Jesuit Priests," from the Congressional Record, 18 November 1991, John Joseph Moakley
Moakley staff member Jack Dooling (Rules Committee), left, talking with Tip O'Neill, unknown
Moakley staff member Jack Dooling (Rules Committee), right, with Tip O'Neill, unknown
"Moakley tells Congress: Stop the busing now," South Boston Tribune, 14 March 1974, South Boston Tribune
Mock trial at Suffolk University Law School's moot court, photograph, circa 1940s, Unknown
Mock trial at Suffolk University Law School's moot court, photograph, circa 1940s, Unknown
Mock trial at Suffolk University Law School's moot court, photograph, circa 1940s, Unknown
Montage featuring an American flag and a page from John Joseph Moakley's campaign scrapbook, Dan Nourie
Musicians Richie Havens performing at Suffolk University, photograph, circa 1970s, Unknown
Nancy Profera, Gretchen McClure, and others at a Suffolk University Law School event, photograph, 1999, John Gillooly
Narration of events surrounding the Jesuit murders, including notes, 4 March 1990, unknown
National Agenda Document draft regarding El Salvador and U.S. policy, undated, John Joseph Moakley
National Fire Prevention Safety Association (NFPA) Staff Response Concerning FEMA RFP EMW-86-2277 and Comparing NFPA and TRIDATA Proposals, 11/18/1986, National Fire Prevention Safety Association
National Park Service loans materials to Suffolk University's African American Literature Collection, photograph, 4/3/1983, John Gillooly
Newly elected officers of Suffolk University Law School's Delta Theta Phi Law fraternity, photograph, circa 1970s, John Gillooly
Newsclipping about Corretta Scott King's Black History Month Speech at Suffolk University from the Medford Daily Mercury, Medford Daily Mercury
News from Americas Watch, "El Salvador: The Jesuit Trial, An Observer's Report," 13 December 1991, Americas Watch
Newsletter: "ALERT, Information from the Union of Councils for Soviet Jews," 30 June 1985, Union of Councils for Soviet Jews
Newsletter: "News from Congressman Moakley 'Money No. 1 Senior Citizen Problem," 1970s, John Joseph Moakley
Newsletter: "News from Congressman Moakley 'Space Weapons Ban Legislation Processing'" 1983, John Joseph Moakley
News Release from Congressman John Joseph Moakley, "Moakley Condemns Reagan's Decision to 'Certify' Conditions in El Salvador", John Joseph Moakley
News Release from the Americans for Democratic Action, "An End to Assistance to the Military Government of El Salvador," 1981, Americans for Democratic Action
News release, Gull-Free zone Begins to be Established on Monomoy Refuge, 24 June 1996, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
News Release: MTF Proposes Transportation Finance Plan, 23 March 2000, Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation
News Release titled "Moakley Introduces Bill to Temporarily Halt the Deportation of Salvadorans", John Joseph Moakley
News release: Variety of Birds Nest on South Monomoy Island, Outlook Hopeful for Nesting Habitat Restoration Success, 28 June 1996, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Nicholas Buoniconti (JD '68) receives Suffolk University Law School Annual Fund Award, 9/23/1976, Suffolk University
No Rational Basis: The Pragmatic Case for Marijuana Law Reform, Eric Blumenson and Eva Nilsen
Notes describing a Neponset River clean-up meeting that turned in a busing meeting, October 1974, John Joseph Moakley
Notes detailing John Joseph Moakley's phone call with Attorney General Edward H. Levi, John Joseph Moakley
"Notes on 12/6/1990 interview with FBI, DOD, and State on Buckland", United States. Congress. House. Speaker's Task Force on El Salvador.
Notes on a staff meeting regarding El Salvador and the proposed focus of the Task Force on the U.S. embassy's actions in the Jesuit murder investigation, undated, John Joseph Moakley
Notes on El Salvador and the Jesuit case for John Joseph Moakley, undated, unknown
Null Climate Federalism: State Frustration of Federal Renewable Energy Entitlements, Steven Ferrey
O'Brien, John F.X., Law School (SULS) - Dean (1952-1956), headshot, photographs, undated, Unknown
One Strike and You're Out? Constitutional Constraints on Zero Tolerance in Public Education, Eric Blumenson and Eva Nilsen
On Static Equilibrium State Of An Electron-Positron Pair Interacting By Electrostatic And Magnetic Forces, Polievkt Perov and Natasha Perova-Mello
Opening Statement of Congressman John Joseph Moakley before the Subcommittee on Rules of the House regarding H.R. 618 and H.R. 1409, undated, John Joseph Moakley
Oral History Interview of Robert W. Adams (SOH-089), video recording and transcript, 2024, John C. Deliso and Robert W. Adams
Original artwork advertising Suffolk University's Class of '56 Alumni Dues Committee, circa 1950s, Unknown
Outline and ideas for John Joseph Moakley's University of Central America (UCA) speech, undated, John Joseph Moakley
Overhead shot of commencement venue of the Suffolk University commencement, photograph, circa 1990s, Unknown
Overhead shot of Suffolk University Law School students studying in the law section of library, Unknown
Overhead view of the audience at the 1969 Suffolk University commencement, photographs, 2/23/1969, Duette Photographers
Overpayments of Premiums for the Central Artery Project's Owner-controlled Insurance Program, United States. Department of Transportation. Office of Inspector General
Page from the 1963 Suffolk University Beacon yearbook featuring Miss Campus Chest, photograph, 1963, Unknown
Page from the 1967 Suffolk University Beacon yearbook featuring commencement, Unknown
Page from the 1984 Suffolk University Beacon yearbook featuring Recognition Day, photograph, 1984, Unknown
Page from the 2004 Suffolk University Beacon yearbook featuring the Spring Ball, Unknown
Page from the Suffolk University 2001 Beacon yearbook of senior's photos, Unknown
Participants gather for Suffolk University's Corporate Challenge Walk, photograph, 5/21/2000, Unknown
Participants in Suffolk University Law School's Boston Massacre Trial reenactment, photograph, May 11, 1999, Bethany Versoy
Participants in Suffolk University's "Bike to Work Week" event, photograph, 1996, Unknown
Passing papers between Suffolk University and United Way, photograph, August 31, 1978, Unknown
Patricia Boynton receiving degree from Dean Donald W. Goodrich (CAS) at the 1969 Suffolk University commencement, photographs, 2/23/1969, Duette Photographers
Paul Gryska's congressional candidacy statement, Paul Gryska
Paul L. Smith receives his Bachelor of Laws at the 1937 Suffolk University commencement, photographs, 6/13/1937, Fay Foto Service Inc.
