The Boston Chronicle Newspaper
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This edition describes how the war is effecting Black communities and an influx of Jamacian immigration. It also provides military updates. This issue's healines include: Page 1: NAACP MEMBERSHIP NEAR 3000; West Africans Protest Draft; USO To Use Negro Hostesses At Buddies Club ; ALL RECORDS SURPASSED; WOMEN ELKS AID RED CROSSUS Supreme court Confesses Error In Rape Case; WAACS WELCOMED; Girls Graduate AT City Hospital; Donation Day At St. Monica's Home; Randolph Says Oppose All Anti-Labor Laws; Marine Corps Seeks 10,000 Negro Recruits; Army Flier Killed In Plance Crash; Negro Scientists Probe Soy Beans; BOSTON BOY IN INDIA; HUB LASS HEADS Student Council; 314 Jamaicans arrive today Page 2: Writer Will Tour Front Lines; C.D [ Civilian Defense] Personal To Have Rigid Test; Page 3: This page is mostly local news Page 4: Ward 12 Women Urge Child Bill Page 5: This page is mostly local events Page 6: This page is primarily editoiral opinions Page 7: SPORTS; UAW-CIO Oppose Baseball Jim Crow Page 8: This page is primarily editorial opinions
Collection Number
Clark Collection of African American Literature
Publication Date
Subject Heading
African Americans -- Massachusetts – Newspapers; Boston (Mass.)—Newspapers; African Americans; United States -- Massachusetts -- Suffolk -- Boston
Square Deal-Boston Chronicle Publishing Co.
African American Studies, Politics and Social Change, Race and Ethnicity, United States History
African American Studies
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.
Recommended Citation
The Boston Chronicle, "Boston Chronicle May 15, 1943" (1943). The Boston Chronicle Newspaper. 25.