This collection includes works of scholarship submitted by the faculty of Suffolk University Law School.
Submissions from 2009
Cognition, Law, Stories, Stephen M. McJohn and Lorie Graham
Wikis While You Work: Incorporating Wikis in the Classroom, Samantha A. Moppett
Executing the Death Penalty: International Law Influences on United States Supreme Court Decision-Making in Capital Punishment Cases, Russell G. Murphy
"Like Snow [Falling] on a Branch...": International Law Influences on Death Penalty Decisions and Debates in the United States, Russell G. Murphy and Eric J. Carlson
The Silliest Rule of Professional Conduct: Model Rule 5.2(b), Andrew M. Perlman
No Matter What: The Inevitability of Mexican-US Migration and its Lessons for Border Control Strategies, Ragini Shah
The Substantive Principle of Equal Treatment, Patrick S. Shin
Reductio ad Hitlerum: Trumping the Judicial Nazi Card, Gabriel H. Teninbaum
What's on Your Playlist? The Power of Podcasts as a Pedagogical Tool, Kathleen Elliott Vinson
Digital Pro Bono: Leveraging Technology to Provide Access to Justice, Kathleen Elliott Vinson and Samantha A. Moppett
Submissions from 2008
The Earned Income Tax Credit as an Incentive to Report: Engaging the Informal Economy Through Tax Policy, John Infranca
Memo to Lawyers: How Not to 'Retire and Teach', Jeffrey M. Lipshaw
Models and Games: The Difference Between Explanation and Understanding for Lawyers and Ethicists, Jeffrey M. Lipshaw
Objectivity and Subjectivity in Contract Law: A Copernican Response to Professor Shiffrin, Jeffrey M. Lipshaw
Patents: Hiding from History, Stephen M. McJohn
Research Diagnostics: An Interactive Assessment Tool, Samantha A. Moppett
Diversity v. Colorblindness, Patrick S. Shin
An Empirical Study of Amici Curiae in Federal Court: A Fine Balance of Access, Efficiency, and Adversarial, Linda Sandstrom Simard
Private Medical and MassHealth Liens Made Simple, Gabriel H. Teninbaum
Watch, Listen, and Learn, Kathleen Elliott Vinson
Teaching in Practice: Legal Writing Faculty as Expert Writing Consultants to Law Firms, Kathleen Elliott Vinson and E. Joan Blum
Submissions from 2007
Of Fine Lines, Blunt Instruments, and Half-Truths: Business Acquisition Agreements and the Right to Lie, Jeffrey M. Lipshaw
Unethical Obedience by Subordinate Attorneys: Lessons from Social Psychology, Andrew M. Perlman
Road to Legal Writing Paved with Attention to Reader, Kathleen Elliott Vinson