Peace sign lantern, photograph, circa 1970s, Unknown
Percent Composition of the Total Population District in the City of Boston, 1950-1970, Mary Tompkins
Percent Distribution of the Total Population for Years 1950-1970, Mary Tompkins
Performers on stage at Suffolk University's Springfest, photograph, 1981, Unknown
Person pointing to flag, photograph, circa 1970s, Unknown
Phantom Regulation: New Supreme Court Algorithm Changing Executive Power, Steven Ferrey
Photograph of Evelyn Duffy and John Joseph Moakley, unknown
Photograph of Mary Moakley, unknown
Players at a Suffolk University men's basketball game versus MIT, photograph, circa 1978-1979, Unknown
Poet Irving P. Zieman, reading from book, standing in front of bookcases at Suffolk University, photograph, 1969, Duette Photographers
Police officer standing outside Suffolk University's Archer Building (20 Derne Street), photograph, 1973, Duette Photographers
Political cartoon regarding the US Congressional investigation of the murder of Jesuit Priests in El Salvador, Paul Michael Szep
Population of the City of Boston, by Wards, 1950,1960, and 1970, 1950-1970, unknown
Portrait illustration of John Joseph Moakley in his Navy uniform, charcoal on paper, March 1945, Joseph Anderson
Portrait of an unidentified man, photograph, undated, Unknown
Portrait of Charles Hiller Innes, oil on canvas, c. 1920, Unknown
Portrait of Jim Coleman and Suffolk University Professor Judy Dushku (CAS, Government), photograph, undated, Derek Szabo Photography
Portrait of John Joseph Moakley, 1980s, unknown
Portrait of John Joseph Moakley and Evelyn Moakley, 1980s, unknown
Portrait of John Joseph Moakley, circa 2000, Bachrach
Portrait of John Joseph Moakley, January 2001, unknown
Portrait of SBS Dean William O'Neill, photograph, undated, Unknown
Portrait of Suffolk University Dean Donald W. Miller, Donald W. (CAS, 1937-1939), photograph, 1/22/1938, J.E. Purdy & Co. (Boston, Mass.)
Portrait of Suffolk University Dean Richard McDowell (SOM, 1974-1991), circa 1980s, Unknown
Portrait of Suffolk University President Daniel H. Perlman (1980-1989), photograph, 1989, Richard Pasley
Portrait of Suffolk University President Dennis Haley (1960-1965), photograph, circa 1960s, Unknown
Portrait of Suffolk University President Gleason L. Archer (1906-1948), photographs, 9/16/1936, Unknown
Portrait of Suffolk University President Walter M. Burse (1948-1954), photograph, circa 1950s, Unknown
Portrait of Suffolk University Professor Alexander J. Cella (Law), photograph, 1987, Unknown
Portrait of Suffolk University Professor Catherine T. Judge (Law), photograph, 1995, John Gillooly
Portrait of Suffolk University Professor Margaret Collins Weitz (CAS), photograph, 1995, Unknown
Portrait of Suffolk University Professor Rick Beinecke, photograph, 1990s, Unknown
Portrait of Suffolk University Professor Thomas J. Lambert, Jr. (Law), photograph, circa 1990s, Unknown
Portrait of Suffolk University Professor Thomas J. McMahon (Law), photograph, 1995, Unknown
Portrait of Suffolk University Professor William Sumner Kenney (Law), photograph, circa 1930s, Unknown
Portrait of Suffolk University's 1970 men's baseball team, photograph, 1970, Unknown
"Possible Questions" report addressing U.S. Major Eric Buckland's contended prior knowledge of the Jesuit murders, undated, United States. Congress. House. Speaker's Task Force on El Salvador.
