The following digitized content includes documents documenting Congressman Moakley's early life, his World War II service, his work in the Massachusetts House of Representatives and Senate, and in Congress.
For a full list of the collection, including non-digitized items, consult the Moakley Papers Collection Guide.
Remarks of Congressman John Joseph Moakley before the National Association of Manufacturers about the legislative veto
John Joseph Moakley
Congressman Moakley discusses his stance on the use of the legislative veto and the implications of the Supreme Court ruling on INS v Chadha.
The Churchwomen Murders: a report to the Secretary of State by Harold R. Tyler, Jr.
Harold R. Tyler
This report, written at the request of the US Department of State, reviews the evidence surrounding the investigation into the murder of four American churchwomen, Ita Ford, Maura Clarke, Dorothy Kazel, and Jean Donovan, in El Salvador in 1980.
Letter and forms regarding the registration of the Salvadoran Coalition for Freedom and Independence, Inc. under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, 11 January 1983
United States. Department of Justice. Criminal Division
Letter from the Assistant Secretary for Congressional Relations responding to Congressman John Joseph Moakley's letter about his opposition to the training of Salvadoran military personnel in the United States and continued support of the government of El Salvador by the US, 5 March 1982
Powell Allen Moore
Washington Post article, "ACLU Criticizes El Salvador Over Human Rights Record" and excerpts from a Joint Report on Human Rights in El Salvador
American Civil Liberties Union and Americas Watch Committee (U.S.)
Memorandum by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, "The Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) in El Salvador," 5 February 1982
American Israel Public Affairs Committee
Two Dear Colleague letters regarding an end to U.S. military involvement in El Salvador and co-sponsorship of H.J. Res. 426. Also includes a New York Times article by Tommie Sue Montgomery. March 1982
George Brown and Phillip Burton
Includes a list of bill co-sponsors and a handwritten note by a Moakley staffer: "We're #1, see back page." Co-sponsors: George Brown, Philip Burton, John Conyers, Don Edwards, Robert Kastenmeier, Benjamin S. Rosenthal
Letter to Congressman John Joseph Moakley from constituent Ron Capling objecting to President Reagan's decision to certify the human rights situation in El Salvador and provide military aid to El Salvador, 14 February 1982
Ron Capling
The constituent urges Congressman John Joseph Moakley to support H.J. Res. 399.
Citizens for Participation in Political Action (CPPAX) leaflet, "Which Side are you on? The Positions of the Massachusetts Delegation on Aid to El Salvador," 1982
Citizens for Participation in Political Action (Mass.)
Draft of the Hatfield Resolution on El Salvador, 1982
Mark Hatfield
The provisions of the Hartfield Resolution on El Salvador, introduced by Senator Mark Hatfield, includes provisions to cut military assistance and to encourage a cease-fire between the warring parties.