The following digitized content includes documents documenting Congressman Moakley's early life, his World War II service, his work in the Massachusetts House of Representatives and Senate, and in Congress.
For a full list of the collection, including non-digitized items, consult the Moakley Papers Collection Guide.
Transcript of Esther Cassidy's interview of Elliot Abrams regarding his involvement with El Salvador
Esther Cassidy
Enemies of War, a documentary film produced by Esther Cassidy, examines the murders of six Jesuit priests in El Salvador and the subsequent political and social ramifications as seen through the eyes of a Salvadoran family, a United States congressman, an ex-ambassador and an American priest.
Transcript of Esther Cassidy's interview of Jim McGovern regarding his involvement with El Salvador (Tape 40-43)
Esther Cassidy
Enemies of War, a documentary film produced by Esther Cassidy, examines the murders of six Jesuit priests in El Salvador and the subsequent political and social ramifications as seen through the eyes of a Salvadoran family, a United States congressman, an ex-ambassador and an American priest.
Letter to John Joseph Moakley from General Juan Rafael Bustillo regarding Moakley's repeated references in the press to Bustillo's alleged involvement in the Jesuit murders and Moakley's urge for the Department of State to bar Bustillo entry into the U.S., 7 February 1992
Provincia Centroamericana de la Compañía de Jesús
Letter to John Joseph Moakley from General Juan Rafael Bustillo regarding Moakley's repeated references in the press to Bustillo's alleged involvement in the Jesuit murders and Moakley's urge for the Department of State to bar Bustillo entry into the U.S., 7 February 1992
Transcription of a press conference with Henry Campos and Sidney Blanco
Letter to Andre Surena from Drew C. Arena, Director, Office of International Affairs, Criminal Division regarding letter rogatory issued by the Judge of the Court of the Fourth Criminal Court in preparation of the prosecution of nine Salvadoran military service members accused of the murder of the Jesuit priests, their cook, and her daughter. Letter asks Surena to voluntarily answer the questions in the letter rogatory, 2 August 1991
Drew C. Arena
Letter to Captain Carlos Puentes from Drew C. Arena, Director, Office of International Affairs, Criminal Division regarding letter rogatory issued by the Judge of the Court of the Fourth Criminal Court in preparation of the prosecution of nine Salvadoran military service members accused of the murder of the Jesuit priests, their cook, and her daughter. Letter asks Puentes to voluntarily answer the questions in the letter rogatory, 2 August 1991
Drew C. Arena
Letter to Carmen DiPlacido, Director, Office of Citizens of Citizens Consular Services, U.S. Department of State from Drew C. Arena, Director, Office of International Affairs, Criminal Division regarding request for depositions in the case of the Jesuit murders in El Salvador, 12 August 1991
Drew C. Arena
Letter to Carol Buckland from Drew C. Arena, Director, Office of International Affairs, Criminal Division regarding letter rogatory issued by the Judge of the Court of the Fourth Criminal Court in preparation of the prosecution of nine Salvadoran military service members accused of the murder of the Jesuit priests, their cook, and her daughter. Letter asks Buckland to voluntarily answer the questions in the letter rogatory, 8 August 1991
Drew C. Arena
Letter to Colonel Milton Menjivar from Drew C. Arena, Director, Office of International Affairs, Criminal Division regarding letter rogatory issued by the Judge of the Court of the Fourth Criminal Court in preparation of the prosecution of nine Salvadoran military service members accused of the murder of the Jesuit priests, their cook, and her daughter. Letter asks Menjivar to voluntarily answer the questions in the letter rogatory, 2 August 1991
Drew C. Arena
Letter to Janice Elmore from Drew C. Arena, Director, Office of International Affairs, Criminal Division regarding letter rogatory issued by the Judge of the Court of the Fourth Criminal Court that was preparing for the prosecution of nine Salvadoran military service members accused of the murder of the Jesuit priests, their cook, and her daughter. Letter asks Elmore to voluntarily answer the questions in the letter rogatory, 2 August 1991
Drew C. Arena
Letter to Lieutenant Colonel William Hunter from Drew C. Arena, Director, Office of International Affairs, Criminal Division regarding letter rogatory issued by the Judge of the Court of the Fourth Criminal Court in preparation of the prosecution of nine Salvadoran military service members accused of the murder of the Jesuit priests, their cook, and her daughter. Letter asks Hunter to voluntarily answer the questions in the letter rogatory, 2 August 1991
Drew C. Arena
Letter to Major Douglas Lewis from Drew C. Arena, Director, Office of International Affairs, Criminal Division regarding letter rogatory issued by the Judge of the Court of the Fourth Criminal Court in preparation of the prosecution of nine Salvadoran military service members accused of the murder of the Jesuit priests, their cook, and her daughter. Letter asks Lewis to voluntarily answer the questions in the letter rogatory, 2 August 1991
Drew C. Arena
Letter to Major Eric Buckland from Drew C. Arena, Director, Office of International Affairs, Criminal Division regarding letter rogatory issued by the Judge of the Court of the Fourth Criminal Court in preparation of the prosecution of nine Salvadoran military service members accused of the murder of the Jesuit priests, their cook, and her daughter. Letter asks Buckland to voluntarily answer the questions in the letter rogatory, 6 August 1991
Drew C. Arena
Letter to Major Steve Donohoo from Drew C. Arena, Director, Office of International Affairs, Criminal Division regarding letter rogatory issued by the Judge of the Court of the Fourth Criminal Court in preparation of the prosecution of nine Salvadoran military service members accused of the murder of the Jesuit priests, their cook, and her daughter. Letter asks Donohoo to voluntarily answer the questions in the letter rogatory, 2 August 1991
Drew C. Arena