Poster "in memory” of the Priests and Salvadorans murdered on November 16th 1989, unknown
Potential questions regarding the Jesuit murders and role of the Frente Farabundo Marti para la Liberacion Nacional (FMLN) involvement, undated, John Joseph Moakley
President David J. Sargent with Coretta Scott King at the 1997 Suffolk University commencement, photograph, 1997, Bethany Versoy
President Dennis C. Haley and others at a Suffolk University's College of Business Administration Advisory Council meeting, photograph, 1961, Duette Photographers
President George Bush shaking hands with John Joseph Moakley, unknown
President George W. Bush at the State of the Union Address, January 2001, unknown
President John E Fenton, Sr., Dean Donald Grunewald (CAS), and Peter Volpe at a Suffolk University Advisory Council meeting, photograph, 1968, Duette Photographers
President Thomas A. Fulham and Representative Thomas McGee celebrate a commendation for Suffolk University for its free-tuition program for senior citizens from the Massachusetts State Legislature, photograph, 1977, State Legislative Bureau
Press conference on Tobacco Institute compliance, 3 May 1984, unknown
Press package for Roll Call from the House Rules Committee Democrats on "Republican Broken Promises," circa 1995, House Rules Committee Democrats
Press release: "Busing clash looms in Washington, 1970s", unknown
Press release: "Congress votes down busing, 1970s, John Joseph Moakley
Press release featuring Suffolk University baseball players selected for the Eastern Collegiate Athletic Conference Division III Tournament, Suffolk University
Press Release from Congressman Ben Rosenthal, "Five Senior Congressmen Introduce Resolution Prohibiting Military Aid to El Salvador;" includes a copy of the draft legislation, 9 March 1982, Benjamin S. Rosenthal
Press release from the Central American Solidarity Association about protests planned in response to increased governmental aid to El Salvador and a draft statement to be read at the rally on Congressman John Joseph Moakley's behalf, Central American Solidarity Association
Press release: Joe Moakley meets with Joe Long, President of the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, 1987, John Joseph Moakley
Press release: "John Joseph Moakley questions Garrity's decision," December 1975, John Joseph Moakley
Press release "Kennedy, Kerry and Moakley announce funds for port of Boston dredging", 13 September 1996, United States. Congress. House. Speaker's Task Force on El Salvador.
Press release: "Moakley applauds America's teachers," 14 January 1986, John Joseph Moakley
Press release: "Moakley assails Reagan budget proposal," 6 February 1986, John Joseph Moakley
Press release: "Moakley blasts Ted Turner for slur against Italians," 1986, John Joseph Moakley
Press release: "Moakley hails strict acid rain bill", John Joseph Moakley
Press release on Congressman John Joseph Moakley's testimony in support of H.R. 1951 before the Subcommittee on Trade of the House Ways and Means Committee, 7 May 1998, John Joseph Moakley
Press release regarding Congressman John Joseph Moakley's statement on the 1996 Cuba trip, 19 January 1996, John Joseph Moakley
Press release regarding Suffolk University's 1976 commencement ceremony, Suffolk University
Press release: "Statement by Congressman John Joseph Moakley on recent developments in the case involving the murders of six Jesuit priests and two women in El Salvador," 18 October 1990, John Joseph Moakley
Proceso 487, Instituto de Derechos Humanos de la Universidad Centroamericana (IDHUCA) Report entitled, "Caso jesuitas: la vista publica y la posibilidad de amnistia," 11 September 1991, Washington Office on Latin America
Proceso 491 report by the Instituto de Derechos Humanos de la Universidad Centroamericana (IDHUCA) "Report: Recent Verdicts Undermine Justice," 16 October 1991, Washington Office on Latin America
Professor Judith Dushku (CAS), her husband and President Thomas A. Fulham (1970-1980) at Suffolk University's Gold Key Induction ceremony, photograph, 1972, Duette Photographers
Professor Judith Dushku (CAS) with two female students at Suffolk University's Gold Key Induction ceremony, photograph, 1972, Duette Photographers
Protesters on the front lawn of the Massachusetts State House, photograph, 1970, Unknown
Question and Answer sheet about the Moakley-DeConcini Bill, published by the Church World Service, 5 March 1985, Church World Service
Questions for Colonel Benavides regarding his knowledge and involvement with the Jesuit murders, undated, United States. Congress. House. Speaker's Task Force on El Salvador.
"Questions for FBI" regarding U.S. Major Eric Buckland's "prior knowledge" statements about the Jesuit murders, circa 1990, United States. Congress. House. Speaker's Task Force on El Salvador.
Questions for Jesuit murder witness Lucia Barrera de Cerna, undated, United States. Congress. House. Speaker's Task Force on El Salvador.
Questions for U.S. Major Eric Buckland regarding his knowledge of the Jesuit murders, relationship with Salvadoran military members, and subsequent investigation of murders, undated, John Joseph Moakley
Questions from the El Salvador Task Force addressing multiple aspects of the Jesuit murder investigation, undated, United States. Congress. House. Speaker's Task Force on El Salvador.
