Representative Moakley with Nelson Cruickshank, President of the National Council of our Senior Citizens, audio recording and transcript, circa 1974
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Collection Number
Congressman John Joseph Moakley Papers, 1926-2001 (MS100)
Subject Heading
Radio; Older people -- Medical care -- Law and legislation; United States. -- Social Security Act; United States -- Congress
This recording includes two interviews with Nelson Cruickshank, the President of the National Council of Senior Citizens about issues facing older Americans. In the first segment Representative Moakley and Mr. Cruikshank discuss senior citizen healthcare funding and the Social Security Act. The second segment concerns senior citizen housing under the Federal Housing program. Both segments aired on WCOP as episodes of a radio show featuring Congressman Moakley discussing issues of national importance.
Radio, Older people -- Medical care -- Law and legislation, United States. -- Social Security Act, United States -- Congress
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Recommended Citation
Moakley, John Joseph and Cruickshank, Nelson H., "Representative Moakley with Nelson Cruickshank, President of the National Council of our Senior Citizens, audio recording and transcript, circa 1974" (1974). Congressman Moakley Papers Recordings. 17.