"Boston Chronicle January 16, 1943" by The Boston Chronicle

The Boston Chronicle Newspaper



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This edition of the Boston Chronicle primarily discusses race relations. The paper describes the utilization of race riots by Nazi Germany for propaganda. It also discusses press censorship of African Americans, detailing the northern and southern US conflicts over segregation. The " To the Ladies" segment discusses a march tn Washington by the March on Washington Committee alongside one hundred African Americans. The demonstration was organized to protest nationwide oppression of African Americans. This portion of the paper also highlights women's various involvement in the WWII effort. These positions included linguists and the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps. This issue's headlines include: Page 1: DORCH IS BOOMED FOR JUDGE; Letters, Telegrams Flood Governor [Leverett Atonal former MA Governor]; Dining Car Employees Protest McNutt Ruling; Dr. George Washington Carver (THE WORLD MOURND HIS PASSING); NAZIS USE RACE RIOTS FOR PROPAGANDA; VICE PRESDENT LAUDS CARVER; Censorship of News Is Denied; Thelma Dale Takes Private Murphy's Job; Roger Williams, Chaplain Injured; Chaplain Reynolds At 12th Baptist; Ickes Dedicates Anderson Mural; Southern Custom Breeds Boston Unrest; LOCAL BOY AT PEARL HARBOR Page 2: Sergt. Joe Louis Has A Double; An Episode In The Life of Gen. Eisenhower; FROM A CHAPLAIN'S POINT OF VIEW Page 3: New England Events; WORCESTER; NEWTON, MASS.; WOBURN; MEDROD, MASS.; REPUBLIC'S "HIT PARADE OF 1943" FEATURES POPULAR COUNT BASIE; WESTERLY, R.I.; PAWTUCKETAVERTISING WAR TIME; Compensation For Defense Workers Page 4: To The Ladies!; HOUSEHOLD; A LADY COMMENTS; Socialist Party Raps McNutt; Army Want Women Linguists Page 5:Social Personal Clubs Page 6: A NEGRO JUDGE; HOUSES FOR WAR WORKERS Advertisements: Little Dixie; MAC'S AUTO SERVICE; BUY WAR BONDS

Collection Number

Clark Collection of African American Literature

Publication Date


Subject Heading

African Americans -- Massachusetts – Newspapers; Boston (Mass.)—Newspapers; African Americans; United States -- Massachusetts -- Suffolk -- Boston






Square Deal-Boston Chronicle Publishing Co.


African American Studies, Politics and Social Change, Race and Ethnicity, United States History




African American Studies


~music comic strip featured in paper ~there is a graph visualizing data representing employment rates of women in Germany & USA ~ talks about women's involvement in war efforts/ why more women should be involved ~features picture of WAACS [Women's Army Auxiliary Corps] departure from Des Mois ~war political cartoons on page 5 and 4 ~ music artist Count Basie featured on page 3

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Boston Chronicle January 16, 1943