"Quiet Time," color wood block print, 1992, Edward McCluney
Ralph Nader speaking at a Suffolk University event, photograph, February 4, 1972, Duette Photographers
Ralph Nader speaking at a Suffolk University event, photographs, 2/04/1972, Unknown
Ray Flynn, John Joseph Moakley, William M. Bulger at award ceremony, 1973, unknown
Recipient of award at a Suffolk University Law School Deans' reception, photograph, 1995, Unknown
Recovering from Drugs and the Drug War: An Achievable Public Health Alternative, Eric Blumenson
"Re-elect Congressman Joe Moakley Committee" member list, 1990s, Moakley Campaign Committee
Registrar Mary Heffron receives degree from President John E. Fenton (1965-1970) at the 1967 Suffolk University Commencement, photographs, 6/11/1967, Duette Photographers
Released statement by Congressman John Joseph Moakley on the status of the Jesuit murders case, 12 January 1990, John Joseph Moakley
Released statement from John Joseph Moakley announcing two-day Harbor Islands Conference to be held at the State House, 18 June 1969, John Joseph Moakley
Released statement from John Joseph Moakley criticizing the City of Boston and the Metropolitan District Commission on their failure to act on pollution in the Boston Harbor, 17 June 1970, John Joseph Moakley
Remarks by Congressman John Joseph Moakley on El Salvador Certification in the Congressional Record, John Joseph Moakley
Remarks by John Joseph Moakley delivered at Holy Cross regarding his involvement in the Jesuit murder case, undated, John Joseph Moakley
Remarks by John Joseph Moakley given at Georgetown University regarding the Jesuit murder case and prospects for peace in El Salvador, 13 November 1990, John Joseph Moakley
Remarks by John Joseph Moakley given at Suffolk University regarding a push for justice in the Jesuit murder case, 30 September 1991, John Joseph Moakley
Remarks by John Joseph Moakley given at The Clover Club of Boston regarding the civil war in El Salvador as well as the Jesuit murders, 27 January 1990, John Joseph Moakley
Remarks by John Joseph Moakley given at Tufts University regarding the Jesuit murder case and call for action, 14 October 1990, John Joseph Moakley
Remarks by John Joseph Moakley on Moakley-Murtha alternative that puts pressure on both sides to end the violence and negotiate peace in El Salvador, 22 May 1990, John Joseph Moakley
Remarks by John Joseph Moakley regarding human rights problems in El Salvador and voter's support for the H.R. 618 bill, undated, John Joseph Moakley
Remarks by John Joseph Moakley regarding temporary protection of Salvadoran refugees in the U.S. Includes handwritten notes, undated, John Joseph Moakley
Remarks by John Joseph Moakley regarding temporary protection of Salvadoran refugees in the U.S., undated, John Joseph Moakley
Remarks by John Joseph Moakley regarding the Jesuit case and human rights violations in El Salvador, undated, John Joseph Moakley
Remarks by John Joseph Moakley to refugees welcoming them to the U.S. political system and community, 5 September 1990, John Joseph Moakley
Remarks by John Joseph Moakley to refugees welcoming them to the U.S. political system and community, undated, John Joseph Moakley
Remarks of Congressman John Joseph Moakley before the National Association of Manufacturers about the legislative veto, John Joseph Moakley
Remarks of John Joseph Moakley, Chairman of the Speaker's Task Force on El Salvador at the University of Central America in San Salvador, El Salvador, 1 July 1991, John Joseph Moakley
Remarks regarding pressure on both sides of the El Salvador conflict and withholding U.S. government funds to El Salvador, undated, United States. Congress. House. Speaker's Task Force on El Salvador.
Report by Special Task Force on El Salvador detailing the story of Julian Rosales Lopez, a civilian killed after the Jesuit murders. Includes handwritten notes, undated, United States. Congress. House. Speaker's Task Force on El Salvador.
Report: "Comunicado de la Compania de Jesus (Provincia Centro Americana), 11 January 1991, unknown
Report from Central America Special Action (CASA) regarding people being detained by Salvadoran security forces, 10 May 1982, Amnesty International
Report from El Rescate Human Rights Department, "A Chronology of the Jesuit Assassinations: The Investigations and Related Events November 11, 1989 - May 16, 1990," undated, El Rescate. Human Rights Department
Report from El Rescate Human Rights Department, "Report from El Salvador, November 18-25, 1991," regarding reaction to John Joseph Moakley's memorandum accusing high-ranking Salvadoran Armed Forces officials with conspiring to murder the Jesuits, and regarding the truce between the FMLN and the Armed Forces, 26 November 1991, El Rescate. Human Rights Department
Report from Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, "A Decade of Failed Promises: The Investigation of Archbishop Romero's Murder," March 1990, Lawyers Committee for Human Rights (U.S.)
Report from Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, "Update on the Investigation of the Murder of Six Jesuit Priests in El Salvador." Report includes summary of problems with the investigation, recent developments, and the role of the United States, 2 October 1990, Lawyers Committee for Human Rights (U.S.)
Report HQ 163-61055, Bulky 67, "Request for Documents from the Honorable John Joseph Moakley, Chairman, Committee on Rules, House of Representatives, Relating to Human Rights Violations in El Salvador," circa 1990, United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation
Report of human rights atrocities committed by the Atlacatl Battalion, undated, unknown
Report of Observers on the trial in El Salvador of military personnel accused of Jesuit murders, 13 January 1992, Douglass W. Cassel and Duane Sigelko
"Report of Observers on the Trial in El Salvador of Military Personnel Accused of Murdering Six Jesuit Priests, A Cook and Her Daughter," 13 January 1992, Douglass W. Cassel
Report of Speaker Foley's Special Task Force on El Salvador, undated, John Joseph Moakley
Report of the Office of Legal Protection of the Archbishopric of San Salvador on the investigations into the Jesuit murders, 13 December 1989, Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service.
Report of the Office of Legal Protection of the Archbishopric of San Salvador on the investigations into the Jesuit murders, including autopsy reports, 15 December 1989, Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service.
