The following digitized content includes documents documenting Congressman Moakley's early life, his World War II service, his work in the Massachusetts House of Representatives and Senate, and in Congress.
For a full list of the collection, including non-digitized items, consult the Moakley Papers Collection Guide.
House Democratic Leadership newsletter "Today's Message", 22 February 1995
House Democratic Leadership
House Democratic Leadership newsletter "Today's Message: GOP cuts school lunch program", 24 February 1995
House Democratic Leadership
Press package for Roll Call from the House Rules Committee Democrats on "Republican Broken Promises," circa 1995
House Rules Committee Democrats
Form letter from the Joint Corporate Committee on Cuban Claims to U.S. senators expressing opposition to Helms-Burton bill (H.R. 927), "10 October 1995 "
Joint Corporate Committee on Cuban Claims
This is part of a series of documents related to the Helms-Burton Cuban Embargo legislation (H. R. 927)
Dear Colleague letter from Congressman John Joseph Moakley expressing concerns related to provisions in the Helms-Burton Cuban Embargo legislation (H. R. 927), 22 June 1995
John Joseph Moakley
This is part of a series of documents related to the Helms-Burton Cuban Embargo legislation (H. R. 927)
Letter from Congressman John Joseph Moakley to President Bill Clinton expressing concern over US policy towards Cuba, 12 April 1995
John Joseph Moakley
This is part of a series of documents related to the Helms-Burton Cuban Embargo legislation (H. R. 927)
Letter from Robert L. Muse to Senator William Cohen expressing concern on behalf of his client, Amstar, related to the Title III provision of the Helms-Burton Cuban Embargo bill (H.R. 927), 20 September 1995
Robert L. Muse
This is part of a series of documents related to the Helms-Burton Cuban Embargo legislation (H. R. 927)
Letter from the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA to members of Congress urging for their opposition to the Helms-Burton Bill (H.R. 927), 19 September 1995
National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA
This is part of a series of documents related to the Helms-Burton Cuban Embargo legislation (H. R. 927)
Transcript of a speech by Richard A. Nuccio at a West Point Society event, " Prospects for a Peaceful , Democratic Transition in Cuba: U.S. Perspective," 8 September 1995
Richard A. Nuccio
Nuccio served as the Special Adviser to the President and Secretary of State for Cuba. This is part of a series of documents related to the Helms-Burton Cuban Embargo legislation (H. R. 927)
Transcript of a speech by Richard A. Nuccio at the Sugar Industry of Cuba Institute, " U.S. Policy on Cuba," 8 December 1995
Richard A. Nuccio
Nuccio served as the Special Adviser to the President and Secretary of State for Cuba. This is part of a series of documents related to the Helms-Burton Cuban Embargo legislation (H. R. 927)
Transcript of a speech by Richard A. Nuccio, "Promoting Civic Culture and Support of the Cuban People," 6 December 1995
Richard A. Nuccio
Nuccio served as the Special Adviser to the President and Secretary of State for Cuba. This is part of a series of documents related to the Helms-Burton Cuban Embargo legislation (H. R. 927)
Constituent correspondence with John Joseph Moakley regarding the Veterans Administration (V.A,.) Outpatient Clinic at 251 Causeway St. in Boston, 22 February 1995
Oficina de Tutela Legal del Arzobispado
This report is written in Spanish.
Letter from J. Bernard Robinson of the ABC Forum on Cuba, Inc. inviting Congressman John Joseph Moakley to participate in a trip to Cuba., 14 December 1995
Bernard J. Robinson
It also includes correspondence with the U.S. Department of Treasury Department about obtaining a license to travel to Cuba. This is part of a series of documents related to the planning of a Congressional trip to Cuba in 1996. The group held a conference called US-Cuba: A New England Perspective.
Letter from J. Bernard Robinson of the ABC Forum on Cuba, Inc. to Ambassador Fernando Remirez De Estenoz of the Cuban Interest section, asking for help from the Cuban government related to a US Congressional trip to Cuba, 14 December 1995
Bernard J. Robinson
This is part of a series of documents related to the planning of a Congressional trip to Cuba in 1996. The group held a conference called US-Cuba: A New England Perspective.
Letter from Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen to President Bill Clinton urging him to deny travel visas for the congressional trip to Cuba, 26 October 1995
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
This is part of a series of documents related to the Helms-Burton Cuban Embargo legislation (H. R. 927)
Memorandum, "Repositioning JJM," to the Moakley Committee from Boyce W. Slayman, 12 January 1995
Boyce Slayman
Memo describes the republican held Congress, John Joseph Moakley's public image, the campaign message, fundraising, and personal life.