The following digitized content includes documents documenting Congressman Moakley's early life, his World War II service, his work in the Massachusetts House of Representatives and Senate, and in Congress.
For a full list of the collection, including non-digitized items, consult the Moakley Papers Collection Guide.
Joe Moakley: Celebrating a Life of Service, a Legacy of Leadership
Moakley Archive and Institute, Suffolk University
This pamphlet provides an overview of Congressman Joe Moakley's life and career.
Letter from President Fidel Castro to Congressman John Joseph Moakley expressing sympathy for Moakley's illness (with Spanish translation), "23 April 2001 "
Fidel Castro
This is part of a series of documents related to the U.S. Economic and Trade Policy Toward Cuba.
Letter from President Fidel Castro to Congressman John Joseph Moakley regarding his illness (with English translation), 24 May 2001
John Joseph Moakley
This is part of a series of documents related to the U.S. Economic and Trade Policy Toward Cuba.
News Release: MTF Proposes Transportation Finance Plan, 23 March 2000
Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation
Congressman John Joseph Moakley's statement on U.S.-Cuba Policy at a New England-Canada Business Council event, 1 May 2000
John Joseph Moakley
This is part of a series of documents related to the U.S. policy toward Cuba.
Letter from Fred Salvucci to John Joseph Moakley regarding disputes about funding for the Central Artery/Third Harbor Tunnel project, 4 March 1999
United States. Congress. House. Speaker's Task Force on El Salvador.
Includes handwritten notes.
Overpayments of Premiums for the Central Artery Project's Owner-controlled Insurance Program
United States. Department of Transportation. Office of Inspector General
Report number: TR-1999-104. Includes cover memo from Lawrence H. Weintrob, Assistant Inspector General for Auditing.
Congressman John Joseph Moakley's Statement on U.S.- Cuba Policy for the Subcommittee on Trade of the House Ways and Means Committee, 7 May 1998
John Joseph Moakley
This is part of a series of documents related to the U.S. Economic and Trade Policy Toward Cuba.
Letter from members of Congress to President Fidel Castro urging the release of political prisoners, 16 July 1998
John Joseph Moakley
This is part of a series of documents related to the U.S. Economic and Trade Policy Toward Cuba.
Press release on Congressman John Joseph Moakley's testimony in support of H.R. 1951 before the Subcommittee on Trade of the House Ways and Means Committee, 7 May 1998
John Joseph Moakley
This is part of a series of documents related to the U.S. Economic and Trade Policy Toward Cuba.
Announcement of hearing on U.S. Economic and Trade Policy Toward Cuba, 21 April 1998
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Ways and Means.
This is part of a series of documents related to the U.S. Economic and Trade Policy Toward Cuba.