Report on Salvadoran refugees in Honduras, 1980s, International Commission for the Defense of Salvadoran Refugees
Report on the investigation of the Jesuit murders from La Oficina de Tutela Legal del Arzobispado de San Salvador, 28 November 1989, La Oficina de Tutela Legal del Arzobispado
Report on the Jesuit murders summarizing the case and the investigation, undated, John Joseph Moakley
Report on the testimony of Jesuit murder witness Lucia Barrera de Cerna, undated, K. Larry Storrs
Report regarding allegations that the United States funded the Salvadoran death squads, 15 April 1985, United States. Department of Justice. Criminal Division
Report regarding U.S. military aid to El Salvador, undated, unknown
Report summarizing the Jesuit murders and the investigation by the group "Search for Justice: A Project of the Quixote Center," undated, Quixote Center
Report with handwritten notes to James P. McGovern regarding Jesuit murder witness Lucia Barrera de Cerna, undated, Holly Grant
Request to Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) laboratory from the Washington Metropolitan Field Office's Special Agent in Charge to analyze spent shell casing from scene of Jesuit murders, including documentation of chain of custody for casing, 1 December 1989, United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation
Restore Our Alienated Rights (ROAR) button, undated, Restore Our Alienated Rights (ROAR)
Retirement party for staff of Suffolk University's English Department, photograph, April 2000, Unknown
Retirement party for Suffolk University Law Librarian Patricia I. Brown, photograph, 12/19/1991, Unknown
Rewired Infrastructure Post-Paris, Steven Ferrey
Ridgeway Lane Street sign, photograph, undated, Unknown
Robert K. Kraft at a Suffolk University commencement, photograph, circa 1990s, Unknown
Roger Moore speaking in a Suffolk University classroom from behind podium, photograph, circa 1970s, John Gillooly
Rooftop view of Suffolk University's Donahue Building (41 Temple Street), photograph, undated, Unknown
ROTC swearing in ceremony at Suffolk University, photograph, 1984, Unknown
"Ruben Zamora Calls U.S. Congress Report 'Political'" report from San Salvador Radio Cadena Commission Report, 18 November 1991, San Salvador Radio Cadena Commission
Rudy Giuliani and others at the Suffolk University Law School commencement, photograph, May 21, 2006, John Gillooly
Saint Patrick's Day event in South Boston, Mass., unknown
Saint Patrick's Day Luncheon in South Boston, Mass., 1960s, unknown
Saint Patrick's Day Luncheon Invitation, 1968, unknown
Salvadoran children at event, November 1997, unknown
Salvadoran musicians in parade, 1991, unknown
Salvadoran Refugee Asylum information poster, 30 June 1992, WMATA
Salvadoran soldiers, 1988, unknown
Salvadoran wooden folk object, Weaving depicts men and women with donkeys and dog, unknown
Samira, a Suffolk University student at the Dakar campus, photograph, 2003, Kenneth Martin Photography
Santa Marta Celebration, November 1997, unknown
Sara Wasserman receives her degree from Dean Donald R. Simpson (Law) at the 1970 Suffolk University commencement, photographs, 6/14/1970, Duette Photographers
Scene of buildings in a rural village in El Salvador, unknown
Schedule request for John Joseph Moakley from the Jewish Community Council of Metropolitan Boston, 6 November 1979, Jewish Community Council of Metropolitan Boston
Schedule request for John Joseph Moakley from the Parkway Boys' Club asking John Joseph Moakley to attend their annual dinner dance, 19 March 1979, Parkway Boys' Club
Schedule request for John Joseph Moakley from the Roslindale Historical Society inviting John Joseph Moakley to be a marshal in a parade, 14 March 1979, Roslindale Historical Society
Schedule request for John Joseph Moakley from the South Boston Senior Citizens' Association nominating Moakley to be the co-chair of Evacuation Day ceremonies, 17 January 1979, South Boston Senior Citizens' Association
Schedule request for John Joseph Moakley from the Suffolk County Council to be the principal speaker at a memorial service, 27 March 1979, Suffolk County Council
Schedule request to John Joseph Moakley from Brockton Mayor John Yunits, 18 August 1997, John Yunits
Schedule request to John Joseph Moakley from Brockton Mayor John Yunits, 7 August 1997, John Yunits
School of the Americas protest at the John Joseph Moakley Courthouse, 1990s, Robert P. Souther
Scope of work: Boston Central Artery - North Area [partial scan], unknown
Scrapbook containing a variety of news clippings about Suffolk University, 1930-1931, Unknown
Scrapbook of Boston real estate news clippings compiled by Suffolk University, 1904-1923, Unknown
Scrapbook of news clippings about Suffolk University Law School's Legislative Contest of 1913, Unknown
Senator Edward M. Kennedy, unidentified man, John Joseph Moakley, and William Bulger at an event, unknown
Senator John McCain (R-AZ) 103rd Congress trading card, unknown
Senior portrait of Suffolk University Law School Edward Israel Masterman, photograph, 1950, Unknown
Senior portrait of Suffolk University Law School student Lawrence F. O'Donnell, photograph, 1950, Unknown
Sequence of Jesuit murder events and summary of current status of investigation, undated, K. Larry Storrs
Sheila Hill and Deborah Spriggs at the Moakley Portrait Unveiling Ceremony, 2001, unknown
Shichiro Hayashi's application for admission to Suffolk Law School, 12 September 1918, Unknown
Sigma Zeta event at Suffolk University, photograph, 1970, Duette Photographers
Sign up table for Suffolk University's Glee Club, photograph, photograph, circa 1965, Unknown
Silver Tsunami or Silver Rush? Extracting Value from Elders, Andrew Milne
Silvio O. Conte Joy of Politics Award presented to John Joseph Moakley, April 1996, unknown
Singer performing at Springfest, Suffolk University, photograph, 1990, Unknown
Softball University women's softball team, photograph, 1996, Unknown
South Boston Community Health Center Life preserver given to John Joseph Moakley, 26 October 2000, unknown
South Boston High School Class of 1944 reunion, 29 June 1966, John E. Burke
Speaker and crowd at Santa Marta Celebration, November 1997, unknown
Speaker at the Suffolk University Master of Science in Finance Spring Reception, photograph, 2003, Unknown
Speaker's Task Force on El Salvador: Final Task Force statement, 18 November 1991, United States. Congress. House. Speaker's Task Force on El Salvador.
