The following digitized content includes documents documenting Congressman Moakley's early life, his World War II service, his work in the Massachusetts House of Representatives and Senate, and in Congress.
For a full list of the collection, including non-digitized items, consult the Moakley Papers Collection Guide.
National Fire Prevention Safety Association (NFPA) Staff Response Concerning FEMA RFP EMW-86-2277 and Comparing NFPA and TRIDATA Proposals, 11/18/1986
National Fire Prevention Safety Association
This document is part of the literature produced or received by Congressman Joe Moakley's office related to his effort to pass legislation requiring the manufacture of fire-safe cigarettes.
TriData Corporation's proposal for the "Investigation of Major Fires" project for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), circa 1986
TriData Corporation
This document is part of the literature produced or received by Congressman Joe Moakley's office related to his effort to pass legislation requiring the manufacture of fire-safe cigarettes.
Letter from Archbishop Arturo Rivera y Damas to the United States Congress, 15 November 1985
Arturo Rivera Damas
Letter has been translated from Spanish to English.
Constituent letter to John Joseph Moakley regarding the International Whaling Commission, 25 June 1985
International Whaling Commission
Please note that the Archives has redacted personal information such as names and street addresses from this document.
Draft of H.R.822 sponsored by Congressman John Joseph Moakley.
John Joseph Moakley
The provisions of H.R.822 included a GAO investigation on the conditions of displaced Salvadorans and a temporary stay of detention and deportation of certain Salvadorans.
News Release titled "Moakley Introduces Bill to Temporarily Halt the Deportation of Salvadorans"
John Joseph Moakley
Press release announcing Congressman John Joseph Moakley's introduction of H.R. 822.
Statement by Congressman John Joseph Moakley on H.R. 822 before the Subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees and International Law, 7 November 1985
John Joseph Moakley
The legislation, introduced by Congressman John Joseph Moakley, called for a GAO investigation on the conditions of displaced Salvadorans and a temporary stay of detention and deportation of certain Salvadorans.
Human rights in El Salvador: Report for the period January-December 1984
The Archbishop Oscar Romero Christian Legal Aid Service
Newsletter: "ALERT, Information from the Union of Councils for Soviet Jews," 30 June 1985
Union of Councils for Soviet Jews
Report regarding allegations that the United States funded the Salvadoran death squads, 15 April 1985
United States. Department of Justice. Criminal Division
Letter to Congressman John Moakley from the International Committee for the Yelistratovs, 17 July 1985
Sharon Weintraub and Vicki Yudenfriend
The organization sent a letter thanking Congressman John Joseph Moakley for writing to Russian President Mikhail Gorbachev regarding the plight of Victor and Batsheva Yelistratov
Letter from Richard Scanlan of the Tobacco Institute to New York Assembly Member Pete Grannis regarding their stance on fire-safe cigarette legislation, 3/5/1984
Richard Scanlan
The Tobacco Institute sent a variation of this letter to members of state legislatures that were considering fire-safe cigarettes standards for their state. A member of Grannis's staff forwarded the letter to Congressman Moakley.
Testimony by John Joseph Moakley before the Subcommittee on Health and the Environment on the cigarette safety act (H.R. 1880), 21 March 1983
Juan Rafael Bustillo
Includes handwritten annotations regarding potential response to Bustillo.
Letter to Joseph E. Clarkson, Chief, Registration Unit, Internal Security Section, Criminal Division from Roberto Daglio, President, ATEX Inter-America, Inc. regarding his resignation as Officer Director of Salvadoran Coalition for Freedom and Independence, Inc. and the induction of the new president, Roberto Quinonez-Meza, 26 April 1983
Roberto Daglio
U.S. Policy Towards Undocumented Salvadorans, Mini Brief Number MB82223 (Library of Congress, Major Issues System), 8 August 1983
Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service.