The following digitized content includes documents documenting Congressman Moakley's early life, his World War II service, his work in the Massachusetts House of Representatives and Senate, and in Congress.
For a full list of the collection, including non-digitized items, consult the Moakley Papers Collection Guide.
Confidential Memorandum to John Joseph Moakley from the staff of the Special Task Force regarding the report on the staff trip to El Salvador, 14 September 1990
Milton Menjivar
Buckland's statement is also included.
Letter from U.S. Colonel Milton Menjivar to General Rafael Humberte Larios, Minister of Defense and Public Security, 3 January 1990
Milton Menjivar
Letter includes information about the Jesuit murders as told by U.S. Major Eric Buckland. Buckland's signed statement is attached. Translated from Spanish to English by The Library of Congress Congressional Research Service.
Confidential telegram regarding meeting between El Salvador President Cristiani and John Joseph Moakley, 13 February 1990
John Joseph Moakley
Letter co-signed by: John Joseph Moakley, Joseph P. Kennedy, Edward J. Markey, Barney Frank, Martin T. Meehan, Peter G. Torkildsen, John W. Olver, Richard E. Neal, Gerry E. Studds
Letter from John Joseph Moakley to Bernard Aronson, Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs, 10 October 1990
John Joseph Moakley
Moakley requests Aronson's personal assurances on issues regarding the further questioning of U.S. Major Eric Buckland, the El Salvador judge's knowledge of Buckland's "additional" testimony, the Task Force's ability to review Buckland's U.S. interviews and lie detector results, and the contact information of all U.S. officials who participated in or were fully briefed on Buckland's statements.