Speaker's Task Force on El Salvador: Interim Report, 30 April 1990, United States. Congress. House. Speaker's Task Force on El Salvador.
Speaker's Task Force on El Salvador trip briefing materials binder, 1989-1990, United States. Congress. House. Speaker's Task Force on El Salvador.
Speaker Tip O'Neill and John Joseph Moakley signing a tax bill at Eastward Ho Golf Course, 1980s, unknown
Speaker Tip O'Neill, John Joseph Moakley and others review at map in Washington D.C., 1980s-1990s, unknown
Speaker Tip O'Neill preparing to sign the Tax Bill at Eastward Ho Golf Course, 1980s, Kenneth Jewell
Speaker Tip O'Neill signs Tax Bill at Eastward Ho Golf Course, 1980s, Kenneth Jewell
Special report from El Rescate Legal Services, "The Jesuit Investigation," includes summary of investigation, a possible reconstruction of events, and discussion of the prosecution case against Colonel Benavides, 18 January 1990, El Rescate. Legal Services
Speech by Congressman John Joseph Moakley (D-MA) on the Opening Day Rules Package, 03 January 2001, John Joseph Moakley
Speeches from a University of Central America Forum on Contemporary Issues by Reverend Miguel Francisco Estrada, Rector, John Joseph Moakley, and Father Jon Sobrino, 1 July 1991, John Joseph Moakley
Speech given by John Joseph Moakley at the re-dedication of Columbus Park as the Joe Moakley Park, 28 April 2001, John Joseph Moakley
Springfest, Suffolk University, photograph, 1978, Unknown
Springfest, Suffolk University, photograph, 1979, Unknown
Spring Review, Suffolk University, photograph, 1975, Unknown
"Staff Report on El Salvador Trip," 8-10 January 1990, John Joseph Moakley
Statement by Congressman John Joseph Moakley on H.R. 822 before the Subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees and International Law, 7 November 1985, John Joseph Moakley
Statement by John Joseph Moakley at Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland regarding the Special Task Force on El Salvador and the Jesuit murder investigation, 11 February 1990, John Joseph Moakley
Statement by John Joseph Moakley before the House Committee regarding rules on U.S. military aid to El Salvador, 6 June 1991, John Joseph Moakley
Statement by John Joseph Moakley before the Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere Affairs regarding the Jesuit murder case and U.S. policy towards El Salvador, 11 April 1991, John Joseph Moakley
Statement by John Joseph Moakley delivered at Bridgewater State College officially announcing the establishment of the Old Colony Center for Technological Applications, undated, John Joseph Moakley
Statement by John Joseph Moakley on behalf of U.S. Congressional Delegation regarding Jesuit murders and Task Force trip to El Salvador, 14 February 1990, John Joseph Moakley
Statement by John Joseph Moakley on El Salvador language in appropriations bill for immediate release, 27 June 1990, John Joseph Moakley
Statement by John Joseph Moakley on the Boxer/Moakley/Kennedy Amendment and human rights violations in El Salvador, undated, John Joseph Moakley
Statement by John Joseph Moakley on the Interim Report of the Special Task Force on El Salvador, 30 April 1990, John Joseph Moakley
Statement by John Joseph Moakley on the Jesuits' case and the Salvadoran negotiations for immediate release, 15 August 1990, John Joseph Moakley
Statement by John Joseph Moakley on the Salvadoran Truth Commission Report, undated, unknown
Statement by John Joseph Moakley regarding his humanitarian and bureaucratic role in El Salvador, undated, John Joseph Moakley
Statement by John Joseph Moakley regarding his involvement in the Jesuit murder case, undated, John Joseph Moakley
Statement by John Joseph Moakley regarding Jesuit murder investigation, November 1991, John Joseph Moakley
Statement by John Joseph Moakley regarding Moakley-Murtha amendment and U.S. aid to El Salvador, undated, John Joseph Moakley
Statement of Administrative Policy on H.R. 927 Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity Act, 20 September 1995, United States. Office of Management and Budget
Statement of John Joseph Moakley as Chairman of the Speaker's Special Task Force on El Salvador, 18 October 1990, Rubens Medina
Statement of John Joseph Moakley on behalf of U.S. Congressional Delegation regarding Jesuit murders and Special Task Force trip to El Salvador, 14 February 1990, John Joseph Moakley
Statement of Senator John Joseph Moakley in announcing his candidacy for Congress of the United States (9th Congressional District), 21 May 1970, John Joseph Moakley
Statement of U.S. Jesuit Conference regarding Jesuit investigation, 18 November 1991, Jesuit Conference
Statements of the Frente Farabundo Marti para la Liberacion Nacional (FMLN) regarding the case of the Jesuit murders from the General Command of the FMLN, 10 January 1990, John Joseph Moakley
Stephen Baird, a famous street singer who was one of the first to sing on Boston Common, performs at a Suffolk University craft fair, photograph, 1973, Duette Photographers
