The Boston Chronicle Newspaper
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This edition of the article provides readers with military updates. It highlists the accomplishments of servicemen and discusses a controversial court case regarding a soldier. It also discusses the Jamacian community This issue's headlines include: Page 1: ARSENAL WORKER IS HONORED; Jamacians To Hold National Parley; Naval Hero Gets Bravery Citation; Michinist Wins Recognition; Richard Walker In WMC Position; Citizens Protest Milk Price Rise; Sullivan Poll-Tax Resolution Tabled; Langston Hughes Gets Degree; Soldier Rape Case Awaits Supreme Court Move; WALTER WHITE TO LECTURE; Ingram Makes Navy Honor Grade; Miss Hammond Forms New Unit; Four Marines Promoted Sergts.; Fliers Finish Training; SS DOUGLASS To Be Launched Today Page 2: This page is primarily editoiral opinions Page 3: New England; D.C Dailies Scotch " Race Riot" Rumors; Page 4: WAAC SKETCHES; Roxbury Services Committee Formed; MASS. STATE UNION MEETS; Chinese Vengeance; Ministers Wives Council Meets; Aristo Holds Presentation Tea Page 6: SOCIAL PERSONALS CLUBS; Civil Liberties Union Meeting Feature Poll Tax; Andrew Johnson's Ex-Slave Dies Page 7: This page is primarily editoiral opinions Page 8: SPORTS; Drive for Negroes In Big Leagues Page 9: This page is primarily editoiral opinions
Collection Number
Clark Collection of African American Literature
Publication Date
Subject Heading
African Americans -- Massachusetts – Newspapers; Boston (Mass.)—Newspapers; African Americans; United States -- Massachusetts -- Suffolk -- Boston
Square Deal-Boston Chronicle Publishing Co.
African American Studies, Politics and Social Change, Race and Ethnicity, United States History
African American Studies
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.
Recommended Citation
The Boston Chronicle, "Boston Chronicle May 22, 1943" (1943). The Boston Chronicle Newspaper. 37.