Suffolk Journal of Trial and Appellate Advocacy
Volume 22, Issue 1 (2017)
Table of Contents
JTAA Editors
Employment Law - Independent Contractor Employed by a Regulation: Sebago v. Boston Cab Dispatch, Inc., 28 N.E.3D 1139 (Mass. 2015)
Marlee. R. Stever
Editor's Note
Stephanie M. Toribio
Roadway to Reform: Assessing the 2015 Guidelines and New Federal Rule to the Indian Child Welfare Act's Application to State Courts
Allison E. Davis
To Whom Should We Point Our Stylus Allocating the Burden of Review in E-Discovery of Social Media Content
Rochella T. Davis
Botched: The Lethally Injected Effect of Glossip on the Future of Capital Punishment
Meghan Elizabeth Hall
Class Actions: How Easy Are They to Bring, and Why
Chelsey E. Turner
How Employers Can Reconcile the Tension between the Supreme Court's Holding in EEOC v. Abercrombie & Fitch Stores, Inc. and the EEOC's Guidelines Relating to Pre-Employment Inquiries
Bianca De Carvalho Munoz
Effective Criminal Sentencing: Analyzing the Effectiveness of the Federal Sentencing Guidelines on Career Offenders
Stephanie Marie Toribio