Steve Seto, photograph, a student deejay at Suffolk University Radio Station (WSFR), photograph, 1975, John C. Meyers
Straw hat with "Put Joe Moakley in Congress" button attached to it, unknown
Student Government Association section from the 1981 issue of Suffolk University's Beacon yearbook, Unknown
Student Government meeting photograph from the 1974 issue of Suffolk University's Beacon yearbook, Unknown
Student Government meeting photograph from the 1978 issue of Suffolk University's Beacon yearbook, Unknown
Student holding a Suffolk Law School banner at the 1980 Suffolk University Law School commencement, photograph, 6/08/1980, Duette Photographers
Student in a wheelchair receives her degree at the 1969 Suffolk University commencement, photographs, 9/28/1969, Duette Photographers
Student processional into the 1970 Suffolk University commencement, photographs, 6/14/1970, Duette Photographers
Student procession at the 1967 Suffolk University commencement, photographs, 6/11/1967, Unknown
Student protest section from the 1971 issue of Suffolk University's Beacon yearbook, Unknown
Student protest section from the 1971 issue of Suffolk University's Beacon yearbook, Unknown
Student receives degree from Dean Michael R. Ronayne (CAS) at the 1970 Suffolk University commencement, photographs, 6/14/1970, Duette Photographers
Student receives her degree at the 1970 Suffolk University commencement, photographs, 6/04/1970, Duette Photographers
Student receives his diploma at the 1963 Suffolk University commencement, photograph, 1963, Unknown
Student receiving her diploma from Dean Donald Grunewald at the 1970 Suffolk University commencement, photographs, 6/14/1970, Duette Photographers
Students and faculty in a Suffolk University NESAD class, photograph, circa 2003, Kindra Clineff
Students and professor in a Suffolk University NESAD art studio, photograph, 2003, Kindra Clineff
Students at Suffolk University Law School's Placement Office in the Donahue Building (41 Temple Street), photograph, 1982, Frank Siteman
Students at the 1976 Suffolk University commencement, photograph, 6/13/1976, Unknown
Students gather in front of Suffolk University's Donahue Building (41 Temple Street), photograph, 1974, Duette Photographers
Students hanging out in the Suffolk Journal office, photograph, September 1978, Unknown
Students holding their degrees at the Suffolk University commencement, photograph, June 17, 1962, Duette Photographers
Students in a Suffolk University geology class, photographs, January 1941, Fay Foto Service Inc.
Students performing a comedic skit at Springfest, Suffolk University, photograph, 1981, Unknown
Students receiving their degrees at the Suffolk University commencement, photograph, June 17, 1962, Duette Photographers
Students receiving their degrees at the Suffolk University commencement, photograph, June 17, 1962, Duette Photographers
Students receiving their degrees at the Suffolk University commencement, photograph, June 17, 1962, Duette Photographers
Students receiving their degrees at the Suffolk University commencement, photograph, June 17, 1962, Duette Photographers
Students receiving their degrees at the Suffolk University commencement, photograph, June 17, 1962, Duette Photographers
Students receiving their degrees at the Suffolk University commencement, photograph, June 17, 1962, Duette Photographers
Students receiving their degrees at the Suffolk University commencement, photograph, June 17, 1962, Duette Photographers
Students receiving their degrees at the Suffolk University commencement, photograph, June 17, 1962, Duette Photographers
Students receiving their degrees at the Suffolk University commencement, photograph, June 17, 1962, Duette Photographers
Students receiving their degrees at the Suffolk University commencement, photograph, June 17, 1962, Duette Photographers
Students standing at Suffolk University's 1976 commencement, June 13, 1976, Unknown
Students studying in Suffolk University Law School's Pallot Library, photograph, 1992, Unknown
Students studying in Suffolk University's Sawyer Library (8 Ashburton Place), photograph, circa 1977, Unknown
Students walking across the stage at the 1963 Suffolk University commencement, photograph, 1963, Unknown
Study carrel in a Suffolk University library, photograph, undated, Unknown
Stuffed koala bear wearing the 1956 Suffolk University beanie and a Suffolk basketball button, Unknown
Suffolk Alumni Song, alma mater sheet music, undated, Suffolk University
Suffolk Journal article about Suffolk University's tuition paying installment plan, Suffolk University
Suffolk Journal inside page with the headline, "Suffolk to Have Sports!," photograph, undated, Suffolk University
Suffolk Journal staff member reading the newspaper, photograph, circa 1950, Unknown
Suffolk Law Alumni Directory, 1906-1936, Suffolk University
Suffolk Law School Bulletin clippings scrapbook, Unknown
Suffolk University administrator Catherine C. Caraher, photograph, 1919, Keystone View Co. Inc.
