The following digitized content includes documents documenting Congressman Moakley's early life, his World War II service, his work in the Massachusetts House of Representatives and Senate, and in Congress.
For a full list of the collection, including non-digitized items, consult the Moakley Papers Collection Guide.
Instituto de Derechos Humanos de la Universidad Centroamericana (IDHUCA) Report: Investigation still needed to determine who planned and ordered the Jesuit murders, 4 December 1991
Instituto de Derechos Humanos de la Universidad Centroamericana
Advance copy of the Lawyer Committee for Human Rights and The Americas report entitled "The Jesuit Case: The Jury Trial (La Vista Publica)," September 1991
Lawyers Committee for Human Rights (U.S.)
Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, The Americas, "Jesuit Murder Case Update", July-August 1991
Lawyers Committee for Human Rights (U.S.)
Also included is El Salvador: Proceso, No. 480, Special Issue, University of Central America Forum on the Jesuit Case with Representative John Joseph Moakley