The following digitized content includes documents documenting Congressman Moakley's early life, his World War II service, his work in the Massachusetts House of Representatives and Senate, and in Congress.
For a full list of the collection, including non-digitized items, consult the Moakley Papers Collection Guide.
Telegram from South Boston resident regarding busing urging John Joseph Moakley to "come back to South Boston"
Please note that the Archives has redacted personal information such as names and street addresses from this document.
Telegram to John Joseph Moakley from constituent stating "Come to Boston now police brutality to women and children", 12 September 1974
Telegram from constituent to Joe Moakley asking Moakley to come back to Boston. Please note that the Archives has redacted personal information such as names and street addresses from this document.
Telegram to John Joseph Moakley from constituent stating, "Make public your anti-bussing stand before election and support it fully in Congress", 31 October 1974
Original telegram from constituent asking Joe Moakley to make his anti-busing stand public. Please note that the Archives has redacted personal information such as names and street addresses from this document.
John Joseph Moakley's testimony on busing for one of the "Jaffe Hearings," 23 March 1973
John Joseph Moakley
In early 1973, a series of hearings on the issue of busing were held, led by Harvard Law School professor Louis Jaffe.
Statement by Congresswoman Patricia Schroeder acknowledging John Joseph Moakley's legislative activities in support of economic and social equality for women, 3 December 1973
Pat Schroeder
From the Congressional Record (Vol. 119, No. 188), Proceedings and debates of the 93rd Congress, first session.
Thank you letter from John Joseph Moakley to "friends" upon election to congress, 11 November 1972
John Joseph Moakley
Chart includes data on precincts; approximate number of households; the number of democrats, republicans and independents; and the polling location.
1970 Negro Population by Household Relationship from 1970 Census of Population and Housing, First Count Summary Tape, 1970s
Mary Tompkins
This census identifies the African-American population in each district and categorizes heads of household.
1970 Number of Persons of Spanish Descent, Persons of Puerto Rican Birth or Parentage and Number of Persons of Spanish Language, 1970s
Mary Tompkins
This document identifies the total population in each district. The information was taken from the 1970 Census of Population and Housing and the Fourth Count Summary Tape.
Total Population by Race in the City of Boston, 1970
Mary Tompkins
This document identifies the total population in each district and categorizes district residents as White, Negro, American Indian, other (including Asians), and reported other races.
Constituent thank you letter to John Joseph Moakley regarding payment form ABCD, 1970s
Please note that the Archives has redacted personal information such as names and street addresses from this document.
"For Jimmy- busing" note describing John Joseph Moakley's stance on busing and actions he has taken around the issue, 1970s
Memorandum includes list of busing votes in the 93rd Congress.