Suffolk University administrator Peter Sartwell, photograph, June 1974, Unknown
Suffolk University administrators at an Education Conference held at Suffolk University, photograph, 11/13/1984, John Gillooly
Suffolk University administrators at a ribbon cutting ceremony, photograph, circa 1970s, Unknown
Suffolk University administrators meet with guest William O. Douglas at a Law School event, photograph, 10/25/1973, Duette Photographers
Suffolk University Alma Mater, sheet music, undated, Suffolk University
Suffolk University alumni publication listing alumni who died in World War II, Suffolk University
Suffolk University Alumni team coach Lou Connelly, photograph, 1978, John Gillooly
Suffolk University alumnus Michael L. Linquata, headshot, circa 1950, Herbert Goodman
Suffolk University Athletics Director Charles Law (1946-1978), headshot, photograph, undated, Unknown
Suffolk University Athletics Director James E. Nelson (1978-2013), photograph, undated, Unknown
Suffolk University Athletics Director James E. Nelson at baseball game, photograph, undated, Unknown
Suffolk University Athletics Director James E. Nelson holding basketball, , photograph, undated, John Gillooly
Suffolk University Athletics Director James E. Nelson, portrait, photograph, 1973, Calvin D. Campbell Photographers
Suffolk University Athletics Director James E. Nelson with Director of Public Relations Louis B. Connelly, photograph, 1978, John Gillooly
Suffolk University banquet, photograph, 6/13/1938, Fay Foto Service Inc.
Suffolk University Baseball Coach Cary McConnell, photograph, 1996, Unknown
Suffolk University baseball coach Joseph Walsh on the field, photograph, 1982, John Gillooly
Suffolk University baseball coach Joseph Walsh, photograph, on the field, photograph, 1982, John Gillooly
Suffolk University baseball game, photograph, 1972, Unknown
Suffolk University baseball game, photograph, 1972, Unknown
Suffolk University baseball photo of Coach Thomas A. Walsh, photograph, 1972, Unknown
Suffolk University baseball player Larry Chabre, photograph, 1984, Suffolk University
Suffolk University baseball player Larry Chabre, photograph, 1986, Suffolk University
Suffolk University baseball player, photograph, undated, Unknown
Suffolk University baseball players in a game, photograph, 1970, Unknown
Suffolk University baseball players in a game, photograph, 1970, Unknown
Suffolk University baseball player Steve Almquist, photograph, 1983, Unknown
Suffolk University baseball team portrait, photograph, undated, Unknown
Suffolk University basketball button with pink and white ribbons, photograph, undated, Unknown
Suffolk University basketball cheerleaders in mid air, photograph, photograph, 1965, Unknown
Suffolk University basketball player Dan Florian, photograph, 2000, Suffolk University
Suffolk University basketball player Dan Florian, photograph, 2001, Suffolk University
Suffolk University basketball player Dan Florian, photograph, 2001, Suffolk University
Suffolk University basketball player Jay Crowley and team mates, photograph, 1968, Suffolk University
Suffolk University basketball player Jay Crowley, photograph, 1967, Suffolk University
Suffolk University basketball player Kelly Harney and Coach Joe Walsh, photograph, 1990, Unknown
Suffolk University basketball player Kelly Harney, photograph, 1987, Unknown
Suffolk University basketball player Kelly Harney, photograph, 1990, Unknown
Suffolk University basketball player Rick Ace in a game, photograph, 1990s, Unknown
Suffolk University basketball player Rick Ace, photograph, 1993, Unknown
Suffolk University basketball players with Coach James Nelson, photograph, 1990s, Unknown
Suffolk University basketball team with Coach James Nelson, photograph, 1990s, Unknown
Suffolk University Beacon yearbook business manager, photograph, W. Michael Tys[?], photograph, 1967, Unknown
Suffolk University beanie, worn by first year undergraduate students, photograph, 1956, Suffolk University
Suffolk University benefactor Frank Sawyer, photograph, 1980s, Unknown
Suffolk University cheerleaders in circle with hands in the center, photograph, 1965, Unknown
Suffolk University cheerleaders line up on the lawn near the State House steps, photograph, circa 1957, Herbert Goodman
Suffolk University cheerleading captain Joan Sullivan, photograph, 1961, Suffolk University
Suffolk University cheerleading team, photograph, 1968-1969, Suffolk University
Suffolk University colleagues celebrate Richard Sullivan's Heritage Award, photograph, 1984, John Gillooly
Suffolk University College of Journalism lecture schedule, Suffolk University
Suffolk University College of Liberal Arts (CLAS) list of cum laude students, Suffolk University
Suffolk University Commencement 2000, group of students, photograph, 2000, Unknown
Suffolk University commencement address delivered by Boston Herald American Publisher Robert C. Bergenheim, Robert C. Bergenheim
Suffolk University Commencement Hymn, sheet music, Suffolk University
Suffolk University Cross Country Team Race, photograph, 1976, Suffolk University
Suffolk University Dean David J. Sargent (Law) and Law Professors Herbert Lemelman, and Thomas F. Lambert at Law Review Dinner, photograph, December 1978, Duette Photographers
Suffolk University Dean David J. Sargent (Law), photograph, 1973, Duette Photographers
Suffolk University Dean Donald R. Simpson (Law, 1964-1972), photograph, 1969, Unknown
Suffolk University Dean Donald W. Goodrich (CAS), photograph, 1969, Duette Photographers
Suffolk University Dean Frank L. Simpson (Law, 1942-1952), photograph, circa 1940s, Unknown