Representative Moakley with Representatives Bill Clay and Parren Mitchell, audio recording, 1974
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Collection Number
Congressman John Joseph Moakley Papers, 1926-2001 (MS100)
Subject Heading
Radio; United States -- Congress; Congressional Black Caucus
This recording includes five interviews with members of Congress that were broadcast on WILD as episodes of a radio show featuring Congressman John Joseph Moakley. In the first segment Representative Joe Moakley discusses the Anti-Poverty Agency and the Office of Economic Opportunity. The second interview he focuses on Summer Neighborhood Youth Corp. The third segment includes a discussion with Representative Parren Mitchell about housing legislation. In the fourth interview Congressman Moakley speaks about the Older Americans Act and the Elderly Program. The last segment includes a discussion with Representative Bill Clay and focuses on the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and public television.
Radio, United States -- Congress, Congressional Black Caucus
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.
Recommended Citation
Moakley, John Joseph; Clay, William L.; and Mitchell, Parren J., "Representative Moakley with Representatives Bill Clay and Parren Mitchell, audio recording, 1974" (1974). Congressman Moakley Papers Recordings. 19.