The following digitized content includes documents documenting Congressman Moakley's early life, his World War II service, his work in the Massachusetts House of Representatives and Senate, and in Congress.
For a full list of the collection, including non-digitized items, consult the Moakley Papers Collection Guide.
"What have you got against Reaganomics?" Campaign advertisement for John Joseph Moakley, 1982
John Joseph Moakley
This advertisement was published in the Parkway/West Roxbury Transcripts, the West Bridgewater Times, East Bridgewater Star, and Bridgewater Independent.
"What have you got against Reaganomics?" Campaign advertisement for John Joseph Moakley, 1982
John Joseph Moakley
This advertisement was published in the Parkway/West Roxbury Transcripts, the West Bridgewater Times, East Bridgewater Star, and Bridgewater Independent.
A copy of an Oxfam America Special Report on El Salvador sent to Congressman John Joseph Moakley from a constituent and a letter from members of Congress to Secretary of State Alexander Haig regarding the murder of American nuns in El Salvador, 1982
Jim Phillips
The Oxfam article and the letter to the Secretary of State were clipped together.
January 1982 issue of Cambodia Today newsletter
Save Cambodia, Inc.
Newsletter issue focuses on: Cambodian Refugees in the U.S.
News Release from the Americans for Democratic Action, "An End to Assistance to the Military Government of El Salvador," 1981
Americans for Democratic Action
Joint press release and letter from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the Americas Watch Committee regarding the Reagan Administration's certification for El Salvador and a letter from Congressman John Joseph Moakley to a constituent regarding conditions in Guatemala, 1981-1982
Americas Watch Committee; American Civil Union and John Joseph Moakley
These items were clipped together.
Dear Colleague letter and briefing info from Congressman John Porter and Senator Paul Simon about the case of Soviet dissident Zachar Zunshine, 1981-1984
Chicago Action for Soviet Jewry and John Porter
Includes "The Zunshine Papers" which provides details about Zunshine's case.
Draft letter by James P. McGovern criticizing the Reagan Administration's policy in Latin America; also includes Congressman John Joseph Moakley's statement in the Congressional Record about the American nuns murdered in El Salvador, 1981
James P. McGovern and John Joseph Moakley
The letter by James P. McGovern and Moakley's Congressional Record statement were clipped together.
Draft letter from Congressman John Joseph Moakley to Speaker Tip O'Neill regarding the first anniversary of the nuns murdered in El Salvador in 1980, 1981
John Joseph Moakley
Includes handwritten edits
Letter from Carlos Alfredo Valladares urging recipient not to return to El Salvador, 16 June 1981
Carlos Alfredo Valladares
Report on Salvadoran refugees in Honduras, 1980s
International Commission for the Defense of Salvadoran Refugees