The following digitized content includes documents documenting Congressman Moakley's early life, his World War II service, his work in the Massachusetts House of Representatives and Senate, and in Congress.
For a full list of the collection, including non-digitized items, consult the Moakley Papers Collection Guide.
Congressman John Joseph Moakley's Statement on Cuba Trip in the Congressional Record, 25 January 1996
John Joseph Moakley
This is part of a series of documents related to the planning of a Congressional trip to Cuba in 1996. The group held a conference called US-Cuba: A New England Perspective.
Memorandum from Mary Jeka to Mimi Brody, Kate English and Ellen Harrington with attached memorandum from Luke Thompson of the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority to Bruce Skud of the U.S. GAO, both regarding Boston Harbor project information, September 1996
John Joseph Moakley
Also included are recommendations for travel and health precautions while in El Salvador.
Press release regarding Congressman John Joseph Moakley's statement on the 1996 Cuba trip, 19 January 1996
John Joseph Moakley
This is part of a series of documents related to the planning of a Congressional trip to Cuba in 1996. The group held a conference called US-Cuba: A New England Perspective.
Transcript of a speech by Richard A. Nuccio at the Shaw Pittman Conference on Foreign Investment in Cuba, "U.S. Assistance to the Economic Reconstruction of a Transitional and Democratic Cuba," 26 January 1996
Richard A. Nuccio
Nuccio served as the Special Adviser to the President and Secretary of State for Cuba. This is part of a series of documents related to the Helms-Burton Cuban Embargo legislation (H. R. 927)
Letter and background information about arrangements for a trip to Cuba from J. Bernard Robinson of the ABC Forum on Cuba, Inc. to John Weinfurter, Congressman Moakley's chief of staff. 6 January 1996
Bernard J. Robinson
Includes information about travel restrictions and other aspects of US foreign policy regarding Cuba.This is part of a series of documents related to the planning of a Congressional trip to Cuba in 1996. The group held a conference called US-Cuba: A New England Perspective.
Letter from Letter from J. Bernard Robinson of the ABC Forum on Cuba, Inc. to R. Richard Newcomb, U.S. Department of the Treasury regarding a planned trip to Cuba, 12 January 1996
Bernard J. Robinson
This is part of a series of documents related to the planning of a Congressional trip to Cuba in 1996. The group held a conference called US-Cuba: A New England Perspective.
Letter from Michael J. Ryan of the ABC Forum on Cuba, Inc. to Steven I. Pinter of the U.S. Department of Treasury seeking a license to travel to Cuba. 2 January 1996
Michael J. Ryan
This is part of a series of documents related to the planning of a Congressional trip to Cuba in 1996. The group held a conference called US-Cuba: A New England Perspective.
Memo from Michael J. Ryan of the ABC Forum on Cuba, Inc. to John Weinfurter, Congressman Moakley's chief of staff, providing a status updates on arrangement for a trip to Cuba. 6 January 1996
Michael J. Ryan
Includes an overview of the trip's purpose and the travel license. This is part of a series of documents related to the planning of a Congressional trip to Cuba in 1996. The group held a conference called US-Cuba: A New England Perspective.
Moakley-Gryska debate strategy memorandum, 22 October 1996
Michael Shea
Memo describes strategies for a debate between John Joseph Moakley and Paul Gryska.
Moakley-Gryska debate strategy memorandum, 25 October 1996
Michael Shea
Memo describes strategies for a debate between John Joseph Moakley and Paul Gryska.
Letter from Congressman Gerald B. Solomon to Congressman John Joseph Moakley expressing concern about his recent travels to Cuba. 24 January 1996
Gerald B. Solomon
This is part of a series of documents related to the planning of a Congressional trip to Cuba in 1996. The group held a conference called US-Cuba: A New England Perspective.
Fax from Susan Trabucchi of the ABC Forum on Cuba, Inc. to John Weinfurter, Congressman Moakley's chief of staff, providing a status updates from the U.S. Department of Treasury related to the 1996 trip to Cuba. 16 January 1996
Susan Trabucci
This is part of a series of documents related to the planning of a Congressional trip to Cuba in 1996. The group held a conference called US-Cuba: A New England Perspective.
Letter from John Joseph Moakley to Tom Bevill regarding the Boston Harbor Navigation Improvement Project, 30 July 1996
United States. Congress. House. Speaker's Task Force on El Salvador.
Press release "Kennedy, Kerry and Moakley announce funds for port of Boston dredging", 13 September 1996
United States. Congress. House. Speaker's Task Force on El Salvador.
Includes handwritten notes.
News release, Gull-Free zone Begins to be Established on Monomoy Refuge, 24 June 1996
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Letter from Secretary of State Warren Christopher to House Speaker Newt Gingrich expressing opposition to Helms-Burton bill (H.R. 927), 20 September 1995
Warren Christopher
This is part of a series of documents related to the Helms-Burton Cuban Embargo legislation (H. R. 927)
Internal transcript of an address by President Bill Clinton about Cuba policy, 26 June 1995
Bill Clinton
This is part of a series of documents related to the Helms-Burton Cuban Embargo legislation (H. R. 927)
Dear Colleague letter from Representative Ronald V. Dellums opposing Helms-Burton bill (H.R. 927), 18 September 1995
Ronald V. Dellums
This is part of a series of documents related to the Helms-Burton Cuban Embargo legislation (H